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1、<p>  蟻肄芃芁薇肄羃蒆蒃蝕膅艿葿蠆羋薅螇蚈羇莈蚃蚇肀薃蕿蚇膂莆蒅蚆芄腿螄螅羄莄蝕螄肆膇薆螃羋莂薂螂羈芅蒈螁肀蒁螆螁膃芄螞螀芅葿薈蝿羅節(jié)蒄袈肇蕆莀袇腿芀蠆袆衿蒆蚅裊肁莈薁裊膄薄蕆襖芆莇螅袃羆膀蟻羂肈蒞薇羈膀膈蒃羀袀莃荿罿肂膆螈罿膄蒂蚄羈芇芄薀羇羆蒀蒆羆聿芃螅肅膁蒈蟻肄芃芁薇肄羃蒆蒃蝕膅艿葿蠆羋薅螇蚈羇莈蚃蚇肀薃蕿蚇膂莆蒅蚆芄腿螄螅羄莄蝕螄肆膇薆螃羋莂薂螂羈芅蒈螁肀蒁螆螁膃芄螞螀芅葿薈蝿羅節(jié)蒄袈肇蕆莀袇腿芀蠆袆衿蒆蚅裊肁莈薁


3、螂羈芅蒈螁肀蒁螆螁膃芄螞螀芅葿薈蝿羅節(jié)蒄袈肇蕆莀袇腿芀蠆袆衿蒆蚅裊肁莈薁裊膄薄蕆襖芆莇螅袃羆膀蟻羂肈蒞薇羈膀膈蒃羀袀莃荿罿肂膆螈罿膄蒂蚄羈芇芄</p><p>  畢業(yè)設(shè)計(jì)(外文翻譯)</p><p>  題 目 自卸汽車 </p><p>  系 (院) 自動(dòng)化系 </p>

4、;<p>  專 業(yè) 機(jī)械設(shè)計(jì)制造及其自動(dòng)化 </p><p>  學(xué)生姓名 </p><p>  學(xué) 號(hào) </p><p>  指導(dǎo)教師 </p><p

5、>  職 稱 </p><p>  2011年 3月 日</p><p>  Dump Truck </p><p>  Dump Truck mainly refers to the delivery of goods unloaded the car and there is dumping the

6、car, also known as Dump Trucks. </p><p>  Dump Truck is characterized by its compartment can be tilted a certain angle, so that unloading the goods inside. Tilting train is a Dump Truck engine power, through

7、 the dumping of bodies to complete. </p><p>  Dump Truck from the early 20th century there has been continuous development and perfection, has become the main vehicle of transport of goods. Dump Truck unload

8、ing a high degree of mobility and mechanization a bit, usually with shovel loaders, excavators, or belt conveyors and other ancillary use to achieve loading and unloading mechanization, which can greatly shorten the hand

9、ling time and improve transport efficiency and save labor, reduce labor strength. As the car manufacturing industry, Du</p><p>  First, the status of technology development at home and abroad </p>&l

10、t;p>  1. Humanization </p><p>  Further improve vehicle safety, vehicle safety, including performance, braking performance is further enhanced convenience and driver control, comfort is the car at home a

11、nd abroad reflect the requirements of human development, which is reflected in the body, chassis and other aspects . </p><p>  Suspension System </p><p>  Foreign high-end Dump Truck, such as SC

12、ANIA, VOLVO, etc., air suspension with automatic adjustment, and basic domestic or leaf spring, a better use of the rubber suspension. </p><p>  Transmission System </p><p>  Main Foreign is aut

13、omatic transmission. China mainly with manual gearbox, there are some manufacturers began to try to configure the chassis automatic transmission. </p><p>  Braking Systems </p><p>  Electric con

14、trol system mainly foreign (ECBS) and air disc brakes and ABS electronic control system installed. China mainly uses drum brakes, ABS, electronic brake system installed in the smaller, but also began developing the disc

15、brake manufacturers.</p><p>  (4)Body Systems </p><p>  Dump Truck body of domestic comfort than the gap in Europe is still a great car. But high-end cab, driving and ride comfort has been great

16、ly improved than before.</p><p>  2. Specialization </p><p>  Exclusive of foreign Dump Truck classification is increasingly apparent. In addition to general engineering of Dump Truck, but also

17、according to the needs and purposes century, the development of a dedicated is Dump Truck. </p><p>  (1)Road salt cleaning truck </p><p>  Of snow, snow days will be transported to the road salt

18、, snow on the road sweeping, snow spraying of salt. </p><p>  (2) Class of fluid transport truck pollution </p><p>  Achieve pollution class fluid collection, transportation and dumping, can bet

19、ter protect the vehicle chassis, suitable for road paving and construction of the gravel material transport. </p><p>  China Dump Truck of professional classification is not very clear that the Dump Truck cu

20、rrently mainly used in construction, mining, coal transportation, and its degree of specialization than the foreign classification there a larger gap. </p><p>  3. Structure Optimization </p><p>

21、;  European high-strength steel materials often used Dump Truck or a U-shaped carriage frame structure, the advantages are: light weight, great load, more payload can be loaded indirectly increase the loading efficiency;

22、 reduce fuel consumption, low center of gravity, good stability , lifting more goods at the time the play, easy to discharge; integral bearing, no or only a few ribs, a small amount of welding; more modern design, the ou

23、ter surface of a large flat, easy to paste advertisements, or o</p><p>  For cost and processing considerations, the domestic truck still ordinary steel, steel plate as the main material. </p><p&g

24、t;  4. Environmental protection </p><p>  As the world's growing environmental protection, national environmental protection requirements on the vehicles are more stringent. Dump Truck load of goods seal

25、ing requirements increasing. </p><p>  Automotive engine technology represents a country's industrial level. Developed countries in Europe to Euro V vehicle emissions standards, and requirements of the d

26、omestic truck is currently the country Ⅲ standard, domestic and foreign well as very large gap, and reduce vehicle emissions of key technologies are only few the hands of countries, China still has great technical follow

27、 up and development process. Further enhance the environmental protection requirements, sealing requirements of the </p><p>  Second, the main structure and function </p><p>  Dump Truck chassis

28、 and coat by the two major components, two types of chassis they use a stereotypical car chassis. Dump Truck as a shorter wheelbase than the average, the prices require higher strength and stiffness, so characteristic fo

29、r the Dump Truck, Dump Truck chassis are often designed to be specific. Tipper tops, including cars, subframe, hydraulic lift dump bodies, electrical are systems. </p><p>  Dump Truck lifting mechanism is th

30、e core of the Dump Truck judge the merits of the primary indicators. </p><p>  Lifting mechanism of the type currently common are: F-type lifting mechanism to enlarge tripod, T-style tripod zoom lifting mech

31、anism, lift cylinder, front roof lift and double roll. </p><p>  Dump Truck engine, chassis and cab of the truck are the same structure and general. </p><p>  Points after Dump Truck of the car

32、to rollover and side tipping two, by manipulating the system control rod movement, the more common after the tipping, tipping push rod to make car, a small number of two-way is tipping. </p><p>  Distributio

33、n of high-pressure oil through the valve, tubing into the lift cylinder, front-end with the cab car is safety board. </p><p>  The engine through the transmission, PTO driven hydraulic pump unit, hydraulic t

34、ipping body compartments from the fuel tank, hydraulic pumps, distribution valves, lifting hydraulic cylinders, control valves and tubing and other components. </p><p>  Hydraulic tipping body is compartment

35、s from the fuel tank, hydraulic pumps, distribution valves, lifting hydraulic cylinders, control valves and tubing and other components. </p><p>  The engine through the transmission, PTO driven hydraulic pu

36、mp unit, distribution valves for high pressure oil through the tubing into the lifting cylinder, push rod to make car rollover. More common after the rollover, by manipulating the system control rod movement, can stop th

37、e train tilted in any desired position. Compartments use of their owner gravity and hydraulic control reset. </p><p>  Tripod enlarge Lifting Mechanism is currently the most widely used way of lifting for 8

38、to 40 tons of load compartment length of 4.4 to 6 meters. Structural advantages of mature, stable lifting and low cost; drawback to the main frame on the floor inside is the closed height of the larger plane. </p>

39、<p>  Most of lift cylinder form of Dump Truck used in the 6X4 on the bridge in front of each side of the second installation of a multi-cylinder (generally 3 to 4), the hydraulic cylinder directly on the pivot poi

40、nt on the compartment floor. Twin advantages of lifting the main frame for the compartment floor and a high degree of closure on the smaller plane; disadvantage is that the hydraulic system is difficult to ensure synchro

41、nization of two hydraulic cylinders and held steady and poor students, t</p><p>  Way before the top lift of simple structure, with the main frame on the floor inside the closed surface height can be very sm

42、all, vehicle stability, low pressure hydraulic system, but the first big trip at the most-cylinder, high cost. </p><p>  Double roll force cylinders good, travel less, achieve double roll; but more complex h

43、ydraulic piping, give students a higher incidence of rollover accidents. </p><p>  Dump Truck with the development and improvement of domestic purchasing power, Dump Truck is not in the traditional sense of

44、what life can be dry universal truck, from the design point of view but also according to different goods, different conditions, different is regions developed different products. This requires the user to purchase vehic

45、les to the manufacturer for specific use. </p><p><b>  Chassis </b></p><p>  In the choice of chassis, generally is based on economic benefits to consider, such as: the price of the

46、chassis, loading quality, overload capacity, fuel consumption per hundred kilometers, road maintenance and so on. In addition, the user must also consider the chassis of the following parameters: </p><p> ?、?/p>

47、Height of the chassis frame on the plane. General 6x4 chassis frame height of the upper surface of 1050 to 1200. The higher the number the greater the vehicle center of gravity, the more easily cause an overturn. The mai

48、n factors affecting the value of the tire diameter, suspension layout and the main frame is cross-section height. </p><p> ?、贑hassis rear overhang. The number of Dump Trucks moves through the General Assembl

49、y, growth stability, gives students a rollover accident caused. This value is generally between 500-1100 (except Dump Truck roll). </p><p> ?、踁ehicle matching rational use and reliable. </p><p>

50、<b>  Upload </b></p><p>  Currently converted Dump Truck manufacturers was mixed, select the Dump Truck manufacturers over the selection of choice products are equally important. In addition to l

51、ooking products, but also understand the capabilities of equipment manufacturers, Dump Truck tops the design, technology and equipment is mature, service commitments, it can buy other accessories. </p><p>  

52、Third, the lifting mechanism of choice: </p><p>  1. Recommended to choose a tripod for general use zoom-type Dump Truck lifting mechanism, the structure in China has a 40-year history, technology is relativ

53、ely mature, suitable for carriage 4 to 6 meters in length Dump Truck. </p><p>  2. Reasonable arrangement, the parts Shouli Bu exceed the capacity of components, system hydraulic smaller, in order to ensure

54、the seal life. </p><p>  3. The choice of quality hydraulic cylinders. Lifting hydraulic cylinder is the power unit, try to choose a quality assurance products, such as: blue post card hydraulic cylinder, th

55、e manufacturers promised lifetime warranty. </p><p>  4. Compartment of the truck longer than 6 meters generally used in multi-cylinder front-top lifting structure. </p><p>  5. Cylinder lifting

56、 structure is generally used with a wheelbase of the truck 3 to 4 meters. </p><p>  Fourth, selection issues to the attention of </p><p>  1. Transport large items must be selected inside the bu

57、cket. </p><p>  2. Car is longer than 5.4 meters to pay special attention when the cars center of gravity and lifting stability. </p><p>  3. Can not be transported by special vehicles to transp

58、ort coal earth. Private car coal train general height of 1.6 ~ 1.9 m, length how the design of these vehicles is based on light goods (weight less than 1.2) to consider, for transporting earth and stone lifting may have

59、poor stability, which seriously may lead to lifting a rollover accident. </p><p>  4. Do not use the bucket car transporting silt, clay and other sticky goods, the structure of the bucket carriage of goods m

60、ore difficult to remove the sticky. </p><p>  5. Transport iron ore in the Dump Truck manufacturers to keep up when the statement selection, selection of the best choice for iron ore carrier. </p><

61、;p>  6. For the transportation of asphalt paving, the lifting mechanism requires slow down device. </p><p>  Fifth, use and maintenance of Dump Truck </p><p>  How several common errors: <

62、/p><p>  1. Engine running, take power in the "on", lift the handle in the "lift" and Meng lift the clutch. Since leaving the sudden engagement PTO, oil pump and oil pump drive shaft causes

63、a lot of impact load, could easily lead to early damage (usually occurred as the oil pump drive shaft damage.) High-speed operation in the engine compartment fully loaded, cold winter with high viscosity hydraulic oil un

64、der even more prominent.</p><p>  2. In the middle of a sudden the elevator full of lifting the handle into the "down position", when the car was not touched down, but suddenly rushed down, this wi

65、ll bring great impact frame, and even accidents. Although the single-acting hydraulic cylinder piston set a throttling device to ensure that the decline in the car before the end of the throttling effect have landed on t

66、he car speed is automatically slowed down, but the cars full effect has been obvious, therefore, should try to avoid </p><p>  3. Xiewan goods, do not forget to disengage the power take off, or disengage the

67、 power take off will be driving, so the car is moving, due to take power in the "engagement" position, the lift pump in the "small cycles" state No load speed for a long time operation. The so-called

68、"small cycles" when running the oil pump oil pump hydraulic oil only in the high and low voltage circuit between the loop. In this case the hydraulic oil temperature rises quickly, easily lead to damage to pump

69、 seals, or</p><p>  4. By Meng mention car - brake suddenly unloading. Meng mentioned as the inertial force of a great car (usually the rated lifting force of 5 to 20 times), can easily cause permanent defor

70、mation of the frame, open frame car and pay for welding, burning or destruction of oil pump seal, hydraulic cylinders and other damage damage , reduces the life of the vehicle, serious rollover accidents also occur. Ther

71、efore, when lifting the general ban truck traffic. </p><p>  5. Driving power take off in the "ON" position: If "on" state (red light), the pump will continue to rotate, there is power so

72、urce of the hydraulic system, which would control valve because the gas control misoperation caused by cars on the auto-lifting; time distribution of air control valve even in the "down" position, the oil shoul

73、d enter the pump, it would pump burned out. </p><p>  6. Moving to lift the handle placed in the "stop" position: At this point the hydraulic system in a closed state, the impact of the ground whil

74、e driving through the lifting mechanism can be passed to cars , some connected parts are easily damaged. So when driving down the handles is put some "down" position. </p><p>  7. In a great venue

75、for cross slope of discharge: trunk askew when lifting, car flip axis may produce permanent deformation may occur more serious when it overturned. </p><p>  8. Goods have not been fully discharged when the u

76、se of safety rod may result in accidents, the safety pole inspection and maintenance is only used for carriages. </p><p><b>  自卸汽車</b></p><p>  自卸汽車是指以運(yùn)送貨物為主且有傾卸貨廂的汽車,又稱翻斗車。</p>

77、;<p>  自卸汽車的特點(diǎn)是其車廂可以傾斜一定的角度,使車廂內(nèi)的貨物卸出。車廂的傾斜是以自卸汽車發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)的動(dòng)力,通過(guò)傾卸機(jī)構(gòu)來(lái)完成的。</p><p>  自卸汽車自20世紀(jì)初出現(xiàn)以來(lái),不斷發(fā)展,日趨完善,已成為當(dāng)今貨物運(yùn)輸?shù)闹饕囕v之一。自卸汽車具有高度機(jī)動(dòng)性和卸貨機(jī)械化等有點(diǎn),通常與鏟式裝載機(jī)、挖掘機(jī)或皮帶運(yùn)輸機(jī)等配套使用,實(shí)現(xiàn)裝卸機(jī)械化,從而可以大大縮短裝卸時(shí)間,提高運(yùn)輸效率并可節(jié)省勞動(dòng)力,減

78、輕勞動(dòng)強(qiáng)度。隨著汽車制造業(yè)的發(fā)展,自卸汽車不斷采用新材料、新工藝,提高其質(zhì)量利用系數(shù),具有較大的速度范圍和較高的傳動(dòng)效率,控制與操縱更完善,更方便。</p><p>  一、 國(guó)內(nèi)外技術(shù)發(fā)展現(xiàn)狀</p><p><b>  1. 人性化</b></p><p>  進(jìn)一步提高整車的安全性,包括車身安全性能、制動(dòng)性能進(jìn)一步提高,以及駕駛員操縱便利

79、性、乘坐舒適性是目前國(guó)內(nèi)外汽車發(fā)展人性化要求的體現(xiàn),這表現(xiàn)在車身、底盤(pán)等各個(gè)方面。</p><p><b> ?。?)懸架系統(tǒng)</b></p><p>  國(guó)外高檔自卸汽車如SCANIA、VOLVO等,均采用自動(dòng)調(diào)節(jié)的空氣懸架,而國(guó)內(nèi)基本還是鋼板彈簧,比較好的采用的是橡膠懸架。</p><p><b>  (2)變速系統(tǒng)</b&

80、gt;</p><p>  國(guó)外主要采用自動(dòng)變速箱。國(guó)內(nèi)主要還是采用手動(dòng)變速箱,也有部分廠家開(kāi)始試用自動(dòng)變速箱來(lái)配置汽車底盤(pán)。</p><p><b> ?。?)制動(dòng)系統(tǒng)</b></p><p>  國(guó)外主要采用電控制系統(tǒng)(ECBS)與氣壓盤(pán)式制動(dòng)器,并加裝ABS等電子調(diào)節(jié)系統(tǒng)。國(guó)內(nèi)主要還是采用鼓式制動(dòng),加裝ABS等電子制動(dòng)系統(tǒng)的較少,也有廠家

81、開(kāi)始開(kāi)發(fā)盤(pán)式制動(dòng)。</p><p><b> ?。?)車身系統(tǒng)</b></p><p>  國(guó)內(nèi)自卸汽車的車身舒適性較歐洲車的差距還是很大的。不過(guò)高檔駕駛室,駕駛和乘坐舒適性較以前有了很大的提高。</p><p><b>  2.專用化</b></p><p>  國(guó)外自卸汽車的專用化分類越來(lái)越明顯

82、。除了普通的工程用自卸汽車外,還 根據(jù)世紀(jì)的需求和用途,開(kāi)發(fā)了專用自卸汽車。</p><p>  (1)公路撒鹽清掃自卸車</p><p>  下雪天將化雪鹽運(yùn)輸至公路上,清掃道路上的積雪,灑布化雪鹽。</p><p>  (2)污染類流體運(yùn)輸自卸車</p><p>  實(shí)現(xiàn)污染類流體的收集、運(yùn)輸和傾卸,可以更好地保護(hù)汽車底盤(pán),適用于道路鋪

83、設(shè)及工程施工的沙石材料運(yùn)輸。</p><p>  國(guó)內(nèi)自卸汽車的專業(yè)化分類不是很明顯,目前國(guó)內(nèi)的自卸汽車主要還是用于工程建設(shè)、礦山開(kāi)采、煤炭運(yùn)輸?shù)龋鋵I(yè)化分類程度較國(guó)外還有較大的差距。</p><p><b>  3.結(jié)構(gòu)優(yōu)化</b></p><p>  歐洲高強(qiáng)鋼材料自卸車常選用U形或框架式車廂結(jié)構(gòu),其優(yōu)點(diǎn)主要有:自重輕、載重大、能裝載更多

84、的有效載荷、間接提高了裝載效率;降低油耗、重心低、穩(wěn)定性好、舉升時(shí)貨物更易劇中、便于卸貨;整體式承載,沒(méi)有或只有很少的加強(qiáng)筋,焊接量小;外觀設(shè)計(jì)較為現(xiàn)代化,外表面有大的平面,便于粘貼廣告或其它圖案。歐洲專用車上非常廣泛地采用塑料制作的工具箱、擋泥罩。塑料材料具有一定的韌性、耐低溫和抗沖擊性能,不易脆裂,同時(shí)質(zhì)量輕、造型美觀,在輕量化的進(jìn)程中發(fā)揮著重要的作用。</p><p>  國(guó)內(nèi)也有一部分廠家技術(shù)水平較高,通

85、過(guò)結(jié)構(gòu)的變化降低自重,而且不降低車廂性能,主要是采用了框架式車廂結(jié)構(gòu)。</p><p>  出于成本和加工工藝方面考慮,國(guó)內(nèi)的自卸車仍然以普通鋼材、鋼板為主要材料。</p><p><b>  4.環(huán)保性</b></p><p>  隨著整個(gè)世界對(duì)環(huán)境保護(hù)的日益加強(qiáng),各國(guó)對(duì)車輛的環(huán)保性要求也越來(lái)越嚴(yán)格。自卸汽車裝載貨物的密封性要求也越來(lái)越受重視

86、。</p><p>  汽車發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)技術(shù)代表了一個(gè)國(guó)家的工業(yè)水平。歐洲發(fā)達(dá)國(guó)家的汽車尾氣排放達(dá)到歐V的標(biāo)準(zhǔn),而國(guó)內(nèi)卡車的要求目前是國(guó)Ⅲ標(biāo)準(zhǔn),國(guó)內(nèi)與國(guó)外還有非常大的差距,而且,降低汽車排放的關(guān)鍵技術(shù)只被為數(shù)不多的幾個(gè)國(guó)家所掌握,中國(guó)還有很大的技術(shù)跟進(jìn)及發(fā)展過(guò)程。環(huán)保要求的進(jìn)一步提高,對(duì)自卸汽車的密封性要求也提到了日程,國(guó)內(nèi)外均采用了多種方法來(lái)防止自卸汽車的貨物撒落。國(guó)外自卸汽車的專業(yè)化分類也有利于保護(hù)環(huán)境,如污染類流

87、體運(yùn)輸自卸車的開(kāi)發(fā)和使用,但大多數(shù)福哦家主要采用了自卸汽車車廂加蓋的方式。自卸汽車的密封蓋主要有兩種:一種為篷布軟蓋,一種為金屬硬蓋。因此,國(guó)外的車輛使用一般不超載,貨物基本不超出車廂的上沿。而國(guó)內(nèi)的自卸汽車則兩種都有,城市環(huán)保要求高的多數(shù)采用金屬蓋,密封性較好,但成本高;環(huán)保要求較低的多數(shù)采用軟蓋,密封性差一些,但成本低。</p><p>  二、 主要結(jié)構(gòu)及功能</p><p>  自

88、卸汽車由汽車底盤(pán)和上裝兩大部分組成,底盤(pán)大多采用定型汽車二類底盤(pán)。由于自卸車軸距比一般貨車要短,車價(jià)要求有較高的強(qiáng)度和剛度,所以針對(duì)自卸車特點(diǎn),往往設(shè)計(jì)成專用自卸車底盤(pán)。自卸車上裝包括車廂、副車架、液壓舉升傾卸機(jī)構(gòu)、電氣系統(tǒng)等。</p><p>  舉升機(jī)構(gòu)是自卸車的核心,是判別自卸車優(yōu)劣的首要指標(biāo)。 </p><p>  舉升機(jī)構(gòu)的型式目前國(guó)內(nèi)常見(jiàn)的有:F式三角架放大舉升機(jī)構(gòu)、T式三角架

89、放大舉升機(jī)構(gòu)、雙缸舉升、前頂舉升和雙面?zhèn)确?lt;/p><p>  自卸車的發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)、底盤(pán)及駕駛室的構(gòu)造和一般載重汽車相同。 </p><p>  自卸車的車廂分后向傾翻和側(cè)向傾翻兩種,通過(guò)操縱系統(tǒng)控制活塞桿運(yùn)動(dòng),后向傾翻較普遍,推動(dòng)活塞桿使車廂傾翻,少數(shù)雙向傾翻。 </p><p>  高壓油經(jīng)分配閥、油管進(jìn)入舉升液壓缸,車廂前端有駕駛室安全防護(hù)板。 </p&g

90、t;<p>  發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)通過(guò)變速器、取力裝置驅(qū)動(dòng)液壓泵,車廂液壓傾翻機(jī)構(gòu)由油箱、液壓泵、分配閥、舉升液壓缸、控制閥和油管等組成。 </p><p>  車廂液壓傾翻機(jī)構(gòu)由油箱、液壓泵、分配閥、舉升液壓缸、控制閥和油管等組成。 </p><p>  發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)通過(guò)變速器、取力裝置驅(qū)動(dòng)液壓泵,高壓油經(jīng)分配閥、油管進(jìn)入舉升液壓缸,推動(dòng)活塞桿使車廂傾翻。以后向傾翻較普遍,通過(guò)操縱系統(tǒng)控制活

91、塞桿運(yùn)動(dòng),可使車廂停止在任何需要的傾斜位置上。車廂利用自身重力和液壓控制復(fù)位。</p><p>  三角架放大式舉升機(jī)構(gòu)是目前國(guó)內(nèi)使用最多的一種舉升方式,適用載重量8~40噸,車廂長(zhǎng)度4.4~6米。優(yōu)點(diǎn)為結(jié)構(gòu)成熟、舉升平穩(wěn)、造價(jià)低;缺點(diǎn)為車廂底板與主車架上平面的閉合高度較大。 </p><p>  雙缸舉升形式大多用在6X4自卸車上,是在第二橋前方兩側(cè)各安裝一支多級(jí)缸(一般為3~4級(jí)),液

92、壓缸上支點(diǎn)直接作用在車廂底板上。雙缸舉升的優(yōu)點(diǎn)為車廂底板與主車架上平面的閉合高度較??;缺點(diǎn)是液壓系統(tǒng)很難保證兩液壓缸同步,舉生平穩(wěn)性較差,對(duì)車廂底板的整體剛度要求較高。 </p><p>  前頂舉升方式結(jié)構(gòu)簡(jiǎn)單、車廂底板與主車架上平面的閉合高度可以很小,整車穩(wěn)定性好,液壓系統(tǒng)壓力較小,但前頂多級(jí)缸行程較大,造價(jià)很高。 </p><p>  雙面?zhèn)确簤焊资芰^好,行程較小,可實(shí)現(xiàn)雙面?zhèn)确?/p>

93、;但液壓管路較復(fù)雜,舉生翻車事故發(fā)生率較高。</p><p>  隨著自卸汽車的發(fā)展和國(guó)內(nèi)購(gòu)買能力的提高,自卸車已經(jīng)不是傳統(tǒng)意義上的什么活都可以干的萬(wàn)能自卸車,從設(shè)計(jì)角度講也是按不同的貨物、不同工況、不同地區(qū)開(kāi)發(fā)不同的產(chǎn)品。這就要求用戶在購(gòu)買車輛時(shí)要向廠家提供具體使用情況。</p><p><b>  1.底盤(pán)</b></p><p>  在選

94、擇底盤(pán)時(shí),一般是按經(jīng)濟(jì)效益來(lái)考慮的,比如:底盤(pán)的價(jià)格、裝載質(zhì)量、超載能力、百公里油耗、養(yǎng)路費(fèi)等。除此之外,用戶還要考慮底盤(pán)的如下參數(shù): </p><p> ?、?底盤(pán)車架上平面離地高度。一般6x4底盤(pán)車架上平面離地高度為1050~1200。該數(shù)值越大整車重心越高,越容易造成翻車。影響該數(shù)值的因素主要是輪胎直徑、懸掛的布置和主車架截面高度。 </p><p>  ② 底盤(pán)后懸。該數(shù)值過(guò)大會(huì)影

95、響自卸車舉生穩(wěn)定性,造成舉生翻車事故。此數(shù)值一般在500-1100之間(側(cè)翻自卸車除外)。 </p><p> ?、?整車匹配合理、使用可靠。 </p><p><b>  2.上裝</b></p><p>  目前自卸車改裝廠家魚(yú)龍混雜,選擇自卸車時(shí)選擇廠家比選擇產(chǎn)品同樣重要。除看產(chǎn)品外,還要了解廠家的設(shè)備能力、自卸車上裝的設(shè)計(jì)、工藝裝備是否

96、成熟、售后服務(wù)承諾、配件是否能買到等。</p><p>  三、 舉升機(jī)構(gòu)的選擇: </p><p>  1.一般用途自卸車建議選擇三角架放大式舉升機(jī)構(gòu),該結(jié)構(gòu)在我國(guó)已有40年歷史,技術(shù)比較成熟,適合車廂長(zhǎng)度4~6米的自卸車。 </p><p>  2.合理布置,各零部件受力不會(huì)超過(guò)零部件的承受能力,系統(tǒng)油壓較小,以保證各密封件的使用壽命。 </p>

97、<p>  3.選擇優(yōu)質(zhì)液壓缸。液壓缸是自卸車舉升的動(dòng)力部件,盡量選擇有質(zhì)量保證的產(chǎn)品,比如:青專牌液壓缸,廠家承諾終身保修。 </p><p>  4.車廂長(zhǎng)度大于6米的自卸車一般選用多級(jí)缸前頂式舉升結(jié)構(gòu)。 </p><p>  5.雙缸舉升結(jié)構(gòu)一般用于軸距為3~4米的自卸車。 </p><p>  四、 選型時(shí)要注意的問(wèn)題</p><

98、;p>  1.運(yùn)輸大塊物品必須選用鏟斗車廂。 </p><p>  2.車廂長(zhǎng)度大于5.4米時(shí)要特別注意車廂重心高度和舉升穩(wěn)定性。 </p><p>  3.不能用運(yùn)煤專用車運(yùn)送土石方。一般運(yùn)煤專用車的車廂高度在1.6~1.9米,長(zhǎng)度如何這類車輛設(shè)計(jì)時(shí)是按輕質(zhì)貨物(比重小于1.2)考慮的,用于運(yùn)送土石方時(shí)可能有舉升穩(wěn)定性差的問(wèn)題,嚴(yán)重者可引起舉升翻車事故。 </p>&

99、lt;p>  4.不要用鏟斗車廂運(yùn)送淤泥、粘土等粘稠貨物,鏟斗車廂的結(jié)構(gòu)使粘稠貨物更不容易卸下。 </p><p>  5.運(yùn)輸鐵礦粉的自卸車選型時(shí)要跟廠家聲明,最好選擇鐵礦粉選用運(yùn)輸車。 </p><p>  6.用于鋪路瀝青運(yùn)輸時(shí),舉升機(jī)構(gòu)要求有慢降裝置。 </p><p>  五、 自卸車使用和維護(hù)</p><p>  常見(jiàn)的幾種

100、錯(cuò)誤操作方法: </p><p>  1.發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)運(yùn)轉(zhuǎn),取力器位于“接通”,升降手柄位于“舉升”而猛抬離合器。由于突然的接合而使取力器、油泵傳動(dòng)軸及油泵引起很大的沖擊載荷,易造成早期損壞(一般多發(fā)生為油泵傳動(dòng)軸損壞)。在發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)高速運(yùn)轉(zhuǎn),車廂滿載,冬季寒冷液壓油粘度高的情況下更為突出。 </p><p>  2.在滿載舉升中途突然將升降手柄推向“下降位置”,這時(shí)車廂不是徐徐降落,而是猛然沖下,

101、這會(huì)給車架帶來(lái)很大的沖擊力,甚至?xí)l(fā)生意外事故。盡管單作用活塞式液壓缸設(shè)置有節(jié)流裝置,以保證在車廂下降終了前產(chǎn)生節(jié)流作用使車廂降落速度自動(dòng)減慢,但對(duì)于滿載的車廂效果已不明顯,因此,應(yīng)盡量避免上述操作,如有特殊情況需要也必須小心操作,盡量放慢降落速度,必須切忌勿猛然將車廂落到底。 </p><p>  3.卸完貨后,不脫開(kāi)取力器或忘記脫開(kāi)取力器便行車,這樣汽車在行駛時(shí),由于取力器處于“接合”位置,舉升油泵則在“小循

102、環(huán)”狀態(tài)下高速長(zhǎng)時(shí)間無(wú)負(fù)荷運(yùn)轉(zhuǎn)。所謂“小循環(huán)”即油泵運(yùn)轉(zhuǎn)時(shí)液壓油只在油泵高、低壓回路之間循環(huán)。這種情況下液壓油油溫上升很快,易造成油泵油封的損壞,甚至發(fā)生油泵“燒死”的現(xiàn)象; 另外在高速行車時(shí),油泵傳動(dòng)軸也會(huì)在過(guò)高的離心力作用下導(dǎo)致早期損壞。更嚴(yán)重的是油泵的運(yùn)轉(zhuǎn)意味著液壓系統(tǒng)有動(dòng)力源, 在行車過(guò)程中會(huì)因各種原因而出現(xiàn)車廂自動(dòng)升起的事故。 因此,在卸完貨行車時(shí),必須及時(shí)脫開(kāi)并確認(rèn)取力器已經(jīng)脫開(kāi)再使車輛行駛。 </p><

103、;p>  4.利用猛提車—猛剎車卸貨。由于猛提車的慣性力很大(一般是額定舉升力的5~20倍),極易造成車架永久變形、車廂和付車架開(kāi)焊、燒油泵或破壞密封圈、破壞液壓缸等損害,車輛的使用壽命降低,嚴(yán)重者還會(huì)出現(xiàn)翻車事故。所以一般自卸車禁止舉升時(shí)行車。 </p><p>  ?  5.行駛時(shí)取力器在"接通"位置:若在"接通"狀態(tài)(紅燈亮著),則油泵將繼續(xù)轉(zhuǎn) 動(dòng)


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