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1、2300 英文單詞, 英文單詞,12500 英文字符,中文 英文字符,中文 4100 字文獻出處: 文獻出處:Soltanizadeh S, Rasid S Z A, Golshan N, et al. Enterprise Risk Management Practices among Malaysian Firms [J]. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2014, 164:3

2、32-337.Enterprise risk management practices among Malaysian firmsSara Soltanizadeh, Siti Zaleha Abdul Rasid, Nargess Golshan, Farzana Quoquab,Rohaida BasiruddinAbstractEnterprise Risk Management (ERM) is fast becoming a

3、fundamental concern in all industries. ERM is a holistic approach for managers to identify risks and select appropriate responses in line with enterprise’s risk appetite. This study aims to identify the level of ERM impl

4、ementation among firms in different industries in Malaysia. Data were gathered from 199 firms listed on the Malaysian Bursa through a questionnaire survey. The analysis shows that ERM implementation varies across differe

5、nt industries and that having an ERM framework in place is more common among firms in the infrastructure, hotel, and technology sectors.Keywords: Traditional risk management; enterprise risk management; public listed fir

6、ms1. IntroductionUntil two decades ago risk management was not regarded as a strategic and essential management discipline. It was mainly influenced by the managers’ perception of risk (Thompson, 2003). Now, managing ris

7、k is becoming a fundamental concern and the ability to identify risks and adapt to the ever-changing business environment are among the critical success factors for enterprises (Arena, Arnaboldi, Razali et al., 2011). S

8、pecifically research on the issue in developing countries is scarce. This study examines the extent of ERM implementation among Malaysian public listed firms. Malaysia is the third fastest growing economy by GDP among So

9、uth East Asian countries and 28th in the world with 5.6% GDP growth. Due to poor risk management during the financial crisis in 1997, several major Malaysian Malaysia, most of previous studies considered ERM implementati

10、on in general. For instance Lai et al. (2011) explained how ERM implementation impact organizational performance. They presented the relation between enterprise risk management, business performance, and cost of capital.

11、 Razali et al. (2011) classified companies into either ERM adopted or not to determine factors which have impact on ERM adoption. Since ERM is relatively new in Malaysia, little is known on the level of ERM implementat

12、ion among various industries.3. Data collectionData were collected through a questionnaire survey distributed to selected public-listed firms on the main board of Bursa Malaysia by a professional agency. Bursa Malaysia c

13、lusters firms into twelve industry sectors namely construction, consumer products, finance, hotels, industrial products, infrastructure, mining, plantation, properties, real estate’s investment trust services (REITS), te

14、chnology, and trading and services. Firms are classified into one of these sectors based on their primary activity.At the time of data gathering, there were a total of 993 firms listed on the main board of Bursa Malaysia

15、. To increase generalizability, sample firms were chosen from all the twelve industries. To give firms from different industries an equal probability of being selected, stratified sampling method was used. The number of

16、sample firms needed from each industry was calculated on a pro-rata basis based on the total number of firms in that industry. Out of 320 questionnaires distributed, 199 were received representing 62 percent response rat

17、e. The units of analysis are the firms and the respondents were the Chief Risk Officers (CRO) of the sample firms. In the event of inexistence of CRO position in the firm, the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) or the most re

18、levant senior position was chosen as the respondent. In order to assess ERM practices of the firms, following Beasley et al. (2005), we identified the level of ERM implementation in the respective firms.4. ResultsTable 1

19、 presents the frequency of respondents in different industries. Majority of the respondents were from the industrial products, consumer products, properties, and trading/service industries. On the other hand, demographic

20、 characteristics of respondents (Table 2) shows 50 percent of respondent firms had 101 to 1000 employees and about 35 percent had estimated annual revenue of less than RM100 million.Table 1. Distribution of respondents.F

21、requency PercentConsumer products 30 15.1Industrial products 38 18.9Construction 18 9.3Trading/Service 22 11.2Infrastructure 5 2.7Finance 16 7.7Technology 11 5.4Hotels 2 1.2Properties 23 11.6Plantation 16 8.1REITS 5 2.3O


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