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1、<p>  本科畢業(yè)論文(設計)</p><p><b>  外文翻譯</b></p><p>  題 目 某企業(yè)企業(yè)文化建設研究 </p><p>  學 院 商學院 </p>

2、<p>  專 業(yè) 人力資源管理 </p><p>  班 級 人力091 </p><p>  學 號 200952115132

3、 </p><p>  學生姓名 </p><p>  指導教師 </p><p>  外文題目 Positive culture-in the era of the t

4、ea party </p><p>  外文出處 Leadership Excellence </p><p>  外文作者 Rennie Davis

5、 </p><p><b>  原文一 : </b></p><p>  Positive Culture--in the era of the Tea Party</p><p>  Rennie Davis</p><p>  I admit to a bad case of channel su

6、rfing. I click through the news for a little CNN Wolf Blitzer, switchfor a taste of Bill O’Reilly’s Fox News before turning to Rachael Maddow’s MSNBC. It doesn’t seem to matter the political disposition of the network—mo

7、st embrace the viewer’s insatiable appetite for news anger. Anyone can take their evening stroll into the upset world of Sean Hannity, switch to Keith Obermann’s Worst Persons in the World, then watch Glen Beck at his ch

8、alk board before tuning i</p><p>  Tea party fierce speech caused a worry in the United States. "The voice of America" say, August and day is the American civil rights leader Martin Luther King pub

9、lished famous speech "I have a dream" 47 anniversary of the day, there are two field position opposition rally in Washington, the two rally to the future put forward different point of view. Conservatives hold

10、larger protest rally has hundreds of thousands of people attended, majority is support tea party's white, they played the "resto</p><p>  Tea party rise reflects the domestic conservative forces of

11、policy discontent, also caused the American media in a position of "build-up". In the Washington post, the New York times newspaper, the tea party demonstration reports rarely on the front page, the position is

12、 not conspicuous. The Nobel Prize winner Paul krugman in the New York times published comments, tea party rally is not spontaneous, but by conservative groups on the basis of the republican opponent, it is against an old

13、 trick. Ca</p><p>  Business is not immune from the fall-out of finger-pointing, negative attacks, and darkening mood. Pockets of cynicism can spread like a contagion.In some businesses, the pockets aren’t j

14、ust pockets anymore—the blame game has claimed the entire culture . A business culture is where people work—and no other advantage remotely compares to the competitive power of an inspired culture. The attitudes, behavio

15、rs, core values, perceptions,and prejudices that shape a business are embedded in its culture</p><p>  When people intensify their fingerpointing,cynicism can swiftly pull down the passion and performance of

16、 the enterprise. It may not be apparent how the company should adjust and respond either. Management typically thinks it has to accept the blame game. When an entire culture goes negative, the company tries to live with

17、its sidetaking divisions, emotional outbursts, and morale disorders while the business is robbed of its life and promise.</p><p>  Managers may insist they understand the value of an inspired culture, but fe

18、w give culture-building the priority it requires. Changing a culture from negative to positive can seem desirable,but when leaders are not engaged or the methodology is not apparent, even companies willing to devote thei

19、r valued resources to creating a positive culture can feel frustrated with the results.</p><p>  Of the many strategies for improving profitability in a sluggish cautious market, culture nourishing tops the

20、list.How to achieve the great culture is the great question. In the era of the tea party, the right course can seem elusive.</p><p>  In Good to Great, Jim Collins describes the characteristics that create s

21、ustainable performance and competitive advantage.His work dissects the great cultures of selected companies to show how their common features inspire passion, clear core values, modest leadership, timeless principles, st

22、rong work ethics and a hiring process that ensures new recruits have the positive character traits for the great culture. Yet few leaders take Collin’s freedom road out of their negative culture because they</p>&

23、lt;p>  Management has to till its own garden before the new culture will take root and grow.</p><p>  Transforming a culture may require other challenging decisions, such as having an outplacement strateg

24、y for individuals who won’t subscribe to the values, principles and standards of performance of the new culture. Building an inspiring new culture also requires an environment of trust. Because of these factors, leaders

25、may conclude that changing their culture can’t be done. The great culture, however, may be the only strategy able to create an enduring competitive advantage in an era of tea pow</p><p>  Culture-building ne

26、eds every stakeholder to join in a positive collaborative alignment with passion for the mission.As the external environments turn hateful, effective culture building may be the only course of action that can elevate a b

27、usiness above all others.</p><p>  The great culture is the most valuable business mission imaginable—and it’s achievable. It is the enterprise based on its specific properties, task, principle, time request

28、 and the direction of development, and carefully culture and the formation of enterprise group spirit of members. It through the enterprise staff conscious practice reflected. Therefore, it is the staff and workers of th

29、e enterprise idea consciousness and enterprising psychological the alienated. When people are pre-disposed a</p><p>  Some leaders think that philosophy isn’t relevant to the bottom line when, in fact, philo

30、sophy is the key element in a great culture. Indeed, timeless philosophies are cornerstones for great culture.Concept culture is actually concept identification system of a part, is the enterprise culture of the superstr

31、ucture, which is based on the cultural level of the enterprise culture system category. Can be broken down as the spirit of enterprise, the enterprise tenet, enterprise values, etc. Concept c</p><p>  Mahatm

32、a Gandhi said, you have to“be the change you want to see in the world.” William Blake wrote “enlightenment means taking full responsibility for your life.” Socrates said, ‘“l(fā)et him who would move the world first move him

33、self.” Lao Tsu stated that “when you are content to be yourself and don’t compare or compete, everyone will respect you.” Again, such philosophies can be valuable cornerstones for the great culture.</p><p> 

34、 No business can create the great culture when the blame game is imbedded in its problem-solving process. To create a blame-free culture, you have to grasp the consequences of what happens when you blame. You can never c

35、reate your own reality with blame. You turn your power over and become a victim when you blame. When entering the business, everyone has to leave blame at the door—put blame aside and learn how to create useful solutions

36、 without generating the negative consequences that boomerang </p><p>  The great culture realizes that a person’s own negative thoughts create their own negative experiences. Through the effective way to tur

37、n the negative into the positive.Turning a culture from negative to positive involves two steps: 1) creating inspiring customs that enable employees and managers to creatively work together without sabotage or blame;and

38、2) inviting each individual to realize the destructive power of negative thoughts to sabotage desired outcomes.</p><p>  New practices are needed that solve problems with curiosity rather than blame. When th

39、e practices are effective and rewarding, many people will feel enthusiasm for them. The new practices should create amazing individual experiences that give each person their own direct evidence of the exceptional value

40、of the new direction. People should experience the benefit of these practices in their personal lives as well.</p><p>  To end the blame and heal sarcastic negativity, use these tools and practices:</p>

41、;<p>  ? Better than imagined: When people can greet challenge with the certainty that the outcome will be Better Than Imagined, the results will be impressive.</p><p>  ? Culture cornerstones: Expres

42、sing gratitude, appreciation, and respect changes people’s body armor from closed and tight to open and curious.</p><p>  ? Mastering negative egos: Negative egos sabotage the person who has them.Behind ever

43、y emotional reaction, a negative ego is lurking. Instead of being your reaction, try to notice your reaction—to find the ego behind the reaction.You can then give it a name (angry ego, sabotaging ego, victim ego) and edi

44、t it. By observing negative reactions, eventually you can remove every negative ego from the problem-solving process.</p><p>  ? Feeling great body chemistry: When a person is stressed or fearful, the body d

45、oesn’t feel great. Inspiring practices for shifting out of depression, stress, and fear into a perception that every new event and aspect of life will be Better Than Imagined change the body chemistry. Practices that alt

46、er how people feel inside their own skin provide fabulous culture-changing solutions.</p><p>  Date Source:Rennie Davis.Positive culture:In the era of the tea party[J].Leader-</p><p>  ship Exce

47、llence,2010(8):P10-11.譯文一 :</p><p>  茶黨時代下的積極文化</p><p><b>  倫尼·戴維斯</b></p><p>  我承認這是一個很糟糕的網(wǎng)上沖浪經(jīng)歷。我點擊鼠標在網(wǎng)上查看美國有線電視關(guān)于布利茲的一些新聞,然后再轉(zhuǎn)到蕾切爾的微軟全國廣播前,又查看了關(guān)于比爾的??怂剐侣勵l道。這似乎并不

48、是互聯(lián)網(wǎng)政治上的支配問題——它們大多數(shù)迎合了讀者對于新聞憤怒的永不滿足的胃口。任何人都可以在肖恩的令人沮喪的世界散步,然后轉(zhuǎn)到基斯的《世界上最差的人》,接著,在轉(zhuǎn)到克里斯的《最后言語》感受一些憤怒前,又去觀看貝克的《在他的黑板前》。</p><p>  茶黨激烈言論在美國國內(nèi)引起了擔心?!懊绹簟狈Q,8月28日是美國民權(quán)領(lǐng)袖馬丁·路德·金發(fā)表著名演講“我有一個夢想”47周年,當天有兩場立場對

49、立的集會在華盛頓舉行,這兩場集會對美國的未來提出了不同的觀點。保守派舉行的較大抗議集會有幾十萬人參加,多數(shù)是支持茶黨的白人,他們打出了“恢復美國榮譽”的口號。而另外一場是由民權(quán)組織舉行的集會?!懊绹簟睂懙?,當天警察遍布華盛頓,以便打斷雙方任何可能的爭吵。文章?lián)鷳n地稱,“許多人已經(jīng)忘了馬丁·路德·金所說的全體美國人要團結(jié)起來的話”。</p><p>  茶黨興起反映了美國國內(nèi)保守派勢力對政策


51、抗議遭到批評,自由派媒體稱茶黨集會就是被福克斯炒起來的。</p><p>  商業(yè)對于這些責難,負面的攻擊,和抑郁的東西是無法免疫的。玩世不恭可以像傳染病一樣蔓延。這樣的一個玩世不恭的口袋不僅僅只是一個口袋了,相互指責的現(xiàn)象已經(jīng)存在整個文化中。企業(yè)文化是在人們工作的地方,而且沒有什么能夠和這種鼓勵性的,富有競爭力量的文化相比的文化。塑造一個企業(yè)的態(tài)度、行為、價值核心、洞察力和偏見都植根于它的企業(yè)文化中。積極的企業(yè)


53、企業(yè)成功的關(guān)鍵因素。一個企業(yè)不論你規(guī)模大小,人數(shù)多少,經(jīng)營什么行業(yè),員工的整體職業(yè)素養(yǎng)和行為規(guī)范都影響著企業(yè)的管理成本和運營效率,甚至決定著企業(yè)的生死存亡。因此確定企業(yè)的基本準則和形成員工的行為規(guī)范至關(guān)重要,員工的行為規(guī)范</p><p>  當人們在加強對他人的指責行為時,憤世嫉俗可以快速地壓低對于事業(yè)的那種熱情和執(zhí)行力。它也許不能很明顯地顯示出一個公司應該怎樣去調(diào)整或者回應這些事情。管理層一般會認為公司應該接

54、受這樣的指責。當整個文化都走向消極時,公司開始試圖從它的小部門,情感爆發(fā)和道德混亂中存活。然而,企業(yè)的生命和希望已經(jīng)被奪走了。</p><p>  管理者們也許會堅持認為他們懂得積極文化的價值,但很少有人會給出相應的文化建設。把消極文化變?yōu)榉e極文化看起來是極好的,但是如果領(lǐng)導者不從事這種文化建設或者建設文化的方法不明顯,即使公司愿意致力于把它們的價值資源改造成積極的文化,那得到的結(jié)果也會是令人沮喪的。</p

55、><p>  在眾多為了能在低迷的市場上取得利潤的策略中,培養(yǎng)企業(yè)文化為首選。怎樣才能獲得好的文化是一個大問題。在茶黨的時代,選擇正確的方法似乎很難。</p><p>  在《從優(yōu)秀到卓越》中,吉姆把這些特征描繪為持續(xù)的表現(xiàn)和富有競爭力的優(yōu)勢。他的作品通過挑選幾家企業(yè)來剖析這一解析,結(jié)果顯示了這些企業(yè)的一些共同特征是如何激勵熱情,形成清晰的核心價值觀,謙遜的領(lǐng)導,少時原則,強烈的工作道德,良好

56、的招聘過程。這些都是好的文化中所吸收的一些積極特征。然而,很少有領(lǐng)導者能夠在吉姆的理論中去去除他們的消極文化,因為他們?nèi)狈δ欠N深深的渴望,并長久地恪守他們自身的消極性。當說到構(gòu)建好的文化時,有句古諺說到:你必須改變自己才能相應地改變這個世界。當領(lǐng)導者不檢討和改變他們自身的行為和模式時,積極的文化建設將倒塌。相似的景象將重新回歸。</p><p>  在新的文化生根成長前,管理者必須耕種好自己的莊園。</p&

57、gt;<p>  變革一種文化可能需要其他的具有挑戰(zhàn)性的決策,例如,為那些不贊同新的文化價值、文化原則和表現(xiàn)規(guī)范的個體進行崗外安置。構(gòu)建鼓舞人心的新文化同時也需要一個相互信任的環(huán)境。因為這些因素,領(lǐng)導者也許會得出結(jié)論說他們的文化是不能夠被挑戰(zhàn)的。好的文化可能會是在茶話會時代里能夠創(chuàng)造出長久而富有競爭力的優(yōu)勢的唯一策略。</p><p>  文化的構(gòu)建需要每一個股東抱著對這個任務的巨大熱情共同參與到一

58、個統(tǒng)一的合作戰(zhàn)線。隨著外部環(huán)境變得惡劣起來,有效的文化構(gòu)建可能是一整套實施活動中唯一能夠提升業(yè)績的活動。</p><p>  好的文化是最可用的業(yè)務任務,并且它是具有實現(xiàn)性的。它是企業(yè)基于自身特定的性質(zhì)、任務、宗旨、時代要求和發(fā)展方向,并經(jīng)過精心培養(yǎng)而形成的企業(yè)成員群體的精神風貌。它要通過企業(yè)全體職工有意識的實踐活動體現(xiàn)出來。因此,它又是企業(yè)職工觀念意識和進取心理的外化。當人們有這種傾向并且領(lǐng)導者覺得這種領(lǐng)導方式

59、是鼓舞人心的時候,任何一個公司都可以安排一個聚合事件,這些事件有明確定義的和具有溝通性的價值,一個能使每個人充滿熱情和斗志地向同一個方向努力的鼓舞人且具有社會有用性的持續(xù)任務;一個具有衡量性、交流進程性、知識性和能夠給團隊和個人進行常規(guī)獎勵的執(zhí)行性的系統(tǒng);用強調(diào)個人責任、自我意識、創(chuàng)造力、好奇心和完美表現(xiàn)的積極理念來替代責備。</p><p>  一些領(lǐng)導者認為理念跟底線無關(guān)。實際上,理念是偉大文化的關(guān)鍵組成部分

60、,永恒的理念是偉大文化的基石。理念文化其實就是理念識別系統(tǒng)的一個部分,是企業(yè)文化的上層建筑,就是基于文化層面的企業(yè)文化體系范疇。可以分解為企業(yè)精神、企業(yè)宗旨、企業(yè)價值觀等。 理念文化是企業(yè)文化的主心骨。因為任何品牌一開始都已經(jīng)在定位、延伸自己的理念文化。也就是企業(yè)精神,比如民間企業(yè)的精神可能最初就是老板的精神,都是以老板的經(jīng)營意向、精神為依托的。理念文化是從企業(yè)CIS戰(zhàn)略版塊之一的理念識別系統(tǒng)延伸、演繹出來的,是基于理念識別系統(tǒng)進行提煉

61、、濃縮、延伸的企業(yè)文化范疇。理念識別(MI)是最高決策層,是導入文化的原動力,是企業(yè)的精神所在。它包括精神標語、經(jīng)營理念、經(jīng)營方針、座右銘¨¨¨MI也是一種符號,是一種企業(yè)理念文化的識別符號。當此符號發(fā)揮有效功能時,無形中對員工產(chǎn)生潛移默化、教導的作用,使員工能肯定自己在公司工作的意義,進而提高士氣。</p><p>  圣雄說到,你必須改變才能看到你想看到的世界。威廉·布

62、萊克寫到,啟蒙運動意味著你必須對自己的人生負責。蘇格拉底說,讓推動世界前進的人先推進自己前進。老撾也說到,當你滿足于自己,不與他人比較和競爭時,每個人都會尊重你。再一次說明,這樣的哲學理念是偉大文化的基石。</p><p>  當責備嵌入解決問題的過程中時,企業(yè)不可能創(chuàng)造出偉大的企業(yè)文化。為了創(chuàng)造一個可以多加攝取的文化,你必須抓住當你做出責備時,會產(chǎn)生怎樣的后果。你永遠不能用責備創(chuàng)造出一個你自己的現(xiàn)實。當進行商業(yè)

63、活動的時候,每個人都必須把責備放到一邊,學會怎樣找到不帶消極后果的解決問題的有效方法。消極想法的一個重要特征就是缺乏進取精神, 消極想法伴隨著失望、喪志、抑郁、頹廢等不良心態(tài)。如得不到及時、有效的控制,將會帶來嚴重的后果, 長此以往,會使人形成消極情緒狀態(tài),甚至導致心理不正常,影響人的身心健康。</p><p>  偉大的文化可以意識到個人自身的消極想法可以帶來消極的后果。通過有效的方式將消極轉(zhuǎn)變?yōu)榉e極,把消極文

64、化轉(zhuǎn)化為積極文化需要以下兩步:第一,創(chuàng)造鼓舞人心的習慣,使員工和經(jīng)理們創(chuàng)造性地一起工作而沒有怠工或責備;第二,邀請每一個個體來感覺消極的想法的破壞力能妨礙想要的結(jié)果。</p><p>  新的實踐需要解決問題的好奇心,而不是指責。當實踐是有效的和有益的,很多人會感覺到他們的熱情。新的實踐應該創(chuàng)造出令人驚異的個人經(jīng)驗,給每個人自己的直接證據(jù)的額外價值的新方向。人們也應該在他們的個人生活中體驗這些實踐的好處。<

65、/p><p>  結(jié)束責備和治愈尖刻的消極,使用這些工具和實踐:</p><p>  ·比想象的好:當人們可以迎接挑戰(zhàn)的必然結(jié)果會比想象的好,結(jié)果將是令人印象深刻的</p><p>  ·文化基礎(chǔ):表達感謝、尊重、欣賞和改變?nèi)藗儚姆忾]自我空間中釋放出來。</p><p>  ·掌握負面自我:負面自我破壞他人。在每一次

66、情緒反應,一個負面的自我是潛伏的東西,而不是你的反應,試著注意到你的反應來找到自我背后的反應。然后您可以給它一個名字(憤怒的自我、破壞自我、受害者自我)和編輯它。通過觀察負面反應,最終你可以刪除每一個負面的自我從而解決問題。</p><p>  資料來源:Rennie Davis.Positive culture:In the era of the tea party[J] Leadership Excellen

67、ce,2010(8):P10-11.</p><p>  本科畢業(yè)論文(設計)</p><p><b>  外文翻譯</b></p><p>  題 目 某企業(yè)企業(yè)文化建設研究 </p><p>  學 院

68、 商學院 </p><p>  專 業(yè) 人力資源管理 </p><p>  班 級 人力091 </p><p>  學 號

69、 200952115132 </p><p>  學生姓名 </p><p>  指導教師 </p><p>  外文

70、題目 Enterprise culture:necessary in promoting enterprise </p><p>  外文出處 Journal of Enterpring Culture </p><p>  外文

71、作者 Steven Carter </p><p><b>  原文二 :</b></p><p>  Enterprise culture:necessary in promoting enterprise</p><p>  Steven Carte

72、r</p><p>  The paper investigates the effects of the Zimbabwean national culture on enterprise development. In-depth interviews were carried out with fifteen entrepreneurs and seven members of the community

73、whose role was to support entrepreneurs. It was established that the national culture impeded enterprise development and the factors identified are: bad debt culture, let's-pull-him-downsyndrome, dependency syndrome,

74、 high living, and absence of role models, refusal to accept entrepreneurship, employing </p><p>  INTRODUCTION</p><p>  Earlier research on enterprise development mainly focused on the personal

75、characteristics/traits of the individual, such as the need for achievement, locus of control, the ability to take risk, etc (McClelland, 1962; McClelland and Winter, 1969; Bellu, 1988; Rotter, 1966). Curran (1994) argued

76、 that traits alone were inadequate to explain entrepreneurship, and some found no direct link between traits and entrepreneurial behaviour (Bird, 1988; Guth, 2001). Hence, further research moved on to consi</p>&l

77、t;p>  policies) that affect enterprise development. It was argued that countries desiring to promote enterprise development need to address these environmental factors (Telantino, 1995; UNCTAD, 1995; Gnyawaii, 1994; B

78、ird, 1989; Chell, 1985; Vaselainen, 1999).</p><p>  Enterprise development has been viewed as a means of reducing unemployment, easing other social problems and as the best way of creating wealth in a countr

79、y (Nolan, 2003; Storey, 2000). As a result of the above reasons, both developing and developed countries have embraced enterprise development.</p><p>  Like many other countries, Zimbabwe has run enterprise

80、development programmes, created and adopted policies aimed at creating a conducive environment for enterprise development. Unfortunately, the efforts to promote enterprise development in Zimbabwe have not been successful

81、(Mlambo, 2000; UNDP, 2000).</p><p>  The paper explores the factors that make up the Zimbabwean national culture relating to enterprise development. It also establishes the effects that these factors have ha

82、d on enterprise development.</p><p>  LITERATURE REVIEW</p><p>  Culture is defined as a set of historically evolved, learned values, attitudes and meanings shared by the members of a given comm

83、unity, that inlluence their material and non-material way of life (Tayeb, 1988). These evolve through different stages of socialisation, through institutions like family, religion, formal education etc. It was further as

84、serted that different cultures influence enterprise development differently (Hofstede, 1991). Furthermore, others believe that the national culture sho</p><p>  Entrepreneurs who enjoy 'high-living'

85、at the expense of their enterprises have difficulties in succeeding (Spring, 1998). In both developed and developing countries, some graduates dislike being associated with working for Small to Medium Enterprises (SMEs)

86、and self-employment. This makes it difficult for some countries to promote enterprise as it is not accepted by the very people who have the best capacity to succeed as business people and Morrison (2000) argues that form

87、al education system is</p><p>  Meyanathan (1994) demonstrated the difficulties in promoting enterprise in a country that favours a certain group of people over others; because the ones favoured will develop

88、 a sense of entitlement, whilst the neglected resent the entire system.</p><p>  Literature researched has discussed different aspects of culture that have affected enterprise development, but there has not

89、been a comprehensive catalogue of these factors that make up a national culture relating to enterprise development. Hence, this paper explores the factors that make up the national culture, and, in particular, those rela

90、ting to enterprise development in Zimbabwe.</p><p>  RESEARCH METHOD</p><p>  The paper seeks to explore and explain the cultural factors that have negatively affected enterprise development in

91、Zimbabwe. There is need to answer the questions, what are the national cultural factors that have affected enterprise development in Zimbabwe, how have they affected it and why? Hence, an interpretive approach was adopte

92、d (Carson, 2001). Within interpretivism, a qualitative research approach was used. This approach allows the inclusion of tacit knowledge and experience of the resea</p><p>  The sample was made up of twenty-

93、two respondents (elites). All respondents were 'elites' chosen for their expert knowledge (Remenyi,1998; Lincoln and Guba, 1990) of enterprise development in Zimbabwe.Among them were fifteen entrepreneurs and se

94、ven respondents whose occupations or activities supported entrepreneurs. The purpose for sampling the other seven'elites' was triangulation (Remenyi, 1998;Lincoln and Guba 1990; Carson 2001). There was needed to

95、get a different view from that of entrepren</p><p>  entrepreneurs (from financial organisations, development and training organisations and the government). These respondents had supported entrepreneurs thr

96、ough financing, training etc. for at least six years. All entrepreneurs interviewed were business people who had started and managed their enterprises for more than six years.</p><p>  Consistent with this r

97、esearch approach, face-to-face in-depth interviews were carried out using an interview guide. The interview guide was based on the themes that had been obtained from literature and needed further exploration. Respondents

98、 were asked to identify and discuss all factors they believed had negatively affected enterprise development in Zimbabwe.</p><p>  The collected data was analysed using the thematic analysis, as described by

99、 Miles and Huberman (1994), and Wengraf (2001). The research was conducted in two phases. The initial phase culminated in establishing a list of cultural factors that have affected enterprise development. After the first


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