1、<p><b> 隧道掘進機與中國</b></p><p> ?。溃├铄鲈?RichardJ.Robbins</p><p> 隨著隧道掘進機的成功應用,掘進機在中國已經(jīng)成為不可忽視的地下隧道快速掘進手段。如何發(fā)展中國的隧道掘進機產(chǎn)業(yè)?這一問題的提出源自中國迅速增長的城市地下建筑和重大工程市場要求高效低耗的項目成本這一困擾多年的難題。</p
2、><p> 1 隧道掘進機的歷史</p><p> 1.1隧道掘進機及其類型</p><p> 隧道掘進機全稱全斷面隧道掘進機,主要有兩大類型:開式和閉式,本文重點討論開式掘進機。</p><p> ?。?)開式隧道掘進機</p><p> 所謂開式掘進機是指切削時不用控制工作面的地壓,掘進機按出碴系統(tǒng)運碴能力掘進
3、。開式掘進機用于不需要特別考慮地表下沉的地況。開式掘進機設計剛度較大。適用于在硬地層中快速掘進。開式掘進機又可以分為兩類,即開式主大梁和護盾式。</p><p><b> ?。?)閉式掘進機</b></p><p> 閉式掘進機又稱為地壓平衡式掘進機(EPB),是通過控制螺旋運輸機卸料門的開啟,使刀盤前腔的壓力與地壓平衡。因為要平衡地壓,掘進機根據(jù)碴石運出的速度來調
4、節(jié)掘進速度以維持地壓,不擾動或少擾動地層,避免或減小地表的沉降。地壓平衡式掘進機通常用于軟地層或是流動性地層。</p><p> 1.2 國際隧道掘進機發(fā)展歷史</p><p> 1851 年美國工程師Charles Wilson 發(fā)明了隧道掘進機,通常被認為是第一臺成功地在巖石中連續(xù)掘進的機器。</p><p> 另一個著名的探索是Colonel Beaum
5、ont 在1881年發(fā)明的壓縮空氣驅動的隧道掘進機,曾用于英吉利海峽的一條探測隧道。</p><p> 此后一直沒有更多值得注意的嘗試,直到1952 年羅賓斯設計了用于South Dakota 的OaheDam 隧道的掘進機。該機直徑為7 . 85m,切削部分由內刀盤和外刀盤兩個旋轉的部件組成。刀盤上沿徑向布置碳化鎢的截齒,并平行布置可自由轉動的盤形滾刀,滾刀略低于碳化鎢截齒。機器由兩臺150kW 的電動機驅動
6、,設備總重達114t。盡管這臺掘進機不是設計在硬巖中掘進的,它在軟頁巖中的日進尺還是達到了49m。在四條隧道的掘進過程中共更換了356 個截齒和4 把盤形滾刀。</p><p> 其實,第一臺成功的硬巖掘進機是直徑3 . 28m的羅賓斯隧道掘進機,這臺機器是1956 年為加拿大的Foundation 公司建造的,用于多倫多市的Humber Sewer 項目,掘進一條長約4 . 5km,主要由砂巖、頁巖、含石英的
7、石灰?guī)r組成的隧道,巖石的抗壓強度為5 ~ 186MPa。</p><p> 從20 世紀50 年代至今,羅賓斯制造了數(shù)百臺隧道掘進機,大約300 臺套掘進機開掘了3500km多的巖石隧道,其直徑從1 . 6m 到11 . 87m。</p><p> 1.3 中國隧道掘進機發(fā)展歷史</p><p> 隨著國外廣泛地應用隧道掘進機,20 世紀70年代初掘進機開始出
8、現(xiàn)在中國。政府的各個部門如煤炭部、水電部和軍工部門都設計、制造和使用過多臺隧道掘進機。</p><p> 從20 世紀70 年代到80 年代,中國的各個部門至少建造了20 臺隧道掘進機,僅煤炭部就建造了12 臺隧道掘進機。值得注意的是在這些掘進機的最高月進尺只有250m,而且其中多數(shù)機組未投入使用。</p><p> 20 世紀80 年代后期開始,隨著中國的改革開放,多數(shù)情況下由國外建
9、筑承包商或是中國建筑公司購買國外掘進機承擔中國工程建設項目。</p><p> 應該指出,上述項目中由中國公司建設的多數(shù)項目之所以掘進速度較低,是受地質、管理和其它條件的綜合影響。</p><p> 2 隧道掘進機的應用和新技術</p><p> 從19 世紀50 年代中期以來,隧道掘進機主要在三個方向上發(fā)展:適用于規(guī)模大、堅硬而且高磨蝕性巖石中掘進;既適用于
10、穩(wěn)定的、有自支護力的地層,又適用于不穩(wěn)定巖石的地層;能經(jīng)濟地開掘隧道。</p><p> 地質條件和隧道設計的因素及要求將直接影響掘進機的設計和隧道的經(jīng)濟性,掘進機的制造商應該在規(guī)劃設計前期即得到盡可能準確的有關條件和要求。良好的隧道設計再加上好的掘進機系統(tǒng)才能成功而且高效地完成隧道項目。</p><p><b> 2.1 地質因素</b></p>
11、<p> 影響掘進機設計的地質因素有:巖石的強度和彈性模量,巖石的類型和磨蝕性,巖石的完整性或裂隙情況,相關隧道的傾角和走向,覆蓋巖層和原地巖石應力,斷層區(qū)和支護時間,水、瓦斯氣、周圍巖層的溫度。</p><p> 為了克服隧道中不利的地質條件,掘進機設計裝備了以下功能:后裝式刀盤,刀盤能反轉且轉速可變,支撐力和推進力成比例,配有錨桿鉆機以實現(xiàn)支護,配有超前探鉆以探測和注漿。在混合地層的條件下,應特
12、別注意刀盤特性的設計,諸如:低廊線的鏟斗、封閉的鏟斗門、后裝式滾刀、超挖能力、表面堆焊耐磨材料,設計中還應該特別注意減少刀盤的暴露部分。</p><p> (1)隧道掘進機的設計受其工作的隧道地質條件的影響極大,掘進機制造商必須考慮所有已得到的地質資料,并根據(jù)其中最主要的數(shù)據(jù)進行正確的設計。</p><p> ?。?)堅硬和規(guī)模大的巖石需要較大的推力以高效地切削巖石,這就要求設備各部件剛
13、度大,而系統(tǒng)的功率也較大。</p><p> ?。?)不同類型的巖石及其中的磨粒性物質會影響滾刀的選擇和刀盤的設計。</p><p> ?。?)較多的斷層或是很短的支護時間需采用護盾式掘進機,還可能需要預制隧道支護系統(tǒng)。</p><p> 2.2 隧道設計因素</p><p> 影響掘進機設計的隧道設計因素有:隧道的走向和曲率、傾角、巖石
14、支護要求、注漿、超前探鉆、隧道的允許誤差、地壓極限、能用于組裝和作業(yè)的區(qū)域、環(huán)境要求和隧道掘進作業(yè)計劃。比如在傾斜的隧道中作業(yè),就要特別考慮掘進機的主驅動系統(tǒng)、液壓系統(tǒng)、潤滑和皮帶運輸系統(tǒng)。</p><p><b> 2.3 成本控制</b></p><p> 在硬巖中建造隧道,最重要的是既順利和安全,又要適當控制成本。相對于傳統(tǒng)的硬巖隧道開挖方法,隧道掘進機提供
15、了一種高效低耗的選擇,尤其是對大直徑和長距離的隧道。使用掘進機開掘硬巖隧道,其成本主要由勞動力、設備費用和消耗品組成。勞動力費用的控制有二大影響因素,即掘進時間和作業(yè)人數(shù)。任何一方面的節(jié)省即意味著勞動力費用的降低,其中每一因素又會受到其它方面的影響。減少掘進時間會相應地減少掘進進尺、降低掘進速度和掘進機的利用率。作業(yè)人數(shù)包括掘進工作人員和后勤人員、管理人員和維修人員。</p><p> 隨著近幾年來滾刀和刀座制
16、造技術的發(fā)展,已經(jīng)能生產(chǎn)出配有高質量刀圈的強力滾刀,使得更高的掘進速度成為可能。另一個減少掘進時間的考慮是加快掘進速度,即提高刀盤的旋轉速度。但是提高轉速受制于掘進機的振動、出碴系統(tǒng)的能力和滾刀的溫度限制。近年來,出現(xiàn)了用于掘進機的可靠的變頻驅動裝置(VFD),使我們可以選擇適宜的刀盤轉速。變頻驅動裝置的優(yōu)點在于高的起動扭矩、基本頻率下100%的扭矩、無級變速、沖擊載荷下電流較小和高效率。</p><p> 提
17、高掘進機的利用率能減少工作時間。一般掘進機的利用率在40%到50%之間。相關的工作如檢查、更換刀具,掘進機的修理、維護,其中更換刀具耗時最多,約占11%。大尺寸高質量刀圈使用時間長而較少更換,能提高掘進機的能力和利用率。改進刀具的安裝型式也能減少更換刀具的時間。</p><p> 通過改進掘進機系統(tǒng)的設計可以減少作業(yè)人員,如提高自動化程度、采用連續(xù)皮帶機等。采用連續(xù)皮帶機的好處在于不用設置軌道道叉,只需要少量功
18、率較小的機車,減小巷道中的交通量和擁堵程度,減少對新鮮空氣的需求量,加大出碴能力、提高掘進機的利用率。</p><p> 隧道建設成本中另一大部分是設備和消耗品的費用。通過標準化程序和靈活的制造策略就可能建造低成本高質量的掘進機,譬如在全球范圍綜合降低勞動成本和降低匯率的優(yōu)勢。</p><p> 3 建立中國的隧道掘進機產(chǎn)業(yè)</p><p> 隨著中國經(jīng)濟的高
19、速發(fā)展,國內對隧道掘進機的需求越來越強烈。為了降低成本,為了自身發(fā)展的需要和將來出口,發(fā)展中國自己的隧道掘進機產(chǎn)業(yè)已經(jīng)迫在眉睫。</p><p> 3.1 羅賓斯隧道掘進機在中國</p><p> 1992 年以來,羅賓斯公司先后與中國二十余家公司合作生產(chǎn)隧道掘進機的部件、完成掘進機的總裝、制造整套掘進機后配套系統(tǒng)。這些公司中有:國營淮南煤礦機器廠、上海冶金機械廠、廣州重型機器廠、太原
20、重型機器廠、上海隧道機械廠、二重集團公司等。羅賓斯還將與掘進機相關的產(chǎn)品發(fā)包給中國的一些私營和民營企業(yè)。羅賓斯公司還是上海博泰克機械有限公司的控股股東,上海博泰克擁有經(jīng)過羅賓斯培訓的工程師,為羅賓斯公司在中國的訂貨提供杰出的技術支</p><p> 持和質量控制。羅賓斯不僅向中國出口極具競爭力的掘進機,而且還用中國生產(chǎn)的部分結構件和部件在中國總裝掘進機。在羅賓斯的直接指導和質量控制下,大多數(shù)合作項目都十分成功。
21、羅賓斯還委托中國制造商如四川德陽的二重集團公制造用于海外的羅賓斯掘進機的零部件。2000 年羅賓斯公司受CMC 公司的委托,在山西太原檢查和改建了一臺雙護盾羅賓斯硬巖掘進機,該掘進機用于引黃工程五號標。改建工作提前完成,由CMC 公司承擔的隧道工程進展也十分順利,最高日成洞113 . 21m,創(chuàng)造了新的世界紀錄。</p><p> 3.2 建立中國隧道掘進機產(chǎn)業(yè)的幾點建議</p><p>
22、; ?。?)建立中國隧道掘進機產(chǎn)業(yè)的有利因素和不</p><p><b> 利因素:</b></p><p> 有利因素:快速增長的經(jīng)濟和巨大的市場潛力;勞動力成本和管理費用較低;良好的勞動力素質和制造能力資源;節(jié)約運輸費用;交貨期短;良好的備配件供應;提供現(xiàn)場服務。</p><p> 不利因素:項目資金不足;缺乏國際市場信息;缺乏技術信
23、息;缺乏現(xiàn)代項目管理的知識;暫不具備生產(chǎn)可靠的掘進機零件的能力。</p><p> ?。?)建立中國隧道掘進機產(chǎn)業(yè)的幾點建議學習和改善如何管理使用隧道掘進機;將掘進機用戶或買主的經(jīng)濟效益與項目的效益聯(lián)系起來;改進對項目預算和成本控制的認識;重新評價和比較人工開挖與使用隧道掘進機的成本,特別是對那些要求盡快完成的戰(zhàn)略性項目;分析隧道掘進機的應用次序;對隧道掘進機及其部件給予政策上的優(yōu)惠,如免除關稅和增值稅;對為整機
24、出口而臨時進口的掘進機零件提供方便;增加國際信息交流;生產(chǎn)用于出口的掘進機零部件;為國際項目培訓技術人員和操作工人;與國外的掘進機制造商合作,共同在中國開發(fā)項目;確定近期和長期的發(fā)展目標。</p><p> 如果說20 世紀70 年代以前隧道掘進機尚未進入中國,80 年代是初步嘗試,90 年代是掘進機在中國嶄露頭角的年代,那么今后一到三年內將接近隧道掘進機在中國的黃金時代。不遠的將來,就可以看到越來越多的由中國
25、參與制造的隧道掘進機,在許多國際項目現(xiàn)場將會出現(xiàn)中國造的掘進機和中國的掘進機專家。</p><p> Tunnel tunneling machine and China</p><p> Richard J. Robbins</p><p> Along with the tunnel tunneling machine success applicatio
26、n, the tunneling machine already became the noticeable underground tunnel high-speed driving method in China. How develops China's tunnel tunneling machine industry? This question proposes the source is puzzled by ma
27、ny years difficult problem from the Chinese rapid growth city underground construction and important project market request highly effective low consumption project cost this.</p><p> 1 Tunnel tunneling mac
28、hine history </p><p> 1.1 Tunnels tunneling machine and its the type tunnel tunneling machine full title all sections tunnel tunneling machine, mainly have two big types: Opens the type and seal, this artic
29、le discusses the type tunneling machine with emphasis.</p><p> (1) So-called opens the type tunnel tunneling machine to open the type tunneling machine is refers to when the cutting does not need to control
30、 the working surface the geostatic pressure, the tunneling machine according to leaves is cut by broken glass the system to transport is cut by broken glass the ability tunneling. Opens the type tunneling machine to use
31、in not to need specially to consider the surface sinks place situation. Opens the type tunneling machine design rigidity to be bigger. Is</p><p> (2) Seal the tunneling machine seal tunneling machine is cal
32、led the geostatic pressure balance -like tunneling machine (EPB), is through control screw conveyer dismounts the material gate opening, causes tool rest front the cavity pressure and the geostatic pressure is balanced.
33、Because must balance the geostatic pressure, the tunneling machine basis is cut by broken glass the speed which the stone ships out to adjust the tunneling speed to maintain the geostatic pressure, does not disturb or th
34、</p><p> 1.2 international tunnels tunneling machine development history in 1851 American Engineer Charles Wilson has invented the tunnel tunneling machine, usually was considered is first successfully in t
35、he rock the continual tunneling machine. Another famous exploration is Colonel Beaumont the compressed-air drive tunnel tunneling machine which invented in 1881, once used in a English Channel survey tunnel. Hereafter al
36、ways does not have a more multiple-valued attention the attempt, Robins designed un</p><p> may the free rotation circular the hob, the hob slightly be lower than the tungsten </p><p> carbide
37、 truncation tooth. The machine by two 150kW direct motor drive, the equipment gross weight reaches 114t. Although this tunneling machine is not the design in the hard crag the tunneling, it ruler or has achieved 49m in t
38、he soft shale. Has replaced 356 truncations teeth and 4 circular hobs in four tunnels tunneling process Chinese Communist Party. Actually, the first successful hard crag tunneling machine is the diameter 3. 28m Robins tu
39、nnel tunneling machine, this machine was in 1956 cons</p><p> 1.3 Chinese tunnel tunneling machine development history along with overseas widely applies the tunnel tunneling machine, the 20th century at th
40、e beginning of 70's the tunneling machine starts to appear in China. Government's each department like coal department, Ministry of Water Resources and Electric Power and the war industry department all designs,
41、makes and has used many tunnels tunneling machine.</p><p> From the 20th century 70's to the 80's, China's each department has at least constructed 20 tunnels tunneling machine, coal department
42、has only constructed 12 tunnels tunneling machine. The worth noting is the ruler only has 250m in these tunneling machine most Gao Yuejin, moreover most units have not put into the use. The 1980s later period start, alon
43、g with China's reform and open policy, in the most situations purchase the overseas tunneling machine by the overseas construction contractor per</p><p> Tunnels tunneling machine application and the ne
44、w technology</p><p> Since 19th century 50's intermediate stages, the tunnel tunneling machine mainly have developed in three directions: Is suitable in a big way to the scale, is hard moreover in the h
45、igh abradability rock the tunneling; Both is suitable to being stable, has from support protection the strength stratum, and is suitable for the unstable rock stratum; Can economically dig the tunnel. The geological cond
46、ition and the tunnel design the factor and the request directly will affect the tunneling machine d</p><p> (1) the tunnel tunneling machine design is been enormous its work tunnel geology condition influen
47、ce, the tunneling machine manufacturer must consider all obtained the geological data, and carries on the correct design according to most main data. </p><p> (2) hard and a scale big rock need bigger thrus
48、t force by highly effective cuts the rock, this requests the equipment various parts rigidity in a big way, but the system power is also bigger. </p><p> (3) the different type rock and its the center pelle
49、t the matter can affect the hob the choice and tool rest design. </p><p> (4) more faults perhaps the very short support protection time must use protects the shield type tunneling machine, but also possibl
50、y needs to prefabricate the tunnel support protection system.</p><p> 2.2 Tunnels design factor influence tunneling machine design tunnel design factor includes: The tunnel trend with the curvature, the in
51、clination angle, the rock support protection request, the note thick liquid, drilling, the tunnel allowance error, the geostatic pressure limit, can use in advance to assemble and the work region, the environment request
52、 and the tunnel tunneling work plan. For instance in the tunnel which inclines the work, must specially consider the tunneling machine host actu</p><p> 2.3 Cost controls make the tunnel in the hard crag,
53、most importantly both smooth and is safe, and must suitably control the cost. Was opposite to the traditional hard crag tunnel excavation method, the tunnel tunneling machine has provided one kind of highly effective low
54、 consumption choice, in particular to large diameter and long distance tunnel. The use tunneling machine digging hard crag tunnel, its cost mainly by the labor force, the equipment expense and consumption goods</p>
55、<p> is composed. The labor charge control has two tremendous influences factors, namely tunneling time and work population. Any on the one hand saves namely meant the labor charge reducing, each factor can recei
56、ve other aspects the influence. The reduced tunneling time can correspondingly reduce the tunneling to enter the ruler, to reduce the tunneling speed and the tunneling machine use factor. Work population including tunnel
57、ing staff and rear service personnel, administrative personnel and servic</p><p> Another reduced tunneling time consideration speeds up the tunneling speed, namely enhancement tool rest velocity of whirl.
58、But enhances the rotational speed to be restrained the tunneling machine vibration, is cut by broken glass the system the ability and the hob temperature limit. In recent years, appeared has used in the tunneling machine
59、 reliable frequency conversion drive (VFD), enabled us to be allowed to choose is suitable tool rest the rotational speed. The frequency conversion drive me</p><p> Founds Chinese the tunnel tunneling machi
60、ne industry </p><p> Along with the Chinese economy high speed development, domestic is more and more intense to the tunnel tunneling machine demand. In order to reduce the cost, in order to own need to dev
61、elop and the future will export, developed the Chinese tunnel tunneling machine industry already to be imminent. </p><p> 3.1 Robins tunnel tunneling machine in China 1992, after the Robins company successi
62、vely and the Chinese 20 companies cooperative production tunnel tunneling machine part, has completed the tunneling machine general equipment department, makes the entire wrap tunneling machine necessary system. In these
63、 companies has: State-operated Huai Nan coal mine machine factory, Shanghai metallurgy machine shop, Guangzhou heavy machinery and equipment plant, Taiyuan heavy machinery and equipment plant, Sha</p><p> 3
64、.2 Establishes the Chinese tunnel tunneling machine industry several suggestions</p><p> (1) To establish the Chinese tunnel tunneling machine industry the favourable factor and the disadvantage factor fav
65、ourable factor: Fast growth economy and giant market potential; The labor force cost and the overhead charge are lower; Good labor force quality and manufacturing capacity resources; Saves the cartage expense; The date o
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- 外文翻譯--掘進機自動切割控制組.pdf
- 外文翻譯--小動力掘進機在不同巖石面挖掘隧道的實驗結果.doc