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1、3700 英文單詞, 英文單詞,19500 英文字符,中文 英文字符,中文 5850 字文獻出處: 文獻出處:Lahap J, Ramli N S, Said N M, et al. A Study of Brand Image towards Customer's Satisfaction in the Malaysian Hotel Industry [J]. Procedia - Social and Behavioral

2、 Sciences, 2016, 224:149-157.A Study of Brand Image towards Customer’s Satisfaction in the Malaysian Hotel IndustryJohanudin Lahap, Nur Safiah Ramli, Noraslinda Mohd Said, Salleh Mohd Radzi,Razlan Adli ZainAbstractBrandi

3、ng is known to be important to an organization. Through effective and efficient branding research and development, it is believed that the attainment of proper organizational return on investment (ROI) can be viably achi

4、eved. Therefore, establishing a strong brand image is inevitable to ensure the overall organizational success. This research was conducted to study the importance of brand image towards customers’ satisfaction and to exa

5、mine whether the brand image influences customers’ satisfaction. Citing from the past literature it was found that brand image was among the first constituents that customers will adhere to when selecting accommodation.

6、In this study, a total of 300 questionnaires were deployed with a 75% response rate. The finding was found to be intriguing and revealed that brand image does influence customer satisfaction in the Malaysian hotel indust

7、ry context. Thus, this study is valuable because it strengthens further the understanding of what customers really want when choosing a hotel. Therefore, this study has the capacity to offer hotel operators a way to plan

8、, formulate, and decide to what extent they should improve their brand image to compete in the long run.Keywords: brand image; customer satisfaction; hotel industry1. IntroductionHospitality and tourism industry worldwid

9、e have developed into a truly global industry in which both consumers and producers are spread worldwide. The industry was known to be one of the major contributors to many countries (Mohajerani & Miremadi, 2012). In

10、 relation to that, the hotel sector emerged as a subsection of the industry that strengthened the business. The hotel industry in Malaysia has undergone a process of transformation that brought phenomenal economic e xpan

11、sion towards the Malaysian economy (Lahap, Said, Rose, Sumarjan & Mohi, 2014). In 2013, it was revealed that approximately 25.7 million international tourists visited Malaysia. Furthermore, it was recorded that the t

12、ourism revenue has increased from MYR 60.6 billion to MYR 65.4 billion (USD 19 billion) in 2013, an increase of 7.3% (Touris m Malaysia, 2014). Significantly, the development of hospitality industry in Malaysia has gone

13、to a certain degree that further enhances the Malaysian Gross Domestic Product (GDP) that intertwined to the overall Malaysian economy. The United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) reports ranked Malaysia as the

14、 best ten tourist destination in 2012. The Malaysian Association of Hotels (MAH) has recorded a total of 2,724 hotels with a total of 195,445 hotels rooms to cater the inflow of international tourist and domestic consump

15、tion (Tourism Malaysia, 2014).The aggressive nature of this industry in attaining service perfection drives hotel operators to constantly seeking for a new approach in building strong positive experience towards their c

16、ustomers (Liat & Rashid, 2013). Subsequently, it is vital for hotel operators to stay adhered concerning the present and future needs to advance in the business and to react towards the needs and wants of hotel guest

17、s. Innovation and creativity is a crucial element in maintaining The corporate image is influenced by service quality and customer satisfaction which in turn influence customer loyalty (Schulz & Omweri, 2012). Janghy

18、eon, Ekinci and Whyatt (2011) further explained that there are two unique dimensions of quality and they are physical quality and staff behavior. Based on the studies conducted on store image Kandampully and Suhartanto (

19、2000) identified two dimensions of image namely “holistic” and “attributes”. The holistic dimension refers to an individual’s mental picturing of the phenomena as a whole, as opposed to a mere collection of independent s

20、timuli. In other words, the holistic or imaginary element of image encompasses the total impression and feeling of a phenomenon from any senses. Suhartanto and Kandampully (2003) mentioned that the operationalization of

21、the holistic dimension of hotel image is based on the customer’s perception of the hotel’s atmosphere, reputation, external appearance, and layout. Meanwhile, they mentioned that attributes dimensions refer to the facili

22、ties and physical environment that forms and influences the phenomena. The operationalization of the attributes dimension is based on the basis of the guest’s perception of the hotel location, physical facilities, interi

23、or design, price, the quality of the goods and services provided and also employee performance.2.2. Customer satisfactionCustomer satisfaction became among the most important antecedent that the hotel management needs to

24、 achieve while delivering services to customers. Customer satisfaction, leads to various effects and it was known to be an indicator of a company’s future income and profit (Forozia, Zadeh & Gilani, 2013). In other w

25、ord, service provider of hotel industry should put a priority in fulfilling customer’s need as their main objectives. Furthermore, customer satisfaction has become the determinant and predictable aspects of success, ther

26、efore, hotels are not able to compete with their rivals without satisfying customers (Forozia et al. 2013). They further asserted that customer satisfaction analysis helps hotel operators to assess their weaknesses and f

27、laws, ergo solving customer’s real needs and wants. In addition, Mohajerani and Miremadi (2012) postulated that customers ’ satisfaction will occur when customers’ perception are met or exceeds customer’s expectation. Si

28、milarly, Torres and Kline (2014) stated that customer satisfaction is defined as the individual’s perception of a performance of products or services that tailored to his or her expectation. This means that if a hotel is

29、 able to fulfilling customer needs, in return they will be satisfied vice versa.Customer satisfaction can be seen as a customer’s perspectives in which his or her needs, wants, and expectations throughout the product or

30、service life cycle have been met or surpassed, bringing about ensuring repurchase and delay unwaveringness (Usta, Berezina & Cobanoglu, 2014). Customer satisfaction is a business beliefs which leads to the creation o

31、f value for customers,anticipating and managing their expectations , demonstrating ability, and responsibility to satisfy their needs (Dominic i & Guzzo, 2010). If the hotel industry can easily understand and satisfy

32、 customer needs, they will conceivably make greater profits than those who fail to satisfy them. Dominici and Gu zzo (2010) also stated that as the cost of attracting new customers is higher than the cost of retainin g t

33、he existing ones, therefore, managers must focus on retaining the existing customers by improving policies and procedure in managing customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. Customer satisfaction is the most important


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