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1、<p>  中國地質(zhì)大學(xué)長城學(xué)院</p><p>  本科畢業(yè)設(shè)計外文資料翻譯</p><p>  系 別: 工程技術(shù)系 </p><p>  專  業(yè): 機械設(shè)計制造及其自動化 </p><p>  姓 名: 金雨軒 </p><p>

2、  學(xué) 號: 05211538 </p><p>  2015 年4月 3日</p><p><b>  外文資料原文</b></p><p>  On the history of the development of china construction machinery</p><

3、p>  China is the world's first national machinery development. Chinese mechanical engineering technology not only has a long history and splendid achievements in Chinese is not only the material culture and social

4、 economic development plays an important role in the world, and to promote the progress of civilization, technology has made great contribution to Chinese traditional machine. And in a long period ahead in the world. In

5、modern times, especially from the early 18th century, due to the ninete</p><p>  After the founding of new China, especially in the past 30 years, our country's mechanical science and technology developm

6、ent speed. To the mechanical product large-scale, precision, automation and discusses the trend of development. In some aspects has reached or exceeded the world advanced level. Generally speaking, currently China mechan

7、ical science and technology achievement is huge, developing fast, high level of unprecedented. In this period, China has no end of mechanical science and tech</p><p> ?。?)Just small ramming machinery:</p&

8、gt;<p>  In the 1960s, China mechanical very small tamp lack, many small venues ramming basically USES artificial ramming.</p><p>  Early 1960s, changsha construction machinery institute and Beijing a

9、rchitectural engineering institute, etc., the technical innovation achievements in mass on the basis of summing up Chinese characteristic invented the breaststroke ramming machine, 1962 exceeded national science and tech

10、nology. The breaststroke ramming machine structure is simple, easy to use and maintenance in 1960s, soon became the dominant products to consolidate machinery. According to not complete count breaststroke tamp cu</p&g

11、t;<p>  In 1964, changsha construction machinery institute HB120 developed movable type, type of Shanghai began laying machine, engineering machine production mainly by Tianjin municipal later, annual production e

12、ngineering machinery dongting about 200. In the 1980s, movable type ramming machine product quality has increased greatly, have exported to southeast Asia and Africa. Since 1990s, internal-combustion type ramming machine

13、 production sales, and gradually decreased in only a few small private ente</p><p>  In 1977, changsha construction machinery factory buildings and developed in liuzhou HZR250 type and the HZR70 type vibrati

14、ng plate ram, these two kinds of products in 1979 and 1982 passed by the ministry of construction of the organization. Then yiwu building construction machinery factory, siping, anyang vibrators factory, Tianjin municipa

15、l engineering machinery dongting and other enterprises have started producing vibrating plate ram. In 1986, Changsha construction machinery research and devel</p><p>  In 1983, Changsha construction machiner

16、y institute and the joint development of Hubei vibration in the first HZR70 type vibration shock ramming, 1984, passed by the ministry of construction, organization construction technology progress in 1985 won prizes. Du

17、e to the vibration impact compaction result has good ramming, productivity, high volume and weight of small, lightweight flexible outstanding characteristics, deeply user etc, obtained a rapid promotion, and soon ZiJiang

18、 development to the f</p><p>  Vibration shock ramming and vibrating plate ram the successful development in our country, not only for our construction department provides advanced performance of mechanical,

19、 laying have achieved good economic benefit and social benefit, and make our ramming mechanical technology into a big step forward, shorten the gap with the advanced world level, promoting the development of compaction m

20、achine.</p><p> ?。?)The mechanical processing:</p><p>  According to the archaeological discovery, hot-working casting in Beijing pinggu, changping and so have proved that the 16th century BC sh

21、ang dynasty (bronze objects. Ming yongle (1403-1424 years), Beijing produce world-renowned Ming yongle great 3-ton bell made (46.5 tons) and tower (63 tons ) of great 3-ton bells made of iron clock (25) and the furnace o

22、f melting, pit TaoFan model and method of casting. In the 1950s, Beijing based on clay sand castings in manual. In 1955, Beijing first machine</p><p>  In 1959, Beijing second metal forming machinery general

23、 factory changed (Beijing) built 2500 ton heavy-duty hydraulic press. In 1971, the factory produced 6,000 tons, which is then Beijing hydrtesting biggest metal forming equipment. 1968-1979, Beijing hoisting machine facto

24、ry has 300 tons of using hydraulic press 2000 tons and create crane and large panel. In the 1980s, Beijing institute of electrical and developed a series of Beijing mould centre high-precision cutting die, the multistage

25、 clos</p><p>  Before 1949, Beijing has heat treatment furnace, salt dissolved by thermocouples means furnace, quenching and tempering, parts of annealing, normalizing, quenching and tempering, carburizing a

26、nd etc. In 1956, Beijing first began using high-frequency quenching machine tool plant. In 1961, the Beijing second machine tool plant began using gas intruding quenching. In 1969, the following enterprise by Beijing gag

27、e start light quenching. In 1978, the complete machine tool research institute of Beijin</p><p>  Visible, China mechanical development in modern development of its rapid.</p><p><b>  外文資料

28、翻譯譯文</b></p><p>  淺談中國工程機械發(fā)展史</p><p>  中國是世界上機械發(fā)展最早的國家之一。中國的機械工程技術(shù)不但歷史悠久,而且成就十分輝煌,不僅對中國的物質(zhì)文化和社會經(jīng)濟的發(fā)展起到了重要的促進(jìn)作用,而且對世界技術(shù)文明的進(jìn)步做出了重大貢獻(xiàn).傳統(tǒng)機械方面,我國在很長一段時期內(nèi)都領(lǐng)先于世界。到了近代由于特別是從18世紀(jì)初到19世紀(jì)40年代,由于經(jīng)濟社會等諸

29、多原因,我國的機械行業(yè)發(fā)展停滯不前,在這100多年的時間里正是西方資產(chǎn)階級政治革命和產(chǎn)業(yè)革命時期,機械科學(xué)技術(shù)飛速發(fā)展,遠(yuǎn)遠(yuǎn)超過了中國的水平。這樣,中國機械的發(fā)展水平與西方的差距急劇拉大,到十九世紀(jì)中期已經(jīng)落后西方一百多年。 </p><p>  新中國建立后特別是近三十年來,我國的機械科學(xué)技術(shù)發(fā)展速度很快。向機械產(chǎn)品大型化,精密化、自動化和成套化的趨勢發(fā)展。在有些方面已經(jīng)達(dá)到或超過了世界先進(jìn)水平??偟膩碚f,就目

30、前而言中國機械科學(xué)技術(shù)的成就是巨大的,發(fā)展速度之快,水平之高也是前所未有的。這一時期還沒有結(jié)束,我國的機械科學(xué)技術(shù)還將向更高的水平發(fā)展。只要我們能夠采取正確的方針、政策、用好科技發(fā)展規(guī)律并勇于創(chuàng)新,我國的機械工業(yè)和機械科技一定能夠振興,重新引領(lǐng)世界機械工業(yè)發(fā)展潮流。</p><p> ?。?)就小型夯實機械而言:</p><p>  上世紀(jì)60年代以前,我國小型夯實機械非常缺乏,很多小型場


32、被淘汰。 </p><p>  1964年,長沙建設(shè)機械研究所開發(fā)了HB120型內(nèi)燃式夯實機,開始由上海工程機械廠生產(chǎn),后來主要由津市洞庭工程機械廠生產(chǎn),年產(chǎn)量200臺左右。80年代,內(nèi)燃式夯實機產(chǎn)品質(zhì)量有較大提高,曾出口東南亞和非洲地區(qū)。90年代以后,內(nèi)燃式夯實機產(chǎn)銷售量也在逐漸減少,目前只有少數(shù)小型民營企業(yè)生產(chǎn)。</p><p>  1977年,長沙建設(shè)機械研究所和柳州市建筑機械廠開發(fā)

33、了第一臺HZR250型和HZR70型振動平板夯,這兩種產(chǎn)品分別于1979 年和1982年通過了由建設(shè)部組織的鑒定。隨后義烏建筑機械廠、四平建筑機械廠、安陽振動器廠、津市洞庭工程機械廠等多家企業(yè)都開始生產(chǎn)振動平板夯。1986年長沙建設(shè)機械研究所又開發(fā)了較大的HZR450型振動平板夯。上世紀(jì)90年代以后,振動平板夯在我國有了較快的發(fā)展,產(chǎn)品品種、規(guī)格和生產(chǎn)企業(yè)增多,國外的振動平板夯陸續(xù)進(jìn)入中國市場。</p><p>

34、  1983年,長沙建設(shè)機械研究所和湖北振動器廠聯(lián)合開發(fā)了我國第一臺HZR70型振動沖擊夯,1984年通過了由建設(shè)部組織的鑒定,1985年獲建設(shè)部科技進(jìn)步三等獎。由于振動沖擊夯具有壓實效果好、生產(chǎn)率高、體積和重量小、輕便靈活等突出特點,深受用戶歡迎,得到了迅速的推廣使用,并很快發(fā)展到資江機器廠、新鄉(xiāng)第三機床廠和津市洞庭工程機械廠等幾十家企業(yè)生產(chǎn)。振動沖擊夯雖然比振動平板夯開發(fā)晚,但發(fā)展速度、產(chǎn)銷量和使用廣泛性比振動平板夯大得多,目前已成

35、為我國夯實機械中產(chǎn)銷量最大的主導(dǎo)產(chǎn)品。上世紀(jì)90年代以后,國外的振動平板夯陸續(xù)進(jìn)入中國市場。</p><p>  振動沖擊夯和振動平板夯在我國的成功開發(fā),不僅為我國建設(shè)施工部門提供了性能先進(jìn)的夯實機械,取得了良好的經(jīng)濟效益和社會效益,而且使我國夯實機械技術(shù)向前跨進(jìn)了一大步,縮短了與世界先進(jìn)水平的差距,促進(jìn)了我國壓實機械的發(fā)展。 </p><p> ?。?)就機械加工而言:</p>

36、;<p>  在熱加工鑄造方面據(jù)考古發(fā)現(xiàn),在北京平谷、昌平、房山等處曾出土了公元前16世紀(jì)(商代)的青銅禮器。 明永樂年間(1403~1424年),北京制造出享譽世界的明永樂大銅鐘(46.5噸)和鐘樓大銅鐘(63噸)及鐵鐘(25噸),采用分爐熔化、地坑造型和陶范法鑄造。 20世紀(jì)50年代以前,北京在鑄造上采用粘土砂手工造型。1955年,北京第一機床廠開始采用漏模造型、雙面模型型板及鐵型板和標(biāo)準(zhǔn)砂箱造型。1965年,開始采用

37、塑料模型。 1980 年,北京市機電研究院與北京瑪鋼廠研制成功工頻無芯塞桿底注式保溫澆注電爐。1982年,該院與北京機床鑄造二廠研究成功沖天爐風(fēng)口吹氧技術(shù)。 1985~1988年,北京機床研究所試驗成功浮動端面密封環(huán)的壓力鑄造工藝。 </p><p>  鍛壓的大規(guī)模發(fā)展在1959年就已開始,北京第二通用機械廠(后改名北京重型機器廠)建成2500噸水壓機。1971年,該廠制造出6000噸水壓機,這是當(dāng)時北京最大的

38、鍛壓設(shè)備。 1968~1979年,北京起重機器廠先后采用300噸油壓機和2000噸油壓機制造出起重機吊臂和大型覆蓋件。 80年代,北京市機電研究院和北京市模具中心研制出一系列高精度多工位沖裁模具,接近或達(dá)到進(jìn)口模具水平,改變了北京精密沖裁模具依賴進(jìn)口的局面。 </p><p>  熱處理方面在949年前,北京已采用電爐、鹽溶爐、熱電偶等手段進(jìn)行零件退火、回火、淬火、正火、調(diào)質(zhì)、滲碳等熱處理。 1956年,北京第一

39、機床廠開始采用高頻感應(yīng)淬火。1961年,北京第二機床廠開始采用氣體氮化淬火。1969年,北京量具刃具廠開始采用光亮淬火。 1978年,北京機床研究所研究完成機床導(dǎo)軌表面接觸淬火工藝及設(shè)備、淬火質(zhì)量檢查技術(shù)條件的研究。1979年,鐵道科學(xué)研究院和中國科學(xué)院力學(xué)研究所等合作完成大功率柴油機缸套表面的激光改性處理的研究。 1979年,北京市機電研究院研制成功千瓦級二氧化碳激光器,并于80年代初分別應(yīng)用于汽缸套和郵票印刷設(shè)備的激光熱處理。其中,

40、清華大學(xué)、北京市機電研究院、北京郵票廠共同完成郵票廠七色機打孔器表面激光強化研究。 1984~1990年,北京市熱處理研究所研究成功真空熱處理、氣體滲碳微機控制技術(shù)(與北京航空航天大學(xué)合作)、稀土軟氮化、粉末冶金制品表面強化、煤油加甲醇小滴量法微機可控滲碳、固體滲硼、滲碳過程微機輔助工藝設(shè)計及跟蹤控制系統(tǒng)等熱處理新技術(shù),并應(yīng)用于生產(chǎn)。 焊接與切割 1949年,北京已有氣焊、電弧焊及氧乙炔火焰切割等手工作業(yè)。 1963年,北</p&


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