1、碩 士 學(xué) 位 論 文買賣 合 同 中 的風(fēng) 險(xiǎn)轉(zhuǎn) 移C IS G 與 中 國(guó) 《 合 同法 》 比較 研 究R iskT I. a n sfe rinS a le sC o n tr a et— C o m P a r a tiv eS tu d yo nC IS Ga n dC o n tr a c tL a wo fC h in a作 者 姓 名 : 茍 俊指 導(dǎo) 教 師 :西 南 政 法 大 學(xué)S o u th w e stU
2、n iv ersityo f P o liticalS eien e ean dL aw又A b s t r a e tW i ththed ev elo P i n 呱 o feeon o m ic, d o m estiean di niem at i o n alm arket15b o o m in g . 八 n dthetr ansact ionmo de1 5al sochanging.I nth i s eontext
3、, asoneoft he i ” I Port antcont en t sof eontractlaw ,ri sktr an sfe ro f salesco nt r aet15 d i reetly related to the ful 1d am en t al in tereStS o f b o th P ar t ies.T h u S itno to nlyb eco m e sthefocu so ftheP ar
4、tie sintl 、 eco nt r ac t , b utal soth ek e yan ddiff i cu l tP o in tin th est u d yforthew o rl d .hithei niem at i o n alfi eld , Th eU nitedN at i o血 C o nv el ltio no nC o ntraetsfo rthehi t em at i onalSal eof G o
5、ods (“ C ISG , , ) sPecifi esri sktr ansfe r rul es of sal escont r aetun der di fl 飛 renteond i t i ons.A ndi tProvidesi ndisPensab l erefe r eneecontentfor l 匆 sl at i on一 of m any eountri es. I nourdom est i e, C ont
6、ractL awoftheP eoPle, 5R ePub l i eofC hi na (“ C ont ractL 洲 , , ) alsost andar d i zes即dad j ust stheri sktr ansfe rof sal escont r act.I ttakestheexam Pl efor re l evan t l egal syst em andlegisl ati veexPer i eneeof
7、theothereount ri es, andi t15de印l yi nfl uencedby t he rel evantcontent s ofC IS G .Tosom eex ten t , theC o nt r actL awmi rro rsan dtran SPlan t sthem o st P 翻 rt so f C IS G . B uttheresear eher shom eandabroaddi SPut
8、ethePassi ngofri skofsal escontr actstr o ngly.Th el aw sandregu l at ionsar edi 月 貽 renti neverystat e.Inthem eant i m e, therel evan teont en tofC ontr actL aw1 5im P erfect, an d15u n ab letoin cl u d eallco nd iti o
9、n sinrealtr an sactio n .An di tform sstro n gresistan eefordo nl e st i ctr an s aeti o rl s , esP ecial i yth ein t en 飛 atio n altrad e.F orth i s, thereachonth i sProb lemh asstr ongPract i cal51 廁 fi cance. Ital soh
10、asveryPosi t i vem eani ngonul lderstandi ngandsol vi ngp ract i caltr ad in gd isP u tes.Th isP aP erm ai過(guò)yu sesle g aleco n o m iean aly sistorese archtheP rob lem . Th efi rstP ar tsu m 碩 z estheP ro b lemab o u tri s
11、k , an din trod u ee sth eeo n e即 tan dch aracter i stie so f ri skandri sktr ansfe r , them ai nreasonofeausi ngtheri sk , andtheth r eePri nci P l esofri sktransfer (eont r aettr ansfe rPri nciPle, ow nershi Ptr ansfer
12、Pri nci Pl eanddel i verysoci al i stPri nei Pl e).Th eseeondPar tanal 棄esandexPlai n sthecont ento fC ISG . Iti ntr o dueesthePt i nci Plesofri sktr ansferofinv o l v i n gtran sP o rt atio n ,ro adan dg o o d strad e,o
13、 u to ftr an sP o rt atio nan db reach in g . ItalsoexP oun d sg o o d ssP eeifi easaP rem iseforri sktran sfe r . Th eth i rdP artint r o du cesthein fl u en eeo fC ISGonl egislat i onofC hinafi D mtheangleofl egalecono
14、m i canal ysi s.T hefourt h P叭 Put sforw ardsugg estion stotheC oniractL awo foureoun tr y . B eeau sethetheore t ieall ev el15l i m i ted ,theau th o rm ak e sso m eb ri ef an aly siso n th i s issu e .K e yW o r d s :
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