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1、<p><b>  山東英才學院</b></p><p>  畢業(yè)設計(論文)外文資料翻譯</p><p>  附件:1.外文資料翻譯譯文;2.外文原文</p><p>  The development of industrial robots</p><p>  Industrial robot is a

2、robot, it consists of a CaoZuoJi. Controller. Servo drive system and detection sensor device composition, it is a kind of humanoid operating automatic control, can repeat programming, can finish all kinds of assignments

3、in three difficulties in authorship space the electromechanical integration automation production equipment, especially suitable for many varieties, become batch flexible production. It to stabilize and improve the produ

4、ct quality, raise efficiency in produc</p><p>  Widely used industrial robots can gradually improve working conditions, stronger and controllable production capacity, speed up product updating and upgrading.

5、 Improve production efficiency and guarantee the quality of its products, eliminate dull work, save labor, provide a safe working environment, reduces the labor intensity, and reduce labor risk, improve the machine tool,

6、 reduce the workload and reduce process production time and inventory, enhance the competitiveness of enterprises. </p><p>  As technology advances, the development of industrial robot, the process can be di

7、vided into three generations -- generation, for demonstration reproduce, and it mainly consists of robot hand controller and demonstration teaching machines composed, can press advance box to record information guide act

8、ion, the current industry repeated reappearance application of execution most. The second to feel robot, such as powerful sleep touch and vision, it has for some outside information feedback adjustm</p><p> 

9、 The United States is the birthplace of the robot, as early as in 1961, America's ConsolidedControlCorp and AMF companies developed the first practical demonstration emersion robot. After 40 years of development, the

10、 United States in the world of robotics has been in the lead position. Still Its technology comprehensive, advanced, adaptability is strong. </p><p>  Japan imported from America in 1967, the first robot in

11、1976 later, with the rapid development of the microelectronics and the market demand has increased dramatically, Japan was labor significant deficiencies in enterprise, industrial robots by "savior"'s welco

12、me, make its Japanese industrial robots get fast development, the number of now whether robots or robot densities are top of the world, known as the "robot kingdom," said. The robot introduced from Germany time

13、 than Britain and Sweden abo</p><p>  The French government has been more important robot technology, and through a series of research program, support established a complete science and technology system, m

14、ake the development of the French robot smoothly. In government organization project, pay special attention to the robot research based technique, the focus is on the application research on in robot. And by industry sup

15、port the development application and development of work, both supplement each other, make robots in France ent</p><p>  British jamie since the late 1970s, promote and implement a department measures listed

16、 support the development of policies and make robots British industrial robots than today's robot powers started to early, and once in Japan has made the early brilliance. However, at this time the government for ind

17、ustrial robots implemented the constraining errors. This mistake in Britain dust, the robot industry in Western Europe was almost in the bottom of it. In recent years, Italy, Sweden, Spain, Finland,</p><p> 

18、 Industrial robot in China started in early 1970s, after 30 years development, roughly experienced three stages: in the 1970s and 1980s budding transplanter and the application of the 1990s initialization period. With th

19、e 20th century 70's world technology rapid development, the application of industrial robots in world created a climax, in this context, our country in 1972 start developing their industrial robots. Enter after the 1

20、980s, with the further reform and opening, in high technology wav</p><p>  From 9O 2O century since the early, China's national economy achieve two fundamental period of transformation into a a new round

21、 of economic restructuring and technological progress, China's industrial robots upsurge in practice and have made strides, and have developed spot welding, welding, assembling, paint, cutting, handling, palletizing

22、etc various USES of industrial robot, and implement a batch of robot application engineering, formed a batch of industrial robots for our country industrial</p><p>  Along with the development of industrial

23、robot depth and the breadth and raise the level of robot, industrial robots are has been applied in many fields. From the traditional automobile manufacturing sector to the manufacturing extensions. Such as mining robots

24、, building robots and hydropower system used for maintenance robots, etc. In defense of military, medicine and health, food processing and life service areas such as the application of industrial robots will be more and

25、more. The manufactu</p><p>  Industrial robot in addition to the wide application of in the automotive industry in electronic, food processing, nonmetal processing, daily consumer goods and wood furniture pr

26、ocessing industries for industrial robots demand is growing rapidly. In Asia, 2005 72,600 sets, installation industrial robots, compared with 2004 grew by 40%, and application in electronic industry accounted for about 3

27、1%. In Europe, according to statistics, since 2004 and 2005 in l: tI industry robot in the food proces</p><p>  In China, the industrial robot market share are mostly foreign industrial robots enterprise hol

28、ds. Before the gunman in the international, domestic industrial robots enterprise facing great pressure of competition. Now China is from a "manufacturing power" to "manufacturing power forward," Chin

29、ese manufacturing industry faces and the international community, participate in the international division of labor in the great challenge of industrial automation increase immediate, government must can </p><

30、;p>  References</p><p>  Electronic Measurement and Intrumenttations,Cambridge University Press,1996</p><p><b>  工業(yè)機器人的發(fā)展</b></p><p>  工業(yè)機器人是機器人的一種,它由操作機.控制器.伺服驅動系統(tǒng)和檢

31、測傳感器裝置構成,是一種仿人操作自動控制,可重復編程,能在三難空間完成各種作業(yè)的機電一體化的自動化生產設備,特別適合于多品種,變批量柔性生產。它對穩(wěn)定和提高產品質量,提高生產效率,改善勞動條件的快速更新換代起著十分重要作用。</p><p>  廣泛的應用工業(yè)機器人,可以逐步改善勞動條件,更強與可控的生產能力,加快產品更新換代。提高生產效率和保證產品質量,消除枯燥無味的工作,節(jié)約勞動力,提供更安全的工作環(huán)境,降低

32、工人的勞動強度,減少勞動風險,提高機床,減少工藝過程中的工作量及降低停產時間和庫存,提高企業(yè)競爭力。</p><p>  隨著科技的不斷進步,工業(yè)機器人的發(fā)展過程可分為三代,第—代,為示教再現型機器人,它主要由機器手控制器和示教盒組成,可按預先引導動作記錄下信息重復再現執(zhí)行,當前工業(yè)中應用最多。第二代為感覺型機器人,如有力覺觸覺和視覺等,它具有對某些外界信息進行反饋調整的能力,目前已進入應用階段。第三代為智能型機

33、器人它具有感知和理解外部環(huán)境的能力,在工作環(huán)境改變的情況下,也能夠成功地完成任務,它尚處于實驗研究階段。</p><p>  美國是機器人的誕生地,早在1961年,美國的ConsolidedControlCorp和AMF公司聯合研制了第一臺實用的示教再現機器人。經過40多年的發(fā)展,美國的機器人技術在國際上仍一直處于領先地位。其技術全面、先進,適應性也很強。</p><p>  日本在196


35、毒、有害的工作崗位,必須以機器人來代替普通人的勞動。這為機器人的應用開拓了廣泛的市場,并推動了工業(yè)機器人技術的發(fā)展。目前,德國工業(yè)機器人的總數占世界第二位,僅次于日本。</p><p>  法國政府一直比較重視機器人技術,通過大力支持一系列研究計劃,建立了一個完整的科學技術體系,使法國機器人的發(fā)展比較順利。在政府組織的項目中,特別注重機器人基礎技術方面的研究,把重點放在開展機器人的應用研究上。而由工業(yè)界支持開展應

36、用和開發(fā)方面的工作,兩者相輔相成,使機器人在法國企業(yè)界得以迅速發(fā)展和普及,從而使法國在國際工業(yè)機器人界擁有不可或缺的一席之地。</p><p>  英國紀70年代末開始,推行并實施了一系措施列支持機器人發(fā)展的政策,使英國工業(yè)機器人起步比當今的機器人大國日本還要早,并曾經取得了早期的輝煌。然而,這時候政府對工業(yè)機器人實行了限制發(fā)展的錯誤。這個錯誤導致英國的機器人工業(yè)一蹶不振,在西歐幾乎處于末位。近些年,意大利、瑞典

37、、西班牙、芬蘭、丹麥等國家由于自身國內機器人市場的大量需求,發(fā)展速度非常迅速。目前,國際上的工業(yè)機器人公司主要分為日系和歐系。日系中主要有安川、oTC、松下、FANLUC、不二越、川崎等公司的產品。歐系中主要有德國的KUKA、CLOOS、瑞典的ABB、意大利的CO毗U及奧地利的工GM公司。</p><p>  我國工業(yè)機器人起步于20世紀70年代初期,經過30多年發(fā)展,大致經歷了3個階段:70年代萌芽期,80年代


39、計劃開始實施,經過幾年研究,取得了一大批科研成果。成功地研制出了一批特種機器人。</p><p>  從2O世紀9O年代初期起,我國的國民經濟進入實現兩個根本轉變期,掀起了新一輪的經濟體制改革和技術進步熱潮,我國的工業(yè)機器人又在實踐中邁進了一大步,先后研制了點焊,弧焊,裝配,噴漆,切割,搬運,碼垛等各種用途的工業(yè)機器人,并實施了一批機器人應用工程,形成了一批工業(yè)機器人產業(yè)化基地,為我國機器人產業(yè)的騰飛奠定了基礎。

40、但是與發(fā)達國家相比,我國工業(yè)機器人還有很大差距。</p><p>  隨著工業(yè)機器人發(fā)展的深度和廣度以及機器人智能水平的提高,工業(yè)機器人已在眾多領域得到了應用。從傳統(tǒng)的汽車制造領域向非制造領域延伸。如采礦機器人、建筑業(yè)機器人以及水電系統(tǒng)用于維護維修的機器人等。在國防軍事、醫(yī)療衛(wèi)生、食品加工、生活服務等領域工業(yè)機器人的應用也越來越多。汽車制造是一個技術和資金高度密集的產業(yè),也是工業(yè)機器人應用最廣泛的行業(yè),幾乎占到整


42、t;  工業(yè)機器人除了在汽車行業(yè)的廣泛應用,在電子,食品加工,非金屬加工,日用消費品和木材家具加工等行業(yè)對工業(yè)機器人的需求也快速增長。在亞洲,2005年安裝工業(yè)機器人72,600臺,與2004年相比,增長了40%,而應用在電子行業(yè)的就占了31%左右。在歐洲地區(qū),據統(tǒng)計2005年與2004年相l(xiāng):tI業(yè)機器人在食品加工行業(yè)的應用增長了17%左右,在非金屬加工行業(yè)的應用增長了20%左右,在日用品消費行業(yè)增長了32%,在木材家具加工行業(yè)增長了

43、18%左右。工業(yè)機器人在石油方面也有廣泛的應用,如海上石油鉆井、采油平臺、管道的檢測、煉油廠、大型油罐和儲罐的焊接等均可使用機器人來完成。在未來幾年,傳感技術,激光技術,工程網絡技術將會被廣泛應用在工業(yè)機器人工作領域,這些技術會使工業(yè)機器人的應用更為高效,高質,運行成本低。據預測,今后機器人將在醫(yī)療、保健、生物技術和產業(yè)、教育、救災、海洋開發(fā)、機器維修、交通運輸和農業(yè)水產等領域得到應用。</p><p>  在我



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