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1、<p>  Mechanical Technology in the rubber industry outlined in the application</p><p>  In the development of human society is the modern process. Rubber Industries is an indispensable Economy, Trade an

2、d Industry. In the rubber industry in the development of rubber technology and rubber machinery (or electromechanical) to the progress and development of technology played an important role in promoting this. The develop

3、ment of rubber industry, rubber and rubber machinery industry technology constitutes of technical rubber products all the technical process and industrial technology </p><p>  Since 1839. A series of rubber

4、machinery and equipment will come out, in addition to the application of vulcanized rubber vulcanization facilities, and other rubber machinery, such as plunger hose extrusion machine (1858), screw extruder (1879), rubbe

5、r rolling mill (1843 ~ 1900), Closed rubber mixing machine (1916) rubber machinery and equipment. At that time, has spent the rubber industry production process, the promotion of the development of rubber industry has pl

6、ayed a facilitating role.1904</p><p>  Is a highly flexible rubber typical materials, its physical properties are very complicated. Most of the processing of rubber molding process are similar to the melt fl

7、ow and deformation process, but also in the processing of rubber products, the Health and plastic to go through plastic necklace, mixing, pressure-type, shape, curing process procedures, in order to become products. In t

8、he modern chemical products, such as rubber, plastics, paints, fibers, lubricants, ceramics, and other similar m</p><p>  In the course of processing molding viscous flow state, in the vulcanized only basic

9、treatment before losing mobility, and a high flexibility based elastic material.</p><p>  Because of the late 19th century and early 20th century, the theory of rubber is exploration and the principles of th

10、e invention. Especially theology and application of the theoretical study of the development of rubber industry makes, whether in the filler, vulcanization accelerator, or in the process principle aspects have undergone

11、profound changes. On the development of the rubber industry is a qualitative change. At the same time, all kinds of rubber machinery also made great progress and d</p><p>  Compound rubber machinery industry

12、 is one of the basic equipment. At present production machinery to open dozens of rubber mixing. Health glue used plastic necklace, plastic material mixing; pressed for the compression machine for plastic, decorticating

13、machine compound mainly used for preheating and plastic; crusher for crushing such as natural rubber, remove plastic washing machine for Health and plastic waste compound impurities; mill mainly used for waste plastic bl

14、ock grinding; refining mac</p><p>  Rubber rolling mill, which is rubber products processing in the process of one of the basic equipment. Since 1843 three-roll calendar application, we have 160 years of dev

15、elopment history. From the modern to modern specifications and various new calendar will continue to emerge, its specifications, speed, semi product of high accuracy, a high degree of automation machinery, the machinery

16、has become the modern calendar of the main structural features. At present production largest calendar has re</p><p>  The Closed Compound (mixer), rubber and plastic mixing refining is one of the main equip

17、ment. The development of modern mixer, a high-speed, high-pressure and high-performance characteristics, and is divided into low-speed (20 to the rotor speed / min), the velocity (speed of 30 to 40 ~ / min) and high-spee

18、d (60 to speed / min) 3. In recent years also appear to speed in the 80 / mixer at high speed over armed</p><p>  Rubber extruder (screw extruder), the world's first since 1879-screw extruder Since the b

19、irth of all kinds of screw extruder machinery in a large number of different varieties have been supporting complete specification has been adapted to different product performance characteristics of the request. If pres

20、sure extrusion machine, mainly for the shape of the semi-finished production; filter plastic extrusion machine for removing plastic mix and the Health and the impurity; plastic extrusion mach</p><p>  Tire r

21、ubber industry is the largest number one product. Whether raw materials from the use of rubber and rubber products, put out of rubber products which occupy the lion's share of the market, consume about 80% of the vol

22、ume of rubber resources. Therefore, the tire molding machinery is also important. Since the invention of pneumatic tire in 1888, with the development of the automobile industry, various specifications, the various proper

23、ties of a large number of rubber tires. A high-performance</p><p>  Tire molding machine many of the types, according to the method of forming: sleeve-law and two kinds of stickers; by shaping the contours o

24、f the drum: drum, semi-drum, and the core-wheeled four-wheel-core. In addition, all other uses of different shapes and rubber products, there is a basic molding process. Therefore a variety of rubber molding machines and

25、 even offers a dazzling. Only a wide variety of ring is tens of thousands of species on the number. This shows that the rubber molding machin</p><p>  Vulcanization machinery, a variety of rubber products of

26、 the final steps in the processing machinery, mainly for the various rubber products, plastic, rubber products, such as sulfide processing. The main structure of three kinds of forms: one is flat vulcanize, and the autoc

27、lave (including pressure autoclave) and the drum machine sulfide. Flat-curing the use of broader is more variety. In addition to direct use of vulcanized rubber products processing, can also be used in the plastics indus

28、try </p><p>  For the development of rubber industry, mechanical and process technology research determines its speed and level of development determines the performance and quality of products. Generally sp

29、eaking, industrial technology research and product cycle faster some frequency. Changes in technology and machinery cycle is slow, it decided to change the cycle of the life of the equipment, work efficiency and product

30、quality. It is precisely because of machinery and equipment has a clear life, it makes </p><p>  Or the rubber industry development, which is not only the normal process of production is rubber products. Mec

31、hanical technology and the increasing need in-depth study of technology and joint development of modern commodity market competitive situation also not tolerate such people wait wait-and-see or delay time, and in additio

32、n to the sustenance of mankind growing material and cultural wealth, the need for rapid development of the rubber industry, large piles of scrap rubber, people also need </p><p>  Machinery, physics, chemist

33、ry (or chemical), the four basic skills of a development of the human society science technology system, and science and technology system known as compulsory, and social management technology is soft science and technol

34、ogy system. Taken Flex became a more complete scientific and technological system. Rubber industry in the development of rubber industry and technology and scientific management technology industries with the economic st

35、ructure of the industry is relate</p><p>  In the mechanical technology of the technical attributes of both tangible and intangible. All of investigation and study, the work of design techniques are soft att

36、ributes that in the manufacturing of construction involves the technical attributes of hardware technology, the results of pre-main soft technology embodied in the design and construction drawings and manuals; after a ha

37、rd stage technical achievements on various material on the output of products. This is a hard and soft technology in</p><p>  機械技術(shù)在橡膠工業(yè)中的應(yīng)用概述</p><p>  在人類社會發(fā)展的現(xiàn)代進程中.橡膠工業(yè)也是一門不可缺少的經(jīng)濟產(chǎn)業(yè)。而在橡膠工業(yè)發(fā)展過程中

38、,橡膠工藝及橡膠機械(或機電)技術(shù)的進步和發(fā)展起了重要的推動作用。橡膠工業(yè)的發(fā)展,橡膠工業(yè)技術(shù)及橡膠機械技術(shù)構(gòu)成了橡膠制品的全部技術(shù)過程和產(chǎn)業(yè)技術(shù)體系。1820年英國制成了由人力驅(qū)動的單輥式煉膠機。1826年雙輥筒式的開放式煉膠機投入生產(chǎn),拉開了人類橡膠機械生產(chǎn)的序幕。至今,人類社會橡膠機械的應(yīng)用已有180多年的歷史了。</p><p>  1839年以來.一系列的橡膠機械設(shè)備陸續(xù)問世,除適應(yīng)橡膠硫化技術(shù)應(yīng)用的硫

39、化設(shè)備外,其他橡膠機械,如柱塞式膠管擠出機(1858年),螺桿擠出機(1879年),橡膠壓延機(1843~1900年),密閉式煉膠機(1916年)。等橡膠機械設(shè)備。先后投入當(dāng)時的橡膠工業(yè)生產(chǎn)過程,對推動橡膠工業(yè)的發(fā)展起了一定的促進作用。</p><p>  1904年,氧化鉛、氧化鎂等無機硫化劑的發(fā)現(xiàn),特別是1919年有機硫化促進劑D、M的發(fā)現(xiàn)和應(yīng)用,進一步促進了生產(chǎn)效率的提高,大大改善了橡膠制品的使用性能,擴大

40、了使用范圍。1920年把炭黑加入橡膠中,才使得橡膠制品的性能得以全面改善和提高。因此,炭黑的應(yīng)用又促進了橡膠工業(yè)進步和全面發(fā)展。20世紀(jì)初及中葉,蘇聯(lián)、美國、英國、德國、法國等國家,先后發(fā)明了合成橡膠工業(yè)技術(shù)。并建立了一系列橡膠合成生產(chǎn)裝置及工廠。再加上東南亞地區(qū)的天然橡膠資源生產(chǎn)的規(guī)?;瑸槿祟惉F(xiàn)代橡膠工業(yè)的全面發(fā)展開辟了物質(zhì)資源基礎(chǔ)。</p><p>  橡膠是一種高彈性的典型材料,其物理性能十分復(fù)雜。大多數(shù)



43、等眾多工業(yè)部門:涉及到許多物質(zhì)從固體到液體的變化過程。流變學(xué)在橡膠</p><p>  煉膠機械是橡膠工業(yè)的基本設(shè)備之一。目前生產(chǎn)的開放式煉膠機械達數(shù)十種。主要用于生膠的塑煉,膠料的混煉;壓片機用于壓片、供膠;熱煉機主要用于膠料預(yù)熱和供膠;破碎機用于天然橡膠的破碎等,洗膠機用于除去生膠和廢膠中的雜質(zhì);粉碎機主要用于廢膠塊的粉碎;精煉機主要用于除去再生膠中的硬雜質(zhì);再生膠混煉機,主要用于再生膠的捏煉;煙膠壓片機用于

44、煙膠片壓片等;縐片壓片機,主要用于縐片壓片工作;實驗用煉膠機,主要用于各種少量膠料的實驗工作等。</p><p>  橡膠壓延機,也是橡膠制品加工過程中的基本設(shè)備之一。自1843年三輥壓延機應(yīng)用以來,已有160多年的發(fā)展歷史了。從近代到現(xiàn)代各種不同規(guī)格和新型的壓延機不斷涌現(xiàn),其規(guī)格大、速度快、半制品精度高、機器自動化程度高,已成為現(xiàn)代壓延機械的主要結(jié)構(gòu)特征。目前生產(chǎn)的壓延機最大規(guī)模已達到φ1055×30


46、p>  橡膠擠出機(螺桿擠出機),自1879年世界第一臺螺桿擠出機誕生以來,各種形式的螺桿擠出機械大量出現(xiàn),不同規(guī)格品種已配套齊全,已適應(yīng)不同產(chǎn)品性能特點的要求。如壓型擠出機,主要用于各種斷面形狀的半成品生產(chǎn);濾膠擠出機,用于除去混煉膠和生膠中的雜質(zhì);塑煉擠出機,用于生膠的連續(xù)塑煉:造粒擠出機,用于膠料和生膠的造粒;壓片擠出機.用于膠料的壓片;脫硫擠出機用于再生膠的脫硫:擠壓脫水?dāng)D出機用于合成膠和再生膠的脫水干燥:電纜擠出機,用于

47、電纜的包覆成型;排氣擠出機.用于排出混入膠料中的空氣和水分及低分子揮發(fā)物等。這些規(guī)格齊全的擠出機械,對橡膠工業(yè)的發(fā)展立下了汗馬功勞。成為各種橡膠制品加工的動力和優(yōu)選設(shè)備之一。注射成型機,又稱為注壓機,主要用于生產(chǎn)各種橡膠模壓制品。注壓機械,按其結(jié)構(gòu)形式,又分為臥式注壓機、立式注壓機、角式注機及多工位注壓機4種。每種注壓機又分為許多大小不同的規(guī)格品種。</p><p>  輪胎是橡膠工業(yè)最為龐大的頭號產(chǎn)品。無論從橡



50、機械提出了更高的要求。</p><p>  輪胎成型機的種類很多,按成型方法分有:套筒法和層貼法2種;按成型鼓的輪廓分有:鼓式、半鼓式、芯輪式和半芯輪式4種。此外,其他所有不同形狀及用途的橡膠制品,基本都有一個成型的過程。因此各種各樣的橡膠制品成型機具更是千姿百態(tài)和琳瑯滿目。僅各式各樣的密封圈品種就達數(shù)萬種之多。可見橡膠工業(yè)的成型機械也是十分繁雜和極為重要的。</p><p>  硫化機械



53、,提高工效和產(chǎn)品質(zhì)量。 對于橡膠工業(yè)的發(fā)展,機械技術(shù)及工藝研究決定著其發(fā)展速度和水平,決定著產(chǎn)品的性能和質(zhì)量。一</p><p>  機械、物理、化學(xué)(或化工)、生物4項基本技術(shù)構(gòu)成了人類社會發(fā)展的自然科學(xué)技術(shù)體系,并稱為硬性科學(xué)技術(shù)體系,而社會管理技術(shù)則是軟性科學(xué)技術(shù)體系。兩者軟硬結(jié)合成為一種較為完整的科學(xué)技術(shù)體系。橡膠工業(yè)的發(fā)展也與橡膠產(chǎn)業(yè)技術(shù)與產(chǎn)業(yè)科學(xué)管理技術(shù)相結(jié)合的產(chǎn)業(yè)經(jīng)濟結(jié)構(gòu)形態(tài)相關(guān)是體現(xiàn)橡膠工業(yè)發(fā)展“

54、軟硬兼施”的科學(xué)措施。機械技術(shù)是屬于硬屬性技術(shù),工藝技術(shù)是屬于軟屬性技術(shù),這是一種“軟硬兼施”的技術(shù)形態(tài)。</p><p>  在機械技術(shù)中又有軟硬屬性技術(shù)之分。凡是屬于調(diào)查研究、設(shè)計技術(shù)方法的工作,都是軟屬性技術(shù);凡是涉及施工制造方面的技術(shù)屬于硬屬性技術(shù),前期軟性技術(shù)的成果主要體現(xiàn)在設(shè)計施工圖紙及其說明書上;后一階段的硬性技術(shù)成果集中在各種物質(zhì)產(chǎn)品的產(chǎn)出上。這也是一個軟硬技術(shù)轉(zhuǎn)化成果的客觀過程。橡膠工業(yè)的發(fā)展,


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