1、<p> 淺析機電一體化技術的現狀和發(fā)展趨勢</p><p><b> 摘要</b></p><p> 機電一體化是現代科學技術發(fā)展的必然結果,本文簡述了機電一體化技術的基本概要和發(fā)展背景。綜述了國內外機電一體化技術的現狀,分析了機電一體化技術的發(fā)展趨勢。</p><p><b> 關鍵詞</b><
2、/p><p> 機電一體化 技術 現狀 產品 制造技術 發(fā)展趨勢</p><p><b> 0.緒論</b></p><p> 現代科學技術的不斷發(fā)展,極大地推動了不同學科的交叉與滲透,導致了工程領域的技術革命與改造。在機械工程領域,由于微電子技術和計算機技術的迅速發(fā)展及其向機械工業(yè)的滲透所形成的機電一體化,使機械工業(yè)的技術結構、產品機構、功
3、能與構成、生產方式及管理體系發(fā)生了巨大變化,使工業(yè)生產由“機械電氣化”邁入了“機電一體化”為特征的發(fā)展階段。</p><p><b> 1.機電一體化概要</b></p><p> 機電一體化是指在機構得主功能、動力功能、信息處理功能和控制功能上引進電子技術,將機械裝置與電子化設計及軟件結合起來所構成的系統(tǒng)的總稱。</p><p> 機電
5、。由此而產生的功能系統(tǒng),則成為一個機電一體化系統(tǒng)或機電一體化產品。</p><p> 因此,“機電一體化”涵蓋“技術”和“產品”兩個方面。只是,機電一體化技術是基于上述群體技術有機融合的一種綜合技術,而不是機械技術、微電子技術以及其它新技術的簡單組合、拼湊。這是機電一體化與機械加電氣所形成的機械電氣化在概念上的根本區(qū)別。機械工程技術有純技術發(fā)展到機械電氣化,仍屬傳統(tǒng)機械,其主要功能依然是代替和放大的體力。但是發(fā)
6、展到機電一體化后,其中的微電子裝置除可取代某些機械部件的原有功能外,還能賦予許多新的功能,如自動檢測、自動處理信息、自動顯示記錄、自動調節(jié)與控制自動診斷與保護等。即機電一體化產品不僅是人的手與肢體的延伸,還是人的感官與頭腦的眼神,具有智能化的特征是機電一體化與機械電氣化在功能上的本質區(qū)別。</p><p> 2.機電一體化的發(fā)展狀況</p><p> 機電一體化的發(fā)展大體可以分為3個階
8、;<p> 20世紀70~80年代為第二階段,可稱為蓬勃發(fā)展階段。這一時期,計算機技術、控制技術、通信技術的發(fā)展,為機電一體化的發(fā)展奠定了技術基礎。大規(guī)模、超大規(guī)模集成電路和微型計算機的迅猛發(fā)展,為機電一體化的發(fā)展提供了充分的物質基礎。這個時期的特點是:①mechatronics一詞首先在日本被普遍接受,大約到20世紀80年代末期在世界范圍內得到比較廣泛的承認;②機電一體化技術和產品得到了極大發(fā)展;③各國均開始對機電一體
9、化技術和產品給以很大的關注和支持。</p><p> 20世紀90年代后期,開始了機電一體化技術向智能化方向邁進的新階段,機電一體化進入深入發(fā)展時期。一方面,光學、通信技術等進入了機電一體化,微細加工技術也在機電一體化中嶄露頭腳,出現了光機電一體化和微機電一體化等新分支;另一方面對機電一體化系統(tǒng)的建模設計、分析和集成方法,機電一體化的學科體系和發(fā)展趨勢都進行了深入研究。同時,由于人工智能技術、神經網絡技術及光纖
10、技術等領域取得的巨大進步,為機電一體化技術開辟了發(fā)展的廣闊天地。這些研究,將促使機電一體化進一步建立完整的基礎和逐漸形成完整的科學體系。</p><p> 我國是從20世紀80年代初才開始在這方面研究和應用。國務院成立了機電一體化領導小組并將該技術列為“863計劃”中。在制定“九五”規(guī)劃和2010年發(fā)展綱要時充分考慮了國際上關于機電一體化技術的發(fā)展動向和由此可能帶來的影響。許多大專院校、研究機構及一些大中型企業(yè)
11、對這一技術的發(fā)展及應用做了大量的工作,不取得了一定成果,但與日本等先進國家相比仍有相當差距。</p><p> 3.機電一體化的發(fā)展趨勢</p><p> 機電一體化是集機械、電子、光學、控制、計算機、信息等多學科的交叉綜合,它的發(fā)展和進步依賴并促進相關技術的發(fā)展和進步。因此,機電一體化的主要發(fā)展方向如下:</p><p><b> 3.1智能化&l
12、t;/b></p><p> 智能化是21世紀機電一體化技術發(fā)展的一個重要發(fā)展方向。人工智能在機電一體化建設者的研究日益得到重視,機器人與數控機床的智能化就是重要應用。這里所說的“智能化”是對機器行為的描述,是在控制理論的基礎上,吸收人工智能、運籌學、計算機科學、模糊數學、心理學、生理學和混沌動力學等新思想、新方法,模擬人類智能,使它具有判斷推理、邏輯思維、自主決策等能力,以求得到更高的控制目標。誠然,使
13、機電一體化產品具有與人完全相同的智能,是不可能的,也是不必要的。但是,高性能、高速的微處理器使機電一體化產品賦有低級智能或人的部分智能,則是完全可能而又必要的。</p><p><b> 3.2模塊化</b></p><p> 模塊化是一項重要而艱巨的工程。由于機電一體化產品種類和生產廠家繁多,研制和開發(fā)具有標準機械接口、電氣接口、動力接口、環(huán)境接口的機電一體化產
15、化單元的企業(yè)還是對生產機電一體化產品的企業(yè),規(guī)?;瘜⒔o機電一體化企業(yè)帶來美好的前程。</p><p><b> 3.3網絡化</b></p><p> 20世紀90年代,計算機技術等的突出成就是網絡技術。網絡技術的興起和飛速發(fā)展給科學技術、工業(yè)生產、政治、軍事、教育義舉人么日常生活都帶來了巨大的變革。各種網絡將全球經濟、生產連成一片,企業(yè)間的競爭也將全球化。機電一
16、體化新產品一旦研制出來,只要其功能獨到,質量可靠,很快就會暢銷全球。由于網絡的普及,基于網絡的各種遠程控制和監(jiān)視技術方興未艾,而遠程控制的終端設備本身就是機電一體化產品?,F場總線和局域網技術是家用電器網絡化已成大勢,利用家庭網絡(home net)將各種家用電器連接成以計算機為中心的計算機集成家電系統(tǒng)(computer integrated appliance system, CIAS),使人們在家里分享各種高技術帶來的便利與快樂。因此
17、,機電一體化產品無疑朝著網絡化方向發(fā)展。</p><p><b> 3.4微型化</b></p><p> 微型化興起于20世紀80年代末,指的是機電一體化向微型機器和微觀領域發(fā)展的趨勢。國外稱其為微電子機械系統(tǒng)(MEMS),泛指幾何尺寸不超過1cm3的機電一體化產品,并向微米、納米級發(fā)展。微機電一體化產品體積小 、耗能少、運動靈活,在生物醫(yī)療、軍事、信息等方面具
18、有不可比擬的優(yōu)勢。微機電一體化發(fā)展的瓶頸在于微機械技術,微機電一體化產品的加工采用精細加工技術,即超精密技術,它包括光刻技術和蝕刻技術兩類。</p><p><b> 3.5綠色化</b></p><p> 工業(yè)的發(fā)達給人們生活帶來了巨大變化。一方面,物質豐富,生活舒適;另一方面,資源減少,生態(tài)環(huán)境受到嚴重污染。于是,人們呼吁保護環(huán)境資源,回歸自然。綠色產品概念在
19、這種呼聲下應運而生,綠色化是時代的趨勢。綠色產品在其設計、制造、使用和銷毀的生命過程中,符合特定的環(huán)境保護和人類健康的要求,對生態(tài)環(huán)境無害或危害極少,資源利用率極高。設計綠色的機電一體化產品,具有遠大的發(fā)展前途。機電一體化產品的綠色化主要是指,使用時不污染生態(tài)環(huán)境,報廢后能回收利用。</p><p><b> 3.6系統(tǒng)化</b></p><p> 系統(tǒng)化的表現特
21、模仿生物機理,研制各種機電一體花產品。事實上,許多機電一體化產品都是受動物的啟發(fā)研制出來的。</p><p><b> 4.結語</b></p><p> 綜上所述,機電一體化的出現不是孤立的,它是許多科學技術發(fā)展的結晶,是社會生產力發(fā)展到一定階段的必然要求。當然,與機電一體化相關的技術還有很多,并且隨著科學技術的發(fā)展,各種技術相互融合的趨勢將越來越明顯,機電一體
22、化技術的廣闊發(fā)展前景也將越來越光明。</p><p><b> 5.參考文獻</b></p><p> 1. 李建勇.機電一體化技術. 北京:科學出版社,2004.</p><p> 2. 李運華.機電控制. 北京:北京航空航天大學出版社,2003.</p><p> 3.
23、 高鐘毓.機電控制工程.北京:清華大學出版社,2002.</p><p> 4. 劉助柏.知識創(chuàng)新思維方法論.北京:機械工業(yè)出版社,1999.</p><p> Analysis of the Electrical and Mechanical Technology integration of the status and development trend</
24、p><p><b> Abstract </b></p><p> Electromechanical integration of modern science and technology development is the inevitable result of the Electrical and Mechanical This paper briefly
25、 outline the basic technology integration and development background. Reviewed the technical integration of the status of the Electrical and Mechanical, electrical and mechanical integration of technology trends. </p&
26、gt;<p><b> Keywords </b></p><p> Status electromechanical integration technology products manufacturing technology development trends </p><p> 0. Introduction </p>&
27、lt;p> Modern scientific and technological development has greatly accelerated the different disciplines of infiltration and cross-cutting, leading to the area of the project and the transformation of the technologica
28、l revolution. In the field of mechanical engineering, microelectronics and computer technology and the rapid development of the machinery industry formed by the infiltration of the mechanical and electrical integration,
29、so that the technical structure of industrial machinery, products, fun</p><p> 1. Summary of electromechanical integration </p><p> Mechanical and electrical integration refers to agencies win
30、ner function, dynamic function, information processing and control functions, the introduction of the electronic technology, mechanical devices and electronic design and software combined with the constraints of the syst
31、em collectively. </p><p> So far, the development of electromechanical integration has become a system with a new type of self-discipline, not only with the development of science and technology, will be gi
32、ven new content. But the basic characteristics can be summarized as: mechanical and electrical integration system from the point of view of the integrated use of machinery technology, micro-electronics technology, automa
33、tic control technology, computer technology, information technology, sensor monitoring and control t</p><p> Therefore, the "mechatronics" covered "technical" and "product" two
34、 aspects. Only, electromechanical integration technology is based on the technical groups of a comprehensive organic integration of technology, rather than mechanical technology, microelectronic technology, as well as ot
35、her new technologies simple combination of patchwork. This is the integration of mechanical and electrical machinery and electrical and mechanical electrification formed by the concept of the fundamental differenc</p&
36、gt;<p> 2. The development of mechanical and electrical integration </p><p> Mechatronics development can be roughly divided into three stages. 20 in the 1960s before the first stage, called the pri
37、mary stage of this phase. During this period, people consciously or unconsciously use of electronic technology to perfect the preliminary results of the performance of mechanical products. Especially during the Second Wo
38、rld War, a war to stimulate the machinery and electronic technologies, the combination of mechanical and electrical military technology to civilian use after t</p><p> 20th Century 70 ~ 80 for the second st
39、age, known as the flourishing development stage. During this period, computer technology, control technology, communications technology development, and mechanical and electrical integration for the development of the te
40、chnical basis. Large-scale, ultra-large-scale integrated circuits and the rapid development of micro-computer, mechanical and electrical integration for the development of an adequate material basis. This period is chara
41、cterized by: ① mechatr</p><p> The late 1990s, and began electromechanical integration technology to intelligent direction of a new stage of in-depth development of mechanical and electrical integration int
42、o the period. On the one hand, optical, communication technology into the mechanical and electrical integration, micro-machining technology is the first electromechanical integration Zhanlu feet, there has been the integ
43、ration of optical and electrical machinery and MEMS integration of new branches; on the other hand on the</p><p> China is moving from the 20th century began in the early 1980s in this study and application
44、. State Council set up a leading group and electromechanical integration of the technology as the "863 Program". In the development of "Ninth Five-Year" plan and outline for the development of 2010 to
45、 take full account of the international community on the development of mechanical and electrical integration technology trends and the potential impact of this. Many universities, research institutions and s</p>
46、<p> 3. Trends in the development of mechanical and electrical integration </p><p> Electromechanical integration, is a mechanical, electronic, optical, control, computer, information, and other cross
47、-integrated multidisciplinary, it dependent on the progress and development of relevant technologies and promote the development and progress. Therefore, electromechanical integration of major development are as follows:
48、 </p><p> Intelligent 3.1 </p><p> Intelligent electromechanical integration of the 21st century technological development an important development direction. Builders in electromechanical int
49、egration of artificial intelligence research is receiving increasing attention, the robot and CNC machine tool is an important application of the intelligent. Here the word "intelligent" is a description of the
50、 machine is in control theory on the basis of absorption artificial intelligence, operations research, computer science, fuzzy mathem</p><p> Modular 3.2 </p><p> Modularity is an important an
51、d difficult project. As electromechanical integration products and manufacturers wide variety of research and development with a standard interface mechanical, electrical interface, dynamic interface, the interface envir
52、onment electromechanical integration products unit is a very complex but is a very important thing. If developed Set slowdown, intelligent governor, the electrical power unit was integrated with vision, image processing,
53、 identification and location of</p><p> 3.3 Network </p><p> In the 1990s, computer technology, the outstanding achievements networking technology. And the rise of network technology to the ra
54、pid development of science and technology, industrial production, political, military, educational Daily Mody daily lives who have brought tremendous changes. Various networks will be the global economy, even as a produc
55、tion, competition between enterprises in the globalization. Electromechanical integration of new products once developed, as long as its unique featu</p><p> 3.4 miniaturization </p><p> Minia
56、turization of the rise in the late 1980s, refers to the integration of micro-electromechanical machines and the trend of development of micro-areas. Abroad called MEMS (MEMS), refers to the geometric size of not more tha
57、n 1 cm3 electromechanical integration products, and micron, nanometer development. Micro-electro-mechanical integration products are small, less energy consumption, exercise flexibility in the biological medical, militar
58、y, and information, has unparalleled advantages. Micro-</p><p> Green 3.5 </p><p> Industry developed for the people's living brought tremendous changes. On the one hand, rich material lif
59、e comfortable on the other hand, fewer resources, the ecological environment is seriously contaminated. So, people called for the protection of environment and resources, and return to nature. This concept of green produ
60、cts in the voice of the right moment, green is the trend of the times. Green products in its design, manufacture, use and destruction of the life process, to meet specific env</p><p> 3.6 systematic </p&
61、gt;<p> One characteristic of systematic performance system architecture is open and further use of the model bus architecture. System configuration can be flexible, tailoring and arbitrary combinations at the sa
62、me time seek to achieve more coordination and control subsystems and integrated management. The second performance is greatly enhanced communications functions, in addition to general RS232, RS485 there, DCS personificat
63、ion. Future integration of mechanical and electrical products and people pay</p><p> 4. Conclusion </p><p> In short, the emergence of mechanical and electrical integration is not isolated, it
64、 is many of the crystallization of scientific and technological development, social development of the productive forces to the inevitable demand of a certain stage. Of course, electromechanical integration related techn
65、ology there are many, and with the development of science and technology, integration of the various technology trends will become more apparent, electromechanical integration technology and broad</p><p> 5
66、. References </p><p> 1. LI Jianyong. Electromechanical integration technology. Beijing: Science Press, 2004. </p><p> 2. Lee Yun-hua. Mechatronics. Beijing: Beijing Aerospace University Pres
67、s, 2003. </p><p> 3. ZHONG Yu. Electrical and Mechanical control works. Beijing: Tsinghua University Press, 2002. </p><p> 4. Liu Zhubai. Knowledge innovation methodology. Beijing: Machinery I
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- 外文翻譯-淺析機電一體化技術的現狀和發(fā)展趨勢
- 淺析機電一體化技術的現狀和發(fā)展趨勢
- 機電一體化畢業(yè)論文--淺析機電一體化技術的現狀和發(fā)展趨勢
- 機電一體化技術的現狀和發(fā)展趨勢
- 機電一體化技術現狀和發(fā)展趨勢研究
- 淺析機電一體化的發(fā)展趨勢
- 機電一體化地現狀和發(fā)展趨勢
- 淺析機電一體化技術的現狀和發(fā)展趨勢58660new
- 畢業(yè)論文---淺析機電一體化技術的現狀和發(fā)展趨勢
- 淺析機電一體化技術的應用及發(fā)展趨勢
- 機電一體化技術的現狀及發(fā)展趨勢
- 淺議機電一體化技術的發(fā)展趨勢
- 談機電一體化技術的現狀及發(fā)展趨勢
- 機電一體化畢業(yè)發(fā)展趨勢
- 談談機電一體化技術的現狀及發(fā)展趨勢
- 淺談機電一體化技術與發(fā)展趨勢
- 地質勘探中機電一體化技術的現狀和發(fā)展趨勢
- 機電一體化的現狀及發(fā)展趨勢探討
- 機電一體化的應用及其發(fā)展趨勢
- 機電一體化畢業(yè)論文---機電一體化應用及發(fā)展趨勢