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1、<p><b>  摘要</b></p><p>  P-15B耙斗機屬于礦井巷道掘進的裝巖設備,是耙裝機和轉載機“合二為一”的機型。可稱之為轉載式耙斗裝巖機。在巷道掘進中,作為裝載設備的裝巖機有多種,主要分為耙斗式和鏟斗式兩種。P-90B耙斗機是一種用絞車吧巖石裝入礦車的機械。其符號的意義是:P—耙斗式;15—耙斗的容積為0.15立方米;B—設計序號。它適用于巷道凈高大于2米,斷

2、面為5立方米以上的巷道。</p><p>  耙斗裝巖機養(yǎng)護注意事項</p><p>  (1)維護耙斗裝巖機的維修工必須熟悉該機的性能、工作原理、構造特點。</p><p>  (2)維修工必須執(zhí)行嚴格的交接班制度,對該機各部件詳細檢查,交接清楚,否則發(fā)生問題由本班負責。</p><p>  (3)耙斗裝巖機的電器設備,橡套電纜等必須妥加保

3、護,避免遭受水淋、撞擊、擠壓和炮崩造成損壞,發(fā)現(xiàn)問題及時匯報主管部門,并填寫匯報記錄。</p><p>  (4)新安耙斗裝巖機必須達到完好標準,維修工必須保持設備性能處于良好狀態(tài)。</p><p>  (5)有嚴格的零件交舊換新制度,以及丟失和損壞零件獎罰制度。</p><p>  (6)維修工與耙斗裝巖機司機團結協(xié)作,保證機器正常運轉。</p>&

4、lt;p>  (7)維修工也必須熟悉耙斗裝巖機技術操作規(guī)程。</p><p>  耙斗裝巖機的維修檢查</p><p>  (1)檢查各部連接件是否松動,各部件是否齊全和損壞情況。</p><p>  (2)固定裝置是否牢靠,尤其是上下山使用的卡具、撐腿、繩套等必須牢固可靠。</p><p>  (3)操作機構是否靈活,檢查工作閘皮和輔

5、助閘皮磨損情況。</p><p>  (4)滑輪轉動是否靈活,有無損壞情況,工作尾輪出現(xiàn)問題要及時更換,正常情況半個月更換一次。</p><p>  (5)檢查防護裝置,并處于良好狀態(tài),不得隨意去掉。</p><p>  (6)接班和放炮后對固定裝置、槽子、電器設備等進行詳細檢查,并填寫匯報記錄。</p><p>  (7)檢查鋼絲繩磨損情況

6、,繩頭嚴重斷裂及時截去、調換繩頭或者更換新繩。</p><p>  (8)繩輪每個月注黃油一次,絞車滾筒內每月注油一次,絞車減速機每季注油一次 (上山或下山坡度大時,視油標位置處理)。</p><p>  (9)機電主管部門每月檢查一次耙斗裝巖機完好情況,并進行評比工作。</p><p>  (10)上山掘進時,電修工每班檢查一次倒拉滑輪、繩卡子、繩套等固定裝置,確

7、保處于完好狀態(tài)。</p><p>  (11)耙斗裝巖機連續(xù)使用6個月(約1.5萬噸矸石),需升坑檢修一次,檢修結果作出記錄以備查考。</p><p>  耙斗裝巖機的使用注意</p><p>  (1)耙斗裝巖機在入坑前,必須經過檢查和試運轉,運轉正常后方可入坑。</p><p>  (2)耙斗裝巖機入坑時,需拆若干件裝入車盤或礦車,應考慮

8、安裝的方便,使用地點和方向,不得超高和超寬,必須綁牢,以免運輸中發(fā)生問題。</p><p>  (3)組裝時應按順序將各件運到掘進頭,全部組裝完畢進行試運轉,由安裝與使用雙方進行交接工作。</p><p>  (4)拆除與組裝次序相反,各部件保證完整無缺的升坑,同時也進行交接工作,以便順利的進行檢修工作。</p><p>  (5)在上山或下山組裝時,注意倒鏈、繩套

9、,懸吊方式、組裝方法等必須安全可靠。</p><p>  耙斗裝巖機維修需要注意</p><p>  (1)耙斗裝巖機運轉時,不得檢修傳動部分,也不準用手或工具觸摸鋼絲繩。</p><p>  (2)絞車滾筒上的繩,因倒繩和起圈咬繩而造成的鋼絲繩損壞和斷繩,應及時更換新繩。鋼絲繩不準結節(jié)使用。</p><p>  (3)工作時,絞車滾筒上的鋼

10、絲繩,最少不得少于三圈,一般主繩為40米,尾繩為60米。</p><p>  (4)在上山或下山移動耙斗裝巖機時,電修工必須與班長共同指揮耙斗裝巖機移動工作。注意檢查倒拉滑輪和點柱、繩套、繩卡子、卡軌器或其它固定裝置,確保安全可靠。</p><p>  (5)放炮后電修工必須檢查電纜、照明燈,線盒、滑輪以及固定裝置等。</p><p>  (6)在上山使用耙斗裝巖機

11、時,必須有可靠的斜撐支腿和卡軌器,再用鋼絲繩套將耙斗裝巖機與軌道聯(lián)結牢固,每班進行嚴格檢查。</p><p>  (7)下山使用耙斗裝巖機固定時,為防止機身下滑,除卡軌器外,還應有專用的卡軌裝置或用鋼絲繩套拉緊均可。</p><p>  (8)上下山掘進使用耙斗裝巖機時,提升信號必須保持良好狀態(tài),不準用其它方法傳送信號,防止撞擊耙斗裝巖機等事故。</p><p> 

12、 (9)在上山移動耙斗裝巖機時,其下方禁止有人。</p><p>  (10)機身前方有護身點柱,防止物料下滑傷人。</p><p>  (11)在上山移動耙斗裝巖機時,可在耙斗裝巖機尾部加裝一個“俗稱罐尾巴”的保險叉,防止機身下滑。</p><p>  為了適應大斷面礦井快速掘進的要求,從而解決裝在速度不能滿足掘進速度的要求的矛盾,論文中以耙斗裝巖機的生產率和耙斗

13、容積為已知條件通過大量計算 推理和論證,設計了耙斗裝巖機的減速器 工作滾筒 空程滾筒等絞車主要部件。其中工作滾筒和空程滾筒的傳動部分采用醒醒齒輪機構完成,具有操作省力 靈活,調整簡便,事故小,維修工作量小的優(yōu)點,同時在吸取成型生產和使用經驗的基礎上完成耙斗裝巖機的絞車設計。</p><p>  行星齒輪機構的組成及特征:</p><p>  簡單(單排)的行星齒輪機構是變速機構的基礎,通常

14、自動變速器的變速機構都由兩排或三排以上行星齒輪機構組成。簡單行星齒輪機構包括一個太陽輪、若干個行星齒輪和一個齒輪圈,其中行星齒輪由行星架的固定軸支承,允許行星輪在支承軸上轉動。行星齒輪和相鄰的太陽輪、齒圈總是處于常嚙合狀態(tài),通常都采用斜齒輪以提高工作的平穩(wěn)性</p><p>  1、當行星架為主動件時,從動件超速運轉。</p><p>  2、當行星架為從動件時,行星架必然較主動件轉速下降

15、。</p><p>  3、當行星架為固定時,主動件和從動件按相反方向旋轉。</p><p>  4、太陽輪為主動件時,從動件轉速必然下降。</p><p>  5、若行星架作為被動件,則它的旋轉方向和主動件同向。</p><p>  6、若行星架作為主動件,則被動件的旋轉方向和它同向。</p><p>  7、在簡單

16、行星齒輪機構中,太陽輪齒數(shù)最少,行星架的當量齒數(shù)最多.而齒圈齒數(shù)則介于中間。(注:行星架的當量齒數(shù)=太陽輪齒數(shù)十齒圈齒數(shù)。)</p><p>  8、若行星齒輪機構中的任意兩個元件同速同方向旋轉,則第三元件的轉速和方向必然與前兩者相同,即機構鎖止,成為直接檔。(這是一個十分重要的特征,盡管上述的例子沒有涉及。)</p><p>  9、僅有一個主動件并且兩個其它部件沒被固定時,此時處于空擋

17、</p><p>  行星齒輪機構的工作原理</p><p>  根據(jù)能量守恒定律,三個元件上輸入和輸出的功率的代數(shù)和應等于零,從而得到單排行星齒輪機構一般運動規(guī)律的特性方程。</p><p>  特性方程:n1+an2-(1+a)n3=0由特性方程可以看出,由于單排行星齒輪機構具有兩個自由度,在太陽輪、環(huán)形內齒圈和行星架三個機構中,任選兩個分別作為主動件和從動件,

18、而使另一個元件固定不動,或使其運動受一定的約束(即該元件的轉速為某定值),則機構只有一個自由度,整個輪系以一定的傳動比傳遞動力.下面分別討論三種情況。</p><p>  1、齒圈固定,太陽輪為主動件且順時針轉動,而行星架則為被動件。太陽輪順時針轉動時,太陽輪輪齒必給行星輪齒A一個推力F1,則行星輪應為逆時針轉動,但由于齒圈固定,所以齒圈輪齒必給行星輪齒B一個反作用力F2,行星輪在F1和 F2合力作用下必繞太陽輪

19、順時針旋轉,結果行星輪不僅存在逆時針自轉,并且在行星架的帶動下,繞太陽輪中心軸線順時針公轉。在這種狀態(tài)下,就出現(xiàn)了行星齒輪機構作用的傳動方式,而且被動件行星架的旋轉方向與主動件同方向。在這里,太陽輪是主動件而且是小齒輪,被動件行星架沒有具體齒數(shù)的傳動關系,因此定義行星架的當量齒數(shù)等于太陽輪和齒圈齒數(shù)之和。這樣,太陽輪帶動行星架轉動仍屬于小齒輪帶動最大的齒輪,是一種減速運動且有最大的傳動比。</p><p>  2

20、、太陽輪固定,行星架為主動件且順時針轉動,齒圈為被動件。當行星架順時轉動時,勢必造成行星輪的順時針轉動,但因太陽輪制動,太陽輪齒給行星輪齒 B齒一個反作用力F1,行星輪在F1的作用下順時針旋轉,其輪齒給齒圈輪齒A一個F2的推力,齒圈在F2的作用下順時針旋轉。在這里,主動件行星架的旋轉方向和被</p><p>  動件齒圈相同。由于行星架是一個當量齒數(shù)最大齒輪,因此被動的齒圈以增速的方式輸出,兩者間傳動比小于1。因

21、為此時n1=0,故傳動比i23=n3∕n2=a/(1+a)。</p><p>  3、行星架固定,太陽輪為主動件且順時針轉動,而齒圈則作為被動件。由于行星架被固定,則機構就屬于定軸傳動,太陽輪順時針轉動,給行星輪齒A一個作用力F1,行星輪則逆時針轉動,給齒圈輪齒B一個作用力F2,齒圈也逆時針旋轉,結果齒圈的旋轉方向和太陽輪相反。在定軸傳動中,行星輪起了過渡輪的作用,改變了被動件齒圈的旋向。因為此時n3=0,故傳動

22、比i12=n1∕n2=-a。</p><p>  P—90B耙斗裝載機主要由鋼絲繩 耙斗 機架 臺車 操作機構和絞車等部分組成。這種裝載機的優(yōu)點為裝載能力大,裝巖效率高,安全可靠,故障少,易維修,適用范圍廣,結構簡單,易于制造等等。但體積大,鋼絲繩磨損快。</p><p>  關鍵字:耙斗裝巖機 滾筒 行星齒輪 </p><p><b>  ABSTR

23、ACT</b></p><p>  The P-15-B a rake belongs to mine laneway tunneling machine with rock equipment, it is installed and reproduced the machine "together" model. Can call reproduced type a rake

24、with rock machine. In tunneling of roadway, as the loading equipment installed rock machine has a variety of, mainly divides into the measures type and bucket type two kinds. P-15-B rake measures machine is a rock in it

25、was winched shortages of machinery. Its symbol meaning is: P-a rake type; 15-a rake the capacity of 0.15 c</p><p>  The machine maintenance with a rock matters needing attention </p><p>  (1) Ma

26、intain a pack of the rock machine maintenance technician must be familiar with the performance and working principle, structure characteristics. </p><p>  (2) Maintenance technician must implement strict han

27、ding-over system, all the parts of the machine carefully and handover clear, or by this class is responsible for the problems. </p><p>  (3)The fights with rock machine electrical equipment, the rubber set o

28、f cable must add the protection, avoid water from rain, bump, extrusion and gun damage collapse, found that the problem report departments, and fill in the reporting record. </p><p>  (4) Installed a rake xi

29、nan rock machine must complete standard, maintenance technician must keep equipment performance is in good condition. </p><p>  (5) Have strict parts into old change new system, and the loss and damage spare

30、 parts award system. </p><p>  (6) Maintenance technician and the measures put rock machine driver unity cooperation, to ensure the normal operation of the machine. </p><p>  (7) Maintenance tec

31、hnician also must be familiar with the fights with rock machine technology operation procedures. </p><p>  The measures put rocks of the machine maintenance checks </p><p>  (1) Check whether al

32、l fittings, become loose, each parts for cases of damage. </p><p>  (2) Fxed device is firm, especially the use of the fixtures and hold down the leg, nooses, etc must be strong and reliable. </p><

33、;p>  (3) Operator is flexible, check the work brake skin and auxiliary brake skin wear. </p><p>  (4) Pulley rotation is flexible, whether have damage, tail wheel work problems to change in time, normal r

34、eplacement of a half a month. </p><p>  (5) check protection device, and in good condition, do not get optional removed. </p><p>  (6) Generation and after adopting of fixed device, tank, electr

35、ical equipment of detailed inspection, and fill in reporting record. </p><p>  (7) Check the wire rope wear, rope head serious fracture timely truncated, exchange or replace new head rope rope. </p>&

36、lt;p>  (8) Rope round each month note butter a, winches roller monthly note oil within a, winches reducer quarterly note oil a (went up into the mountain or down the mountain slope, depending on the oil standard posit

37、ion treatment). </p><p>  (9) Mechanical and electrical department monthly checks a rake with a rock machine in good condition, and the comparison work. </p><p>  (10) Heading up the mountain, t

38、he repair work each class check a fall pull pulley, rope bands, such as the noose fixtures, make sure to be in perfect condition. </p><p>  (11) The measures for use with rock machine 6 months (about 15000 t

39、ons of coal wasting), need to rise a pit maintenance, repair the results make records for the examination. </p><p>  The use of the machine with a rock attention </p><p>  (1) The measures put i

40、nto the hole in the rock machine before, must be subject to inspection and test run, run into the pit the normal. </p><p>  (2) The measures put into the pit rock machine, need to open several pieces into ca

41、r dish or harvesters, should consider the installation convenient, use the site and direction, and not high and the wide, to be bolted the jail, lest transport problems. </p><p>  (3) Assembly shall be accor

42、ding to the order will each thing to JueJinTou, all the assembly on the test run, installation and use both sides by a transition. </p><p>  (4) Removed and assembly sequence instead, ensure complete all par

43、ts/pit, also a transition to smoothly repair work. </p><p>  (5) The mountain or down the mountain assembly, note down the chain, the noose, hanging way, the assembly method, etc must be safe and reliable. &

44、lt;/p><p>  The measures put rocks need to pay attention to machine maintenance </p><p>  (1) A rake with rock machine operation, not maintenance transmission part, also must not use hand or touch

45、tool steel rope. </p><p>  (2)The cords on the roller, because fall rope and QiJuan bite caused damage wire rope and breaking rope, should change in time new lines. Wire rope no nodules use. </p><

46、p>  (3) Work, the wire rope hoist roller, shall not be less than three times at least, general Lord rope for 40 meters, the tail rope for 60 meters. </p><p>  (4) The mountain or down the mountain with a

47、mobile rake rock machine, electric repair work must monitor and joint command a rake with rock machine mobile work. Check the pulleys and pull down the noose, rope, some column bands, card or other fixtures for rail, ens

48、ure safe and reliable. </p><p>  (5) After adopting the work must check electric cable, lighting, fuse, pulley and fixed devices, etc. </p><p>  (6)Use a rake up the mountain in with rock unit,

49、must have reliable slant supports a leg and card rail device, then use a pack of wire rope will rake machine and the rail link rock solid, intending to strict test. </p><p>  (7) Down the mountain with the u

50、se a fixed rock machine, to prevent the downturn, in addition to the rail card outside, also should have the special card rail device or use wire rope set taut all can. </p><p>  (8) Up and down the hill wit

51、h a rake the tunneling use rock unit, improve signal must be kept in good condition, must not use other methods signals, prevent the impact with a rock machine and so on accident. </p><p>  (9)To the mount

52、ain with a move the rock unit, its ban someone below. </p><p>  (10) The protective ahead point column, prevent from slipping cuts. </p><p>  (11) To the mountain with a move the rock unit, but

53、in a rock the tail of the pack with a \"commonly known as cans of tail\" insurance fork, prevent the slowdown. </p><p>  In order to adapt to the large sections of the mine fast tunneling of the re

54、quest, so as to solve into speed can not meet the requirements of the contradiction of tunneling speed, in a paper in the rock of the machine with productivity and the measures for the known condition through the large v

55、olume calculations and argument, the design of the machine with a rake rock reducer work process such as roller drum empty the major components. The work of the cylinder and the process of roller drive em</p><

56、p>  Planetary gear institutions and composition of the features: </p><p>  Simple (single) planet gear mechanism is the foundation of the gear mechanisms, usually the automatic transmission gear mechanism

57、s are made by two row or more than three rows of planetary gear mechanism composition. Simple planetary gear institutions including a sun wheel, several planetary gear and a gear circle, including planetary gear by plane

58、t shelf fixed axis supporting, allow the planet round in supporting shaft turning on. Planetary gear and the adjacent the sun wheel, tooth circle alway</p><p>  1 And when the planet frame to active thing, f

59、ollower speeding operation. </p><p>  2, when the planet frame for follower, planet shelf is necessarily a speed down voluntarily. </p><p>  3 And when the planet frame for fixed, active and a f

60、ollower in the opposite direction rotation. </p><p>  4, The sun round to active thing, follower speed inevitable decline. </p><p>  5, If planet shelf as passive parts, it is the direction of r

61、otation and active a coincidental. </p><p>  6, if planet shelf, as an active thing, the passive a direction of rotation and it as the first degree turn. </p><p>  7,in simple planetary gear o

62、rganizations, the sun wheel gear at least, planet shelf equivalent gear most. And the number of teeth circle between the middle. ( note : planet shelf equivalent gear = the sun gear tooth circle number of dozens.) </p

63、><p>  8, If any of the planetary gear institutions two elements have the same speed but turns, the third component of the rotation speed and direction before both inevitable with the same, i.e. the lock instit

64、utions, become directly file. (This is a very important characteristics, although the above examples not involved.) </p><p>  9 , Only a active thing and two other parts are not fixed, this time in a neutral

65、 </p><p>  Planetary gear mechanism's principle of work </p><p>  According to the law of conservation of energy, three components on the input and output power of algebra and should be equa

66、l to zero, and get a single planet gear institutions in general the law of motion of the characteristic equation. </p><p>  Characteristic equations: n1 + an2-(1 + a) = 0 n3 by characteristic equation can se

67、e, because odd planet gear mechanism possesses two degrees of freedom, in the sun, ring round in circles and planet shelf teeth three institutions, choose two respectively, as an active and a follower, and make another c

68、omponent fixed, or their movement under certain constraints (namely the components of the speed for a fixed value), the agency only a degree of freedom, the gear at a certain ratio transfer power. </p><p>  

69、1, tooth circle fixed, the sun round to active thing and clockwise and planet shelf is passive one. The sun round clockwise, the sun wheel gear will give A planet gear A thrust F1, is the planet round should rotate count

70、erclockwise (6), but because the tooth circle fixed, so tooth gear planetary gear to circle will B A reaction which F2, the planet round in F1 and F2 force under the action of will revolves around the sun in wheel clockw

71、ise, result the planet round exists not only counterclockwis</p><p>  2, the sun wheel is fixed, the planet shelf for active and a clockwise circle for passive a tooth. When the planet A chronological turns,

72、 would cause the planet round clockwise rotation, but because the sun wheel brake, the sun to planet gear teeth gear B A reaction which F1, the planet round in F1 under the effect of rotating clockwise, the gear tooth ge

73、ar to circle A A F2 thrust, tooth circle in the F2 under the effect of rotating clockwise. Here, the initiative a planet shelf and the directio</p><p>  Move a tooth circle the same. Due to the planet shelf

74、is a equivalent maximum number of gear, so passive tooth round the output growth way between transmission ratio less than 1. Because the n1 = 0, the transmission ratio i23 = n3 / n2 = a / (1 + a). </p><p>  

75、3, Planet shelf fixed, the sun round to active thing and clockwise and tooth circle is taken as a passive one. Due to the planet shelf are fixed, the agency will belong to set shaft driving, the sun round clockwise to pl

76、anet gear A A force F1, the planet round the rotate counterclockwise (6), to gear tooth circle B A force F2, tooth circle also counter-clockwise, results tooth circle the direction of rotation and the sun wheel instead.

77、In the shaft driving, the planet round up the role of the fe</p><p>  P-15B rake stacking-raking machine mainly by the wire rope a frame car operator and the winch components. The advantages of the loader fo

78、r loading capacity, high efficiency with rock, safe and reliable, low malfunction, easy maintenance, wide range, the structure is simple, easy to manufacture and so on. But big volume, wire rope wear fast. </p>&l


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