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1、6500 英文單詞, 英文單詞,3.5 萬英文字符,中文 萬英文字符,中文 1.1 萬字 萬字文獻(xiàn)出處: 文獻(xiàn)出處:Alcañiz M, Santolino M, Ramon L. Drinking patterns and drunk-driving behaviour in Catalonia, Spain: A comparative study[J]. Transportation research part F: t

2、raffic psychology and behaviour, 2016, 42: 522-531.Drinking patterns and drunk-driving behaviour in Catalonia, Spain: A comparative studyManuela Alcañiz, Miguel Santolino, Lluís RamonAbstract This study explor

3、es three alcohol-related databases so as to provide a comprehensive understanding of drinking patterns and the prevalence of alcohol-impaired driving in Catalonia (Spain). The rate of alcohol-impaired drivers is compared

4、 with the percentage of drinkers in this population, with a particular focus on heavy episodic drinkers. Two strategies adopted by law enforcement agents when conducting alcohol breath tests are examined: (i) non-random

5、and (ii) random approaches to roadblock location and driver selection. We find that heavy drinker profiles (in terms of age and gender) closely match those of alcohol-impaired drivers detected at strategically located, n

6、on-random sobriety checkpoints (especially in the case of female drivers), and that they also correlate with the age-gender distribution of drivers involved in road accidents with victims. Different drink driving pattern

7、s are detected when sobriety checkpoints are located randomly and drivers are tested at random. Older drivers are identified as a risk group as they abandon the safer driving habits in relation to alcohol shown when they

8、 were middle-aged. A com- bination of non-random and random controls would increase driver perception of their chances of being detected when drink driving. As such, the whole population, regardless of their drinking pro

9、file, would be alerted to the serious personal, social and legal implications of alcohol-impaired driving.Keywords: Alcohol; Drink driving; Sobriety checkpoints; Random breath testing ;Drinking patterns; Heavy episodic

10、drinking1. Introduction1.1. Aims and scopeAbusive alcohol intake is a major public health risk for populations worldwide, particularly those in developed societies (Room, Babor, WHO, 2011). The consumption of alcohol ca

11、n lead to impulsive actions by impairing the inhibitory mechanisms that normally promote socially appropriate behaviour (Marczinski Lacey et al., 2011; Vanlaar, 2005). RBTs have the advantage of alerting the whole popul

12、ation to the possibility of being detected while driving under the influence, since the perceived risk increases (Löbmann, 2002). This serves as a major deterrent across the population strata (Homel, 1988), regardle

13、ss of an individual’s personal characteristics, or the time of the day when driving. Australia introduced RBT procedures in the early 80s and today is considered to have one of the most successful programs in the world i

14、n terms of reducing the number of crashes (Erke et al., 2009). Ferris et al. (2013) attribute Australia’s success to high intensity enforcement, extensive publicity and a high visibility policy thanks to the use of custo

15、m-built ‘‘booze buses” that allow a high number of tests to be performed per hour and on-site processing. As a result, the number of drivers willing to risk detection for drink driving has fallen dramatically and, in tur

16、n, the number of alcohol-related crashes has been reduced.2. Data and measures2.1. Geographical areaThe geographical area covered in this study is Catalonia, a Mediterranean region located in the northeast corner of Spai

17、n, whose capital and largest city is Barcelona. In 2012 the region had a population of more than 7.5 million inhabitants, while the total number of vehicles exceeded 5.0 million and the number of drivers at the end of th

18、at year was over 4.1 million (Spanish Traffic Authority, 2012). In 2012 there were 336 traffic fatalities in Catalonia and 31,630 people injured (1980 severely) in a total of 23,368 motor crashes with victims. Although t

19、he number of deaths had fallen by 48% since 2005, toxicological analyses showed that an alarming 29% of these drivers in 2012 had a BAC level over the legal limit (Catalan Traffic Authority, 2012), hence the imperative n

20、eed for improved drink driving control strategies.2.2. Drunk-driving legislationSpain’s driving legislation is applicable in Catalonia, fixing a minimum legal age for driving motor vehicles at 18, with the exception of m

21、opeds (equipped with a motor of less than 50 cc) that can be driven in urban areas at age 15. Law enforcement officers are allowed to stop any driver at their own discretion and require them to take a BAC test, whether o

22、r not they present any visible signs of impairment.Statutory blood-alcohol limits for driving differ between countries within Europe. Spanish legislation differentiates between administrative- and criminal-positives, acc

23、ording to the level of alcohol concentration in the breath or blood. Administrative-positives are recorded by drivers with a breath alcohol content (BrAC) between 0.25 and 0.60 mg/l (0.15 and 0.60 mg/l, for novice and pr

24、ofessional drivers), and they face administrative penalties if detected. If the BrAC level is over0.60 mg/l drivers are deemed to have committed a criminal offence and face much sterner legal sanctions, including the tem


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