已閱讀1頁,還剩19頁未讀, 繼續(xù)免費(fèi)閱讀




1、<p>  Floor Heating </p><p>  Is the radiant floor heating to warm the short, in English, Radiant Floor Heating, based on the entire surface of heat sink, through the radiant floor layer of the thermal

2、coal, uniform heating throughout the ground, using ground-based heat storage and heat up their own law of radiation by the next First to conduction, to achieve the purpose of heating. </p><p><b>  地暖&l

3、t;/b></p><p>  地暖是地板輻射采暖的簡稱,英文為Radiant Floor Heating,是以整個(gè)地面為散熱器,通過地板輻射層中的熱媒,均勻加熱整個(gè)地面,利用地面自身的蓄熱和熱量向上輻射的規(guī)律由下至上進(jìn)行傳導(dǎo),來達(dá)到取暖的目的。 </p><p>  First, what is to warm </p><p>  ince the for

4、mation of foot to head indoors, gradually decreasing the temperature gradient, which gives a head cold feet warm comfort. Floor radiant heating in line with traditional Chinese medicine "warm enough and the top cold

5、" fitness theory, is the most comfortable heating method, but also a symbol of modern quality of life.</p><p><b>  一、什么是地暖</b></p><p>  由于在室內(nèi)形成腳底至頭部逐漸遞減的溫度梯度,從而給人以腳暖頭涼的舒適感。地面輻射供

6、暖符合中醫(yī)“溫足而頂涼”的健身理論,是目前最舒適的采暖方式,也是現(xiàn)代生活品質(zhì)的象征。 </p><p>  Second, to warm the history of </p><p>  Floor radiant heating (hereinafter referred to warm) is an ancient and new technologies. Heating the

7、 ground in China can be traced back to the Ming dynasty, in order to have a royal palace of heating methods, such as the existing China's Forbidden City, Qi Hao underground brick flue in the winter, pass through the

8、flue and the rational allocation of tobacco smoke out of windows in order to achieve the then spread to warm brick interior, so that indoor produce a warm effect. Occur in rural areas </p><p><b>  二、地暖

9、的歷史</b></p><p>  地面輻射供暖(簡稱地暖)是一項(xiàng)既古老又嶄新的技術(shù)。在我國地面采暖可追溯到明朝末年,為皇宮王室才能擁有的取暖方式,如現(xiàn)存我國的故宮,在青磚地面下砌好煙道,冬天通過煙道傳煙并合理配置出煙窗以達(dá)到把青磚溫?zé)岫髠鞯绞覂?nèi),使室內(nèi)產(chǎn)生溫暖的效果。以后我國北方農(nóng)村出現(xiàn)火墻、火炕的取暖方式,韓國、日本出現(xiàn)地炕。從古至今,人類不斷傳承文明,開拓創(chuàng)新,發(fā)展進(jìn)步?,F(xiàn)在隨著科技時(shí)代的到來

10、,地面供暖技術(shù)已從原始的煙道散熱火炕式采暖發(fā)展成為以現(xiàn)代材料為熱媒的地面輻射供暖。該技術(shù)早在上世紀(jì)30年代就在發(fā)達(dá)國家開始應(yīng)用,我國在50年代就已將技術(shù)應(yīng)用于人民大會(huì)堂、華僑飯店等工程中。 </p><p>  Third, to warm the classification of </p><p>  Floor radiant heating in accordance with

11、the different heating methods can be divided into plumbing and electrical heating, but there are electric heating heating cab-le heating and electric heating film divided. Plumbing the low temperature hot water floor

12、radiant heating is a temperature no higher than 60 ℃ hot water for hot coal, circulating in the heating pipe, heating thefloor, through the ground to radiation and convection heat transfer means of heating to the indoor

13、heat. Heating ca</p><p><b>  三、地暖的分類</b></p><p>  地面輻射供暖按照供熱方式的不同主要分為水暖和電暖,而電暖又有發(fā)熱電纜采暖和電熱膜采暖之分。</p><p>  水暖即低溫?zé)崴孛孑椛涔┡且詼囟炔桓哂?0℃的熱水為熱媒,在加熱管內(nèi)循環(huán)流動(dòng),加熱地板,通過地面以輻射和對流的傳熱方式向

14、室內(nèi)供熱的供暖方式。</p><p>  發(fā)熱電纜地面輻射供暖是以低溫發(fā)熱電纜為熱源,加熱地板,通過地面以輻射和對流的傳熱方式向室內(nèi)供熱的供暖方式。常用發(fā)熱電纜分為單芯電纜和雙芯電纜。</p><p>  低溫輻射電熱膜是一種通電后能發(fā)熱的半透明聚酯薄膜,由可導(dǎo)電的特制油墨、金屬載流條經(jīng)加工、熱壓在絕緣聚酯薄膜間制成。工作時(shí)以碳基油墨為發(fā)熱體,將熱量以輻射的形式送入空間,使人體得到溫暖。

15、</p><p>  Fourth, to warm the advantages of </p><p>  ① comfort, health, health care: ground radiant heating is the most comfortable way of heating, indoor surface temperature uniformity at room

16、 temperature, gradually decreasing from the bottom up, giving people a good cold feet warm feeling of the first; easily polluted air caused by convection, Indoor clean air; improve blood circulation, promote metabolism.

17、</p><p>  ② to save space, beautify the living room: Interior canceled the radiator and the branch pipes, the increased use of space, to facilitate renovation and decoration of our homes to reduce health cor

18、ners. </p><p> ?、?efficient energy-saving: radiation heating, convection heating a relatively high thermal efficiency, heat concentrated in the human body within a high degree of benefit; transmission proces

19、s of heat loss is small; low-temperature floor radiant heating may apply stratified, household, sub-room control, users can Depending on the situation to control, effective energy conservation. </p><p>  ④ t

20、hermal stability: the ground floor and concrete floor heating on the ground build heat, thermal stability, in the intermittent heating conditions, the indoor temperature change is slow. </p><p> ?、?operating

21、 costs low: energy-efficient than other heating equipment, about 20%, which may take advantage of low-temperature hot water or the use of price policy to reduce operating costs.</p><p><b>  四、地暖的優(yōu)點(diǎn)<

22、/b></p><p> ?、偈孢m、衛(wèi)生、保?。旱孛孑椛涔┡亲钍孢m的供暖方式,室內(nèi)地表溫度均勻,室溫由下而上逐漸遞減,給人以腳溫頭涼的良好感覺;不易造成污濁空氣對流,室內(nèi)空氣潔凈;改善血液循環(huán),促進(jìn)新陳代謝。</p><p> ?、诠?jié)約空間、美化居室:室內(nèi)取消了暖氣片及其支管,增加使用面積,便于裝修和家居布置,減少衛(wèi)生死角。 </p><p> ?、鄹咝Ч?jié)能

23、:輻射供暖方式較對流供暖方式熱效率高,熱量集中在人體受益的高度內(nèi);傳送過程中熱量損失小;低溫地面輻射供暖可實(shí)行分層、分戶、分室控制,用戶可根據(jù)情況進(jìn)行調(diào)控,有效節(jié)約能源。</p><p> ?、軣岱€(wěn)定性好:地面供暖地面層及混凝土層蓄熱量大,熱穩(wěn)定性好,在間歇供暖的條件下,室內(nèi)溫度變化緩慢。</p><p> ?、葸\(yùn)行費(fèi)用低:較其它供暖設(shè)備節(jié)能約20%,可充分利用低溫?zé)崴Y源或利用電價(jià)政策,

24、降低運(yùn)行費(fèi)用。 </p><p>  fifth, to warm pavement Note </p><p>  Floor heating is concealed in the floor with the following plastic pipes or heating cab-les to achieve the heating, so hidden in the unde

25、r-floor pipes and other heat transfer medi-um material and insulation material that affect the quality of life of the main floor. To heat-ing system design is reasonable, ground heating pipe, heating cable pavement locat

26、ion, the l-oop interval is reasonable, the construction quality is any impact on the effectiveness of t-he main reasons for the use of warm, bo</p><p>  At present, due to start-up floor heating in the marke

27、t stage, the home improvement to heating companies was mixed, design and construction capabilities mixed, poor choice cou-ld easily cause great damage to the client a few years the problem once exposed to potent-ially di

28、sastrous ways. In part, warm company is not a long-term vision of business markets, but can be fishing for a thought on the fishing a result, many users suffering immensely, and not half of it urges construction companie

29、s to w</p><p>  五、地暖鋪裝注意事項(xiàng)</p><p>  地板采暖是借助隱蔽于地板下面的塑料管道或發(fā)熱電纜來實(shí)現(xiàn)供暖,因此隱蔽于地板下的管道等熱媒傳輸材料及保溫材料的質(zhì)量是影響地板使用壽命的主要原因。地暖系統(tǒng)設(shè)計(jì)是否合理,地暖管材、發(fā)熱電纜鋪裝位置、環(huán)路間隔是否合理,施工質(zhì)量是影響地暖使用功效的主要原因,兩者均不能忽視,才能高枕無憂。</p><p&g

30、t;  目前,由于地板采暖處于市場起步上升階段,家裝地暖公司魚龍混雜,設(shè)計(jì)施工能力參差不齊,選擇不當(dāng),極易給客戶造成極大的損失,幾年之后問題一旦暴露,后患無窮。部分地暖公司不是以長遠(yuǎn)眼光經(jīng)營市場,而是能撈一把就撈一把的思想,致使很多用戶深受其苦,不是施工半截地暖公司不知去向,就是施工完畢供暖不熱不暢,一方面由于地暖公司自身問題造成,另一方面也反映出很多用戶圖一時(shí)便宜造成。部分地暖公司為降低成本而偷工減料,使用材料上,選擇低質(zhì)低價(jià)管材及輔

31、料,鋪裝時(shí)加大管材間距,或使用低一級規(guī)格的管材,造成地暖系統(tǒng)運(yùn)行未達(dá)到預(yù)期的效果,并埋下隱患。行業(yè)專家提示,要想享受沒有后顧之憂的地板采暖,一定要選擇專業(yè)正規(guī),有一定規(guī)模資質(zhì)的地暖公司施工,而不要以圖一時(shí)便宜,花了不必要的“學(xué)費(fèi)”。 </p><p>  sixth, real warm Frequently Asked Questions </p><p>  1, floor heat

32、ing system, long life? </p><p>  Ground heating system pipe service life is the life of the main speakers, because some of the ground can be replaced, therefore, to warm the EAC is the key to life. Now used

33、to pipe heating system is generally PE-RT, PEX (a, b, c), Pb and other pipe, PE-RT The use of 65 degrees below, the working pressure of no more than 0.4Mpa, PEX, Pb pipes in the usage of public conditions (pressure, temp

34、erature) are superior to PE-RT, a long-term working temperature can be 95 degrees to 70 degrees of zero ra</p><p>  Floor Heating Systems price structure from the ground cover material selection, control sys

35、tem and is equipped with a heat source of decision. </p><p>  Hidden structure of underground pipe, insulation material and a variety of DPM, materials vary widely different prices, the same selection, the p

36、rice differences are generally not large, low prices can only mean that selected the counterfeit can not even achieve the basic performance requested. For different user needs, to warm the company launched several kinds

37、of floor heating system packages. </p><p>  Control system is equipped with depending on the user would like to achieve comfort and cost-effective, in order to achieve different control properties, select th

38、e system prices may vary by tens of times, and now a lot of ground heating unit did not design capability, is not without control system, that is blindly select a a single high-end products, the system does not match the

39、 reach should be a control effect. To warm company can be tailored for different users to design, material selection,</p><p><b>  六、地暖常見問題</b></p><p>  1、地板采暖系統(tǒng)的使用壽命多長?</p>&l

40、t;p>  地暖系統(tǒng)使用壽命主要講是埋管的使用壽命,因?yàn)榈厣喜糠挚梢愿鼡Q,因此,地暖選管是使用壽命的關(guān)鍵。 現(xiàn)在用于地暖系統(tǒng)的管材一般為PE-RT、PEX(a、b、c)、Pb管材等,PE-RT的使用在65度以下,工作壓力不超過0.4Mpa,PEX、Pb管材的使用工況(耐壓、耐高溫)都優(yōu)于PE-RT,長期工作溫度可在95度至零70度范圍內(nèi)。但Pb管材造價(jià)較高,固市場應(yīng)用較少。PEX無論在國內(nèi)、國外因其性能穩(wěn)定、價(jià)格適中被廣泛應(yīng)用,P

41、E-Xb是地暖系統(tǒng)中應(yīng)用最早也是最廣,最為成熟的地暖管材,其中綜合性能pe-xb為優(yōu),地暖管材的生產(chǎn)符合標(biāo)準(zhǔn),設(shè)計(jì)和使用在正常的產(chǎn)品標(biāo)準(zhǔn)范圍內(nèi),實(shí)際壽命都超過50年,可以認(rèn)為:地暖系統(tǒng)基本與建筑物壽命相當(dāng)。</p><p>  2、地板采暖系統(tǒng)造價(jià)如何?</p><p>  地暖系統(tǒng)價(jià)格由地下隱蔽結(jié)構(gòu)選材、控制系統(tǒng)以及熱源的配備情況決定的。</p><p>  地下

42、隱蔽結(jié)構(gòu)中的管材、保溫材料及各種輔材,選材不同價(jià)格相差很大,相同的選材,價(jià)格差別一般不會(huì)很大,過低的價(jià)格只能意味著選取了偽劣甚至不能達(dá)到基本性能要求的材料。 針對不同用戶需求,地暖公司推出數(shù)種地板采暖系統(tǒng)套餐。</p><p>  控制系統(tǒng)的配備取決于用戶想達(dá)到的舒適度和性價(jià)比,為達(dá)到不同的控制性能,選取的系統(tǒng)價(jià)格可能相差數(shù)十倍,現(xiàn)在不少地暖隊(duì)伍沒有設(shè)計(jì)能力,不是沒有控制系統(tǒng),就是盲目選取某一單項(xiàng)高端產(chǎn)品,使系統(tǒng)

43、不匹配,達(dá)不到應(yīng)獲得的控制效果。地暖公司 可針對不同用戶進(jìn)行量體裁衣式設(shè)計(jì)、選材、施工,滿足不同層次客戶需求。 </p><p>  3, radiant floor heating how the running costs like? </p><p>  The running costs of radiant floor heating than convection heatin

44、g system can often be reduced by 20% -40%. </p><p>  Now many articles on the comparison of the lack of comparability of operating expenses: first, the room where the floors, the room toward, wall insulation

45、 status, size, and whether to adopt the double glazing insulating glass, etc., causing the house insulation, thermal conditions vary widely, such as single house multi-faceted wall direct contact with the outside world m

46、ore heat, if the insulation does not do well, the room to achieve the same temperature, the heat may be required for the multi</p><p>  4, the plot is the central heating can be installed in heating system?

47、 Heating or central air-conditioning central heating in residential hot water supply temperature of 60 - 90 ℃, if they are directly connect to the regular (PE-RT) temperature of the floor heating system is clearly to

48、o high, not only because of high surface temperatures caused by the human body discomfort, but also reduces the ground heating system life. To warm the company imported mixed center in the central heating-home</p>

49、<p>  3、地板輻射采暖的運(yùn)行費(fèi)用怎么樣?</p><p>  地板輻射采暖的運(yùn)行費(fèi)用通常可以比對流供暖系統(tǒng)降低20%-40%。</p><p>  現(xiàn)在很多文章對運(yùn)行費(fèi)用的對比缺乏可比性:首先房間所在樓層、房間朝向、墻體保溫狀況、玻璃窗大小及是否采用雙層中空玻璃等造成房子保溫、散熱狀況相差很大,譬如單體別墅多面墻體直接與外界接觸散熱多些,如果保溫做得不好,房間要達(dá)到同樣溫

50、度,所需供熱量可能成倍增加。其次,每個(gè)家庭的使用習(xí)慣不同,不同家庭需要的舒適溫度相差2~5℃,也有的家庭習(xí)慣早晚兩次各半小時(shí)開窗自然通風(fēng),這些都對運(yùn)行費(fèi)用造成影響。地板采暖采用輻射方式供暖,供暖符合人體生理需求曲線,室內(nèi)設(shè)定溫度即使比對流式采暖低 2~5 ℃ , 也能使人們有相同的溫暖感覺 , 同時(shí)地板采暖采用低溫?zé)嵩?,溫差傳熱損失大大減小,熱效率較對流供暖大大提高,這可使系統(tǒng)運(yùn)行費(fèi)用降低20~30%。如果選取、使用了控制系統(tǒng)得當(dāng),不僅

51、可以提高房間舒適度,更可以使系統(tǒng)運(yùn)行費(fèi)用降低至40%以至更多。 </p><p>  4、小區(qū)是集中供熱,可以安裝地暖系統(tǒng)嗎?</p><p>  可以。暖氣或中央空調(diào)集中供熱的小區(qū)熱水供應(yīng)溫度為 60 - 90 ℃,如果直接連接普通(PE-RT)地板采暖系統(tǒng)顯然溫度過高,不僅會(huì)因地表溫度過高造成人體不適,還降低了地暖系統(tǒng)的壽命。地暖公司采用進(jìn)口混流中心,在集中供熱入戶端設(shè)立混流旁路連接地

52、板采暖系統(tǒng),將地板采暖系統(tǒng)的水溫控制在地暖所需的 30 - 50 ℃溫度,或是采用耐高溫(95℃)的地暖管材(PE-Xb、Pb),即可使用地板采暖系統(tǒng)</p><p>  5, you need to to do the boiler heating system is designed to buy?</p><p>  In the northern region in general

53、 have a special offer to warm water heating, ground heating system design can take advantage of the company's existing natural gas, electricity, solar energy, ground-source heat pumps, air source heat pump, heat and

54、other heat sources other systems. In the warm southern regions to the north does not look like a central heating, south wall-hung boilers household use is generally able to provide heating and domestic hot water! Of cour

55、se, sometimes the need for furt</p><p>  5.需要為地暖系統(tǒng)專門購買鍋爐嗎?</p><p>  在北方地區(qū)一般都有專門的供熱公司提供地暖熱水,地暖公司的系統(tǒng)設(shè)計(jì)可以利用現(xiàn)有天然氣、電、太陽能、地源熱泵、空氣源熱泵、其他系統(tǒng)余熱等各種熱源。在南方地區(qū)地暖就不像北方一樣是集中供熱,南方地區(qū)家庭使用一般是壁掛爐,能同時(shí)提供供暖和生活熱水!當(dāng)然,有些時(shí)候

56、需要對現(xiàn)有的熱源進(jìn)行一些改造,譬如,現(xiàn)在開發(fā)商都是按照小區(qū)最大采暖面積所需熱負(fù)荷進(jìn)行鍋爐型號選擇,對于小區(qū)內(nèi)較大的戶型,采用地暖后熱水循環(huán)管路加長,鍋爐自帶管道循環(huán)泵揚(yáng)程可能不夠,導(dǎo)致地暖系統(tǒng)溫度上不去,這時(shí)就可能需要增加一個(gè)管道循環(huán)泵,這種情況要在我們看到您的鍋爐說明書后經(jīng)計(jì)算再行判定?!?lt;/p><p>  6, how to choose floor heating products? To achiev

57、e good heating effect, to warm the product selection should be guided by the following principles: First of all, to choose an experienced professional to warm company. To warm the industry known as "the six sub-pro

58、ducts, a quarter of install" feature, the heating system from the program design, product selection, construction and installation to after-sales service, professional self-evident, without the participation of prof

59、essionals, on the o</p><p>  6、如何選擇地板采暖產(chǎn)品?</p><p>  要想取得良好的采暖效果,地暖產(chǎn)品的選擇應(yīng)遵循以下原則:</p><p>  首先,要選擇經(jīng)驗(yàn)豐富的專業(yè)地暖公司。地暖行業(yè)素有“六分產(chǎn)品、四分安裝”的特點(diǎn),采暖系統(tǒng)從方案設(shè)計(jì)、產(chǎn)品選型、施工安裝到售后服務(wù),專業(yè)性不言而喻,如果沒有專業(yè)人員的參與,一方面會(huì)影響采暖

60、效果或?qū)е孪到y(tǒng)壽命大為降低,另一方面會(huì)在長期使用中加大系統(tǒng)能耗、增加使用費(fèi)用。</p><p>  其次,要選擇性能優(yōu)異的產(chǎn)品、性價(jià)比較高的系統(tǒng)。地板采暖是一項(xiàng)系統(tǒng)工程,專業(yè)的地暖公司可以根據(jù)用戶房間的結(jié)構(gòu)、朝向、布局進(jìn)行圖紙?jiān)O(shè)計(jì)和確定施工方案,有針對性地選擇高質(zhì)量性能、高性價(jià)比的管材、保溫材料、控制系統(tǒng),既可避免游擊隊(duì)偷工減料為長期使用埋下隱患,又可以使系統(tǒng)性價(jià)匹配,達(dá)到舒適、節(jié)能的總體效果。 </p&g

61、t;<p>  7, laying to warm after the number of rooms on the ground should be heightened? Purchase of affordable housing (usually storey 2.6 m clear height less than 2.5 m) used to warm the owners are most concerne

62、d about, the higher the number of the ground. Floor Heating systems can shop for different surface materials design, such as the use of solid wood flooring, insulation layer and ground heating pipes laid on the wooden fl

63、oor under the keel in, or backfilling floor heating will not play after the</p><p>  7、鋪設(shè)地暖后,房間地面要加高多少?</p><p>  購買經(jīng)濟(jì)適用房(一般層高為 2.6 米,凈高不到 2.5 米)的業(yè)主最關(guān)心采用地暖后,地面增高了多少。地暖系統(tǒng)可以針對不同地面鋪材進(jìn)行設(shè)計(jì),比如采用實(shí)木地板,保溫

64、層和地暖管材鋪設(shè)在木地板下的龍骨中,或是地板采暖回填后不打龍骨直接鋪設(shè)實(shí)木地板,地面基本不會(huì)提升;采用地磚和石材,回填層可以結(jié)合地磚和石材的鋪設(shè)進(jìn)行施工,對房間高度的占用可以降低到 2-4cm 。 對于購買商品房的業(yè)主(一般層高大于 2.8 米),大可不必考慮地板采暖系統(tǒng)對房高的占用,只需考慮不同房間朝向、功能選取什么地面鋪材,地暖公司會(huì)給出專業(yè)的設(shè)計(jì)方案,最大程度上提高用戶的舒適度。 </p><p>  8,

65、 what stages of work are more appropriate time limit to how long? Floor heating in the water after the transformation process will end, and water can also be decorated, strong or weak power system reform in conjunction.

66、 Simple control of about 120 square meters flat layer of housing, floor heating construction period of 2-3 days, backfill layer conservation period of time will be different according to the season has been different; fo

67、r the control system require a higher Unit of the thermocl</p><p>  8、什么階段施工較為合適,工期要多久?</p><p>  地板采暖可以在水電改造工序全部結(jié)束后進(jìn)行,也可以和水裝修、強(qiáng)弱電系統(tǒng)改造結(jié)合進(jìn)行。簡單控制的120平米左右的平層房屋,地板采暖施工工期為2-3 天,回填層涵養(yǎng)期根據(jù)季節(jié)不同所需時(shí)間會(huì)有所差別;對

68、于控制系統(tǒng)要求較高的躍層戶型,工期需要一周左右,回填層涵養(yǎng)期根據(jù)季節(jié)不同所需時(shí)間也會(huì)有所差別。另外,鋪設(shè)地暖系統(tǒng)要非常注意埋管不被后續(xù)裝修施工破壞</p><p>  9, install ground warm, the ground can choose any decorative material? Is now on the market a variety of qualified decorati

69、ve wood flooring, wood laminate flooring, three-tier structure, carbonized bamboo flooring, laminate flooring, stone, tiles, linen carpets, wool carpets, cement, bricks, rubber flooring and floor covering and other decor

70、ative materials can be used in floor heating. Simply different flooring materials, thermal conductivity, the user should be doing to warm the former tells u</p><p>  9、安裝地暖,地面可以選擇什么裝飾材料? </p><p>

71、;  現(xiàn)在裝飾市場上各種合格的實(shí)木地板、實(shí)木復(fù)合地板、三層結(jié)構(gòu)碳化竹地板、強(qiáng)化木地板、石材、瓷磚、亞麻地毯、毛地毯、水泥磚、橡膠地板和地板革等裝飾材料都可以用于地板采暖。只是不同地板材料導(dǎo)熱系數(shù)不同,用戶應(yīng)在做地暖前告訴我們要選取的裝飾材料,以便地暖公司在熱負(fù)荷計(jì)算時(shí)予以考慮。</p><p>  Floor Heating</p><p>  Is the radiant floor h

72、eating to warm the short, in English, Radiant Floor Heating, based on the entire surface of heat sink, through the radiant floor layer of the thermal coal, uniform heating throughout the ground, using ground-based heat s

73、torage and heat up their own law of radiation by the next First to conduction, to achieve the purpose of heating. </p><p>  First, what is to warm </p><p>  Since the formation of foot to head i

74、ndoors, gradually decreasing the temperature gradient, which gives a head cold feet warm comfort. Floor radiant heating in line with traditional Chinese medicine "warm enough and the top cold" fitness theory, i

75、s the most comfortable heating method, but also a symbol of modern quality of life. </p><p>  Second, to warm the history of </p><p>  Floor radiant heating (hereinafter referred to warm) is an

76、ancient and new technologies. Heating the ground in China can be traced back to the Ming dynasty, in order to have a royal palace of heating methods, such as the existing China's Forbidden City, Qi Hao underground br

77、ick flue in the winter, pass through the flue and the rational allocation of tobacco smoke out of windows in order to achieve the then spread to warm brick interior, so that indoor produce a warm effect. Occur in rural a

78、reas </p><p>  Third, to warm the classification of </p><p>  Floor radiant heating in accordance with the different heating methods can be divided into plumbing and electrical heating, but ther

79、e are electric heating heating cable heating and electric heating film divided. </p><p>  Plumbing the low temperature hot water floor radiant heating is a temperature no higher than 60 ℃ hot water for hot c

80、oal, circulating in the heating pipe, heating the floor, through the ground to radiation and convection heat transfer means of heating to the indoor heat. </p><p>  Heating cable floor radiant heating is a l

81、ow-temperature heating cable as heat source, heating the floor, through the ground to radiation and convection heat transfer means heating to indoor heating. Common heating cable is divided into single-core cables and tw

82、in-core cables. </p><p>  Low-temperature radiation heating after the film is a kind of power can heat translucent polyester film, made from special conductive ink, the metal carrier, as amended, processing,

83、 and hot in the rooms made of polyester film insulation. Work with carbon-based ink for heat body heat in the form of radiation into space, so that the human body to be warm. </p><p>  Fourth, to warm the ad

84、vantages of </p><p> ?、?comfort, health, health care: ground radiant heating is the most comfortable way of heating, indoor surface temperature uniformity at room temperature, gradually decreasing from the b

85、ottom up, giving people a good cold feet warm feeling of the first; easily polluted air caused by convection, Indoor clean air; improve blood circulation, promote metabolism. </p><p> ?、?to save space, beaut

86、ify the living room: Interior canceled the radiator and the branch pipes, the increased use of space, to facilitate renovation and decoration of our homes to reduce health corners. </p><p>  ③ efficient ener

87、gy-saving: radiation heating, convection heating a relatively high thermal efficiency, heat concentrated in the human body within a high degree of benefit; transmission process of heat loss is small; low-temperature floo

88、r radiant heating may apply stratified, household, sub-room control, users can Depending on the situation to control, effective energy conservation. </p><p> ?、?thermal stability: the ground floor and concre

89、te floor heating on the ground build heat, thermal stability, in the intermittent heating conditions, the indoor temperature change is slow. </p><p> ?、?operating costs low: energy-efficient than other heati

90、ng equipment, about 20%, which may take advantage of low-temperature hot water or the use of price policy to reduce operating costs. </p><p> ?、?long life: low-temperature floor heating in the plastic tubing

91、 or heating cables buried underground, good stability, non-corrosive, no one for the destruction, life and buildings simultaneously. Compared with convection heating to save maintenance and replacement costs. </p>

92、<p>  ⑦ adaptability: the impact of equipment from outdoor temperature, greatly extending the life of heating systems. [1] </p><p>  5, to warm pavement Note </p><p>  Floor heating is con

93、cealed in the floor with the following plastic pipes or heating cables to achieve the heating, so hidden in the under-floor pipes and other heat transfer medium material and insulation material that affect the quality of

94、 life of the main floor. To heating system design is reasonable, ground heating pipe, heating cable pavement location, the loop interval is reasonable, the construction quality is any impact on the effectiveness of the m

95、ain reasons for the use of warm, both of</p><p>  At present, due to start-up floor heating in the market stage, the home improvement to heating companies was mixed, design and construction capabilities mixe

96、d, poor choice could easily cause great damage to the client a few years the problem once exposed to potentially disastrous ways. In part, warm company is not a long-term vision of business markets, but can be fishing fo

97、r a thought on the fishing a result, many users suffering immensely, and not half of it urges construction companies to war</p><p>  6, real warm Frequently Asked Questions </p><p>  1, floor he

98、ating system, long life? </p><p>  Ground heating system pipe service life is the life of the main speakers, because some of the ground can be replaced, therefore, to warm the EAC is the key to life. Now use

99、d to pipe heating system is generally PE-RT, PEX (a, b, c), Pb and other pipe, PE-RT The use of 65 degrees below, the working pressure of no more than 0.4Mpa, PEX, Pb pipes in the usage of public conditions (pressure, te


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