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1、<p>  本科畢業(yè)論文外文翻譯</p><p>  外文題目: The Israel High Tech-Industy -Fifty Years of Excellence </p><p>  出 處: Israel Mnistry Of Roreign Affairs

2、 </p><p>  作 者: Nisso Cohen </p><p>  The Israel High-Tech Industry -Fifty Years of Excellence</p>

3、<p>  By Nisso Cohen </p><p>  Israels high-tech industry is experiencing an unprecedented rate of growth which began in the early 1990s. Its growth is evidenced both in total sales - 1997 sales total

4、ed $7.2 billion, a growth of 10.7% over 1996 - and in exports - $5.6 billion in 1997, a growth of 14.2% over 1996. This is in a country with a total population of less than six million; GDP (1996) of $92.3 billion; and e

5、xports (goods and services, 1996) of $31.3 billion. </p><p>  Moreover, advanced technologies developed in Israel are in great demand, and many Israeli-developed applications can now be found in the products

6、 of multi-national companies in the communications, computers, information systems, medicine, optics, consumer goods and software sectors. </p><p><b>  Origins </b></p><p>  The Isra

7、el high-tech industry was born with the State of Israel. In 1948, the newly-created Israel Defense Forces established a branch called the Science Corps. The corps developed new arms, explosives, and a variety of electric

8、 and electronic appliances for the IDF. Israels military industry developed at a rapid pace, meeting the countrys needs for armaments and technologies which it could not obtain from abroad. During the same period, Israel

9、 developed what were to become the best institutions</p><p>  The first Israeli computer was developed and assembled in the early fifties at the Weizmann Institute. Golem ("dummy") was an all-tube

10、computer, similar to the first computers developed in the US in the forties. In the late fifties and early sixties, there were already several mainframe computers in Israel, purchased from IBM and Philco. Those computers

11、 were used primarily by government ministries and institutions, universities and a number of banks. In the late sixties and early seventies, main</p><p>  The High-Tech Industry </p><p>  One fa

12、ctor in the exceptional growth rate in this industry in recent years is Israels percentage of engineers, the worlds highest, with 135 engineers per 10,000 persons, as compared to 85 per 10,000 persons in the United State

13、s. Another factor has been the many thousands of skilled engineers and technicians who have immigrated from the former Soviet Union since 1989. </p><p>  Moreover, advanced technologies that were originally

14、developed and utilized for military purposes are now being used for developing commercial products for civilian use. With the downsizing of Israels defense industry - as a "peace dividend" - thousands of skille

15、d personnel have left the defense industry since 1988. Many of them were absorbed into the civilian marketplace, while others formed start-up companies which later became successful high-tech firms. </p><p>

16、  The ongoing success of the Israeli high-tech industry is reflected in the local and foreign stock markets. In 1996 Israeli firms provided the third largest number of initial purchase offerings (IPOs) on the NASDAQ (ove

17、r-the-counter stock exchange) in New York, after the US and Canada, and the second largest number of IPOs on the relatively new AIM (Alternative Investment Market) in London (after the UK). Many leading American investme

18、nt houses and venture capital funds have established a presenc</p><p>  Israels leaders are proud of the countrys high-tech "label" and promote it. The result is that the country is particularly in

19、terested in cooperation with foreign investors in the high-tech fields, more than with investors in other areas. </p><p>  A unique Israeli phenomenon is the office of the Chief Scientist at the Ministry of

20、Industry and Trade, which distributes grants totaling nearly $400 million to various R&D projects. The projects that succeed are expected to pay royalties to the Chief Scientists office for a number of years.</p&g

21、t;<p>  Domestic Technological Advancement </p><p>  Israel has firmly established itself as the most computerized country in the Middle East; it even surpasses some Western European nations. In 1997,

22、 more than 250,000 personal computers were sold in Israel, compared to 102,000 sold in Egypt (with a population of some 60 million) and just under 300,000 in Turkey (with a population of some 65 million). </p><

23、;p>  Israel also leads the Middle East with the highest penetration rate of PCs in private homes. There is a personal computer in nearly one out of two households, a ratio similar to that of the United States, Canada

24、and a very few European and Far Eastern countries. In recent years, the education system has purchased tens of thousands of computers for use by students, from kindergarten through university age. </p><p>  

25、Compared to other so-called high-tech 'tigers', such as Korea, Malaysia and Taiwan, Israel is unique in that it is a "true" high-tech country, with a highly developed domestic market for computing and t

26、elecommunications. Israel is also a "quick adopter" of advanced technologies. Local expenditure on information technology is estimated at $2.4 billion in 1997, with a steady growth of 12-15% annually. Worldwide

27、, expenditure on information technology reaches about $700 billion, with a 5-year compou</p><p>  Telecommunications Infrastructure </p><p>  In 1984 a government-owned company - Bezeq - took ov

28、er the telephone and telecommunications services, which had previously been supplied by a department of the Ministry of Communications. Since then, the telecommunications infrastructure in Israel has developed at a rapid

29、 pace, and is today considered to be one of the most highly advanced systems in the region, providing full digital service throughout the country, advanced data communications, integrated services digital networks (ISDN)

30、, asynch</p><p>  High-Tech Exports </p><p>  Israels first high-tech exports were produced by defense industries such as the Israel Aircraft Industries and Rafael, as well as by defense industr

31、y sub-contractors. These firms produced electronic defense products with advanced technologies, meant for use by the IDF. </p><p>  Demand for "proven in battle" products from Israel led to a devel

32、oping export industry of defense-related products. today this is still a relatively large percentage of high-tech exports. </p><p>  Studies have shown that R&D-intensive, high-tech companies have been a

33、 major factor in the growth of exports over the years, especially in electronics, optics, electro-optics, lasers, computer-based equipment, robotics and aeronautics. </p><p>  Moreover, in the last two decad

34、es Israeli developments have contributed significantly to the following information technology and telecommunications industries: Wireless Communications (voice and data)Advanced Data Communications Technologies (ATM, ID

35、SL, SDH)Advanced LAN Technologies (ATM, Fast Ethernet, FDDI, ISDN)Satellite VSAT (Very Small Aperture Terminal)Voice Mail and Related Voice Manipulation Technologies DSP - Digital Signal Processing Technologies and Produ

36、cts Encryption and Data Secur</p><p>  International Firms in Israel </p><p>  It has taken several years for the management of international high-tech firms to decide to utilize Israels advanta

37、ges as an operations base. Of course, events in the Middle East play a decisive role in international business strategies. The continuing peace process with the Palestinians, since 1993, has encouraged many international

38、 firms to establish operations and/or conduct business in Israel. </p><p>  There has been a US presence in Israel, though, for three decades. Two high-tech giants - IBM and Motorola - established local subs

39、idiaries for sales and technical support in the 1960s; over time the local plants evolved into full research and development facilities. Motorola took the process one step further and established one of its largest manuf

40、acturing facilities in Arad, near the Dead Sea. During the late 1970s Intel Corporation began operations in Israel. Today, Intels activities range fr</p><p>  Israel is highly regarded as a location for bran

41、ches of foreign firms. Benefits include highly-skilled engineers, good geographic location and some tax and custom benefits, which enable US firms to sell products manufactured in Israel to European markets without payin

42、g duty. Moreover, the government of Israel is considered a generous partner for foreign investors who establish operations in the northern or the southern parts of the country. Government assistance can be in the form of

43、 a cash refu</p><p>  In Israel, the presence of international firms is somewhat of a controversy. Opponents in local industry claim that foreign firms gain resources as a result of local "brain power,&

44、quot; but do not funnel anything back into the local economy. This position is held because most foreign firms do not build manufacturing facilities, the more massive employers in the local market. Still, despite this di

45、ssenting point of view, most Israelis continue to consider the presence of international high-tech firms </p><p>  Since 1995, many foreign firms have established a presence in Israel. Of these, some entered

46、 the market by setting up operations directly, whereas others do so by friendly take-over of small Israeli firms. Additional firms are listed as U.S. firms, although all development and manufacturing facilities are locat

47、ed in Israel and management is Israeli, or largely Israeli. Many international firms also maintain a presence in Israel by virtue of their minority holdings in Israeli start-up companies. </p><p>  Internati

48、onal firms which established local research and development centers in Israel in the 70s and the 80s brought the know-how and the operating procedures of large conglomerates to local, inexperienced firms. These firms exp

49、osed Israeli industry to new areas, primarily in the telecommunications and the semiconductor industries. </p><p>  Cooperation with Foreign Firms </p><p>  The Israel high-tech industry can ben

50、efit from cooperation with foreign companies at all levels. Some of the success stories of the Israel high-tech industry involve a partnership between an Israeli and a foreign partner, in which the Israeli partner provid

51、es the technology or the product, and the foreign partner provides the sales and support functions in target markets. This type of cooperation is a win-win situation for both sides. For US partners or investors it is eve

52、n more beneficial as th</p><p>  Motorola, Intel and others have made Israel a preferred site for production facilities. These companies benefit from a high level of technicians and engineers and from proxim

53、ity to their target markets in Europe. NAFTA agreements made Israel the manufacturing location of choice for products that are to be exported to Europe. It is quite difficult for Israel to compete with South Asian countr

54、ies on the basis of labor costs, but Israels better product quality is an advantage. </p><p>  The rapidly growing high-tech industry has the potential to grow at an even faster rate, despite the present eco

55、nomic slowdown - which affects the high-tech field less than other industries. In terms of productivity per employee, Israeli high-tech still has a long way to go, compared to international standards. Although output per

56、 employee in the industry is $160,000 per annum, some countries boast an output of upward of $250,000 per employee per annum. </p><p>  Challenges facing the industry as the 21st century approaches: The shor

57、tage of professionals in electronics and software, a common problem in the western world. In Israel, immigrants from the former Soviet Union served as a stop-gap between 1992 and 1995. Since then, immigration to Israel h

58、as slowed down and the problem has again arisen. This in turn has increased the cost of salaries to a level where the advantage of a low cost per employee in Israel no longer exists. </p><p>  The high-tech

59、industry needs to widen its focus on R&D to include marketing, in order to capture a larger market share. Today, some start-ups develop valuable technologies, only to discover that their target market is unaware of t

60、hem. Most start-ups in Israel boast annual sales of a few million dollars; only a handful of Israeli companies have achieved annual sales of hundreds of millions of dollars; and not one Israeli company is positioned amon

61、g the worldwide leaders that sell high-tech produc</p><p>  The frozen exchange rate of the shekel, until March 1998, negatively impacted profitability of the high-tech industry. In late 1997/early 1998, wit

62、h the economic slowdown, a reduction in capital investment has occurred, which will affect investment in equipment upgrading and materials in the short term. </p><p>  The Israel high-tech industry is capabl

63、e of enjoying tremendous profitability. It already leads the Israeli economy in terms of added value, export rates and productivity per employee. By taking the appropriate strategic decisions, the Israel high-tech indust

64、ry - with total sales of some $7.2 billion today - can become, in the coming decade, a $10-15 billion industry. </p><p>  Israeli high-tech is on the way to the forefront of world technology in terms of know

65、ledge and development. Israeli leaders believe that the high-tech industry can lead not only Israel, but its neighbors as well, to a better future. The high-tech industry is no longer a gamble - it has proved its ability

66、. It now needs to expand and firmly establish its position as a recognized world leader</p><p><b>  譯 文:</b></p><p>  以色列高新技術(shù)產(chǎn)業(yè)——五十年的卓越 </p><p>  以色列的高科

67、技產(chǎn)業(yè)正在經(jīng)歷一場(chǎng)前所未有的增長(zhǎng)。始于20世紀(jì)90年代初。其增長(zhǎng)體現(xiàn)在(銷售總額)1997年銷售總額為7 2億美元,增長(zhǎng)1 0.7% ,比1996年增加5 6億美元, 1997年比1996年增長(zhǎng)了14.2%,。這是一個(gè)國(guó)家,總?cè)丝诓坏?億美元,國(guó)內(nèi)生產(chǎn)總值923億美元,出口(貨物和服務(wù),1996年)313億美元。 此外,發(fā)達(dá)國(guó)家的先進(jìn)技術(shù)在以色列有巨大需求,許多以色列開發(fā)的應(yīng)用軟件現(xiàn)在可以發(fā)現(xiàn)在產(chǎn)品的多國(guó)公司在通信,計(jì)算機(jī),信息

68、系統(tǒng),醫(yī)學(xué),光學(xué),消費(fèi)品和軟件部門。起源 以色列高科技產(chǎn)業(yè)的誕生于以色列州。1948年,新成立的以色列國(guó)防軍設(shè)立分行稱為科學(xué)團(tuán)。兵團(tuán)制定了新的武器,炸藥,以及各種電器和電子設(shè)備的以色列國(guó)防軍。以色列的軍事產(chǎn)業(yè)發(fā)展快速,滿足該國(guó)需求的軍備和技術(shù),它不能從外國(guó)獲得的。在同一期間內(nèi),以色列開發(fā)出要成為最好的教育機(jī)構(gòu)和科研在中東。它們包括技術(shù)研究所,以色列技術(shù)研究所在科學(xué)研究所的雷霍沃特,希伯來(lái)大學(xué)在耶路撒冷,海法大學(xué),貝爾謝巴,特拉

69、維夫拉馬特甘。在60年代早期,以色列進(jìn)入了核時(shí)代,建立了兩個(gè)核研究站。 以色列的第一次計(jì)算機(jī)研制成功</p><p>  近年來(lái)高增長(zhǎng)速度其中一個(gè)因素是以色列人中工程師的比例,這一比例是世界最高的,每一萬(wàn)名以色列人中就有135個(gè)工程師,相比之下,美國(guó)每一萬(wàn)人中只有85名是工程師。另一個(gè)因素是自1989年以來(lái)數(shù)以千計(jì)的熟練工程師和技師從前蘇聯(lián)移民到其他國(guó)家。此外,原本為軍事目的開發(fā)和使用的先進(jìn)技術(shù)現(xiàn)正被用于

70、開發(fā)民用商業(yè)產(chǎn)品。隨著以色列國(guó)防方面的縮減作為“和平時(shí)期公共事業(yè)經(jīng)費(fèi)” 自1989年以來(lái)數(shù)以千計(jì)的技術(shù)人員已離開國(guó)防工業(yè)。他們中許多人被吸收到民用市場(chǎng),而其他人組成的創(chuàng)業(yè)公司后來(lái)成為成功的高科技公司。 此外,原來(lái)發(fā)展和使用的為了和平目的軍事先進(jìn)技術(shù)正在正在被民用科技公司使用并發(fā)展成為商業(yè)產(chǎn)品。以色列精英國(guó)防工業(yè)--作為“紅色股利”--成千上萬(wàn)的技術(shù)人員已離開自 1988 年以來(lái)的國(guó)防工業(yè)。很多人都是被吸收到民用市場(chǎng),而另一些人形

71、成了初創(chuàng)公司,后來(lái)成為成功的高科技公司。</p><p>  以色列高科技產(chǎn)業(yè)的持續(xù)成功在本地及外國(guó)股市得到體現(xiàn)。1996年,以色列公司在紐約納斯達(dá)克證交所提供的首次公開募股數(shù)目名列第三,僅次于美國(guó)和加拿大;同時(shí)其在倫敦證交所提供的就相對(duì)較新的另類投資市場(chǎng)首次公開募股數(shù)目名列第二,僅次于英國(guó)。許多頂尖的美國(guó)投資家和風(fēng)險(xiǎn)資本基金已成立了駐以色列辦事處,以支持以色列高科技公司并從目前的產(chǎn)業(yè)繁榮中獲益。 在技術(shù)

72、上,以色列高科技產(chǎn)業(yè)處于有利地位,排在世界前5名。當(dāng)?shù)厥袌?chǎng)的下列條件為產(chǎn)業(yè)提供了支持:在一個(gè)個(gè)人電腦被廣泛應(yīng)用的國(guó)家,整體氣氛和對(duì)電腦使用的積極態(tài)度有利于在年輕的一代中發(fā)展高科技技能。以色列領(lǐng)導(dǎo)人為其國(guó)家被列為高科技國(guó)家感到自豪,并積極宣傳。結(jié)果是該國(guó)尤其熱衷于與高科技領(lǐng)域的外國(guó)投資者合作,熱忱度比其他領(lǐng)域要高很多。 以色列一個(gè)獨(dú)特的現(xiàn)象是在產(chǎn)業(yè)和貿(mào)易部有一間首席科學(xué)家辦公室,這個(gè)辦公室向各種研發(fā)項(xiàng)目分配總額近4億美元的基金。成

73、功的項(xiàng)目要向首席科學(xué)家辦公室支付數(shù)年的版稅。國(guó)內(nèi)技術(shù)進(jìn)步 以色列已經(jīng)牢固地確立了自己作為全國(guó)最大的電腦在中東的地位,它甚至超過(guò)了一些西歐國(guó)家。在1997年,超過(guò)25.0萬(wàn)的個(gè)人電腦銷量在以色列相比</p><p><b>  導(dǎo)師評(píng)語(yǔ):</b></p><p><b>  簽字:</b></p><p>  年


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