1、<p> 本科生畢業(yè)論文外文翻譯</p><p><b> ( 2012 屆)</b></p><p> 課題名稱:傳化集團有限公司電子商務實施現狀,問題與對策分析 </p><p> 學生姓名: </p><p&g
2、t; 學 號: 200808301523 </p><p> 專業(yè)班級: 電子商務082 </p><p> 學院名稱: 經濟管理學院 </p><p><b> 指導教師:</b></p><p> 電子商務在馬來西亞中小企業(yè)的應用</p
3、><p><b> 拿如丁曼索爾</b></p><p> 馬來西亞丁加奴工商管理學院</p><p> 摘要:該研究項目旨在探討電子商務是否適用于馬來西亞馬來洲的中小型企業(yè)。主要參與研究的人群是馬來西亞馬來人的德瓦恩和吉蘭丹州的登記入住人員,一共有302個受訪者被選擇參加我們的研究。根據世界商界的一般假設,一致認為,電子商務的應用與全球經濟
4、的生存和挑戰(zhàn)高度相關。同時,獲取知識和認識環(huán)境,應對和處理變化,加快業(yè)務決策的過程能夠進一步提高中小型企業(yè)的競爭力。通過應用建立的模型,我們的調查集中在5個可識別的變量,以表現采用電子商務對推動中小企業(yè)的實用性。我們的分析表明,所有選擇的變量對加強電子商務的應用,從而保持其在該行業(yè)的的競爭優(yōu)勢有顯著意義。</p><p> 關鍵詞:電子商務應用 物流 營銷 采購 安全 中小企業(yè)</p><p
5、><b> 1.介紹</b></p><p><b> 電子商務</b></p><p> 電子商務的出現正在根本性地改變商業(yè)進行的方式??蛻艨梢栽谄淙嫘蓍e的任何地方,任何時候購物,并且總是享受幾乎沒有任何成本的同等水平的服務。顯然,通過這種無紙化交易,顧客不再需要填寫訂購表格,或到經營場所去放置他們的訂單。什么事都可以在客戶便利的
6、條件下電子化地完成。根據EDI報文(2000),即使中小企業(yè)因為缺乏專業(yè)知識和資金而可能有困難建立一個先進的網站,但是他們仍然需要電子商務去繁榮和持續(xù)生存。</p><p> 許多個人和組織在用典型的方式去解釋電子商務。當企業(yè)開始意識到互聯(lián)網作為強大媒體的角色開展業(yè)務,特別是在服務行業(yè),因為它能夠提高客戶與供應商的關系,電子商務術語出現了。電子商務是指主要的相關商業(yè)關系或交易通過互聯(lián)網實現的流程,包括采購,營銷
7、,銷售和客戶支持。勞頓和特拉弗形容電子商務涉及所有時間周期,速度和全球化,可以增強生產力,獲取新顧客和跨機構分享知識,通過數字化實現跨邊界產品和服務的交易。</p><p> 電子商務是商業(yè)圈各種關系演變而成的。它可以是企業(yè)對個人的形式(B2C),企業(yè)對企業(yè)(B2B)的形式,商業(yè)業(yè)務(BIB)的形式,和最后的個人對個人(C2C)的形式。一般來說,B2B是組織之間形成的批量的電子商務活動。雖然電子商務意味著企業(yè)間
8、的信息和技術在企業(yè)和消費者之間和消費者自己之間同等適用。因此,互聯(lián)網在電子商務中作為主要工具的角色變得越來越來越顯著,同時它也作為一個分銷渠道,高于涉及傳統(tǒng)中介機構的任務。</p><p> 由多媒體發(fā)展公司(MDEC)做的統(tǒng)計表明電子商務在馬來西亞的滲透率正年復一年的大幅的增長,從而為中小型公司采用電子商務提供了巨大的潛力。預計這個比率會以大量率年復一年的持續(xù)增長。</p><p>
9、 在電子市場中,主要的參與者——交易處理程序員,購房者,經紀人和銷售者分布在不同地點,甚至不知道對方是誰。有些人認為,電子商務的實現既昂貴又麻煩。然而,在現實中,它通過壓低成本因素,能夠提高性能,從而為實現產品在品牌和價格上的差異化競爭優(yōu)勢提供了機會。除此之外,它為交易各方加強合作提供更好的渠道,另外,縮短了產品或服務的時間。</p><p><b> 中小企業(yè)和電子商務</b><
10、/p><p> 為了在當今充滿挑戰(zhàn)的環(huán)境中生存,當務之急是中小企業(yè)的競爭力和彈性。為此,中小企業(yè)需要不斷加強其潛力和以有競爭力的價格生產高質量產品和服務的能力。</p><p> 以前在馬來西亞馬來中小企業(yè)中進行的研究表明,他們在產品,促銷和分配制度創(chuàng)新上薄弱,因此這些反映了中小企業(yè)表現欠佳。</p><p> 以前的文獻曾經從不同的角度來定義中小企業(yè),例如雇員人
12、定義的:</p><p> 表1:中小型工業(yè)的特征</p><p> 來源:SMIDEC(2005)</p><p> 中小企業(yè)是勞動力市場的主要雇主。根據國家銀行(2005),中小企業(yè)在招聘條件上提供更大的靈活性,因此中小企業(yè)的工人的76.5%是全職的。進一步的文獻發(fā)現,馬來西亞的絕大多數中小企業(yè)更愿意參與零售,農業(yè),參觀,食堂或餐廳工藝品,裁縫,小規(guī)模制造
13、,美容美發(fā),直銷,送貨上門業(yè)務。這些行業(yè)的類型主要是較低的密集型資本和需要與客戶的個人通信。因此,發(fā)現電子商務在這些行業(yè)的應用是不太理想的。</p><p> 即使電子商務在馬來西亞的應用是令人鼓舞的,但它仍然處于嬰幼兒階段。回顧Abu Bakar和Rohaizat的發(fā)現(2002),大部分馬來西亞中小企業(yè)仍然停留在其商業(yè)交易中使用互聯(lián)網的階段。第一種促進電子商務的應用的方法是,通過加快其在當地處于最高地位且是
14、全國IT策略的核心的公司的應用。盡管在促進中發(fā)現,大部分的這些處于最高地位的公司使用互聯(lián)網做保守的工作,諸如通訊和互聯(lián)網信息收集的目的。過去對霹靂州的中小型企業(yè)的研究表明,電子商務在大多數商業(yè)行業(yè)的應用率偏低。類似的情況在初學者狀態(tài)或是被公認狀態(tài)下盛行。</p><p><b> 市場營銷</b></p><p> 電子商務的作用在于通過匹配的信息,提供了渠道走出
15、家庭,走上消費者的數字通信設備,從而滿足了消費者的偏好,方便了人口統(tǒng)計,市場營銷人員將可以用正確的信息在適當的時間更好地對準目標收件人的權利。除此之外,市場營銷的作用在一個超媒體,以計算機為中介,且交互性和連接正在取代傳統(tǒng)的談判和溝通模式的環(huán)境下實現了。</p><p> 一個成功的電子商務企業(yè)必須具備全球意識,系統(tǒng)導向,客戶敏感。在電子商務下,公司可以直接訪問消費者去收集信息,然后通過自定義或創(chuàng)造新的優(yōu)勢產品
16、,從而能夠幫助他們更好地開發(fā)產品,滿足消費者的需求。一般大部分公司使用電子商務主要是為了提供有關公司,產品和服務,以及內部和對外溝通的信息。此外網上消費者可以很容易地獲得圖像,聲音,甚至電影,從而在選定的方便的時間,實現實時交易的互動。</p><p> 這對于中小企業(yè)在國際市場營銷其產品來說,是一個很好的機會,因為信息可以在世界各地廣泛傳播。</p><p> 正如奧布萊恩所聲稱的,
17、當大部分的商業(yè)活動通過計算機網絡涉及到產品或服務的買賣,營銷時,電子商務改變了競爭的模式,行動的速度,以及精簡了消費者和公司之間,公司和供應者之間的相互作用和付款方式。另一個有趣的特征是電子商務營銷相對于傳統(tǒng)方法的靈活性的吸引力。這種靈活性根據收到的客戶直接反饋,不僅增加了新的項目,而且更新了信息,但是強大的24小時訪問導致增加了世界各地的營業(yè)時間。</p><p><b> 物流與采購</b&
18、gt;</p><p> 物流涉及到產品或服務在有關各方之間的流動交易。零售商或中小企業(yè)應用電子商務間接地去除了中介銷售渠道的服務,擴大了在全球各地的分布范圍。由于電子商務易接受,并且它的實際使用正改變著分配系統(tǒng)的趨勢,因為電子零售商同時也是一個零售商和分銷中心。隨著網絡的連接,運費可實時準確地確定,并且一個跟蹤號碼可以涉及到訂單下達時貨物的裝運。</p><p> 中小企業(yè)采用電子商
19、務還可以從物流中心獲得一些優(yōu)勢,例如通過改進工藝的效率降級成本,提高覆蓋率,分拆業(yè)務系統(tǒng)和降低價格。盡管存在這些優(yōu)勢,但是仍然發(fā)現電子商務在全國的應用較低。 </p><p> 電子采購成為了任何電子商貿業(yè)務不可分割的一部分,并且大部分的供應鏈管理涉及到改造或交付材料的采購。在任何業(yè)務中處理任何問題時,這一直是一個主要成本。一個精心設計的業(yè)務流程中添加互聯(lián)網技術無疑是為其提供了一個系統(tǒng)的,有效的成本控制。電子商
20、務采購可以被解釋為任何由商業(yè)銀行或政府機構在互聯(lián)網上所進行的以促進貨物收購為目的的行為,它設計到材料組件,設備,分包,IT設備和供應品,消耗品,文具和其它構成大量金錢交易的服務的花費。由于它是電子招標,是商品和服務的采購,通過申請,他們能夠獲得大量的世界各地的供應商,從而享受更優(yōu)惠的價格,更好的質量和更好的交付。</p><p> 因為采購是一項昂貴的商業(yè)活動,一旦業(yè)務切換到線上采購系統(tǒng),他們可以立即見到效益。
21、每次購買的行政費用會顯著地減少,因為更少的文書工作是通過采購系統(tǒng)運行的,而不是通過勞動者。此外,當員工知道方便和符合成本效益的新的采購策略是怎么一回事的時候,他們將不太可能通過非合同供應商進行購買,從而為企業(yè)節(jié)省了更多的錢。</p><p> The Application of E-Commerce Among Malaysian Small</p><p> Medium Ente
22、rprises</p><p> Norudin Mansor</p><p> Faculty of Business Management,Universiti Teknologi MARA</p><p> Campus Dungun,23000 Dungun,Terengganu,Malaysia</p><p><b&g
23、t; Abstract</b></p><p> The research project was conducted to investigate the understanding of E-commerce Application among the SMEs in one of the state in Malaysia. Focusing on the population of reg
24、istered members of Dewan Perniagaan Melayu Malaysia, Kelantan, a total of 302 respondents were selected to participate in our study. Moving in line with the general assumption of world business community it is agreed tha
25、t e-commerce application is highly relevant for the survival and meeting the challenges of borderless eco</p><p> Keywords: E-Commerce application, logistic, marketing, procurement, security, SMEs.</p&g
26、t;<p> 1.Introduction</p><p> E-Commerce</p><p> The emergence of e-commerce is creating fundamental changes to the way that business is conducted. Customer can shop around comprehensi
27、vely at their leisure anywhere, at any time and always enjoy the same level of services at virtually no costs. Apparently, with paperless transaction, buyers are no longer required to fill in order forms or visit a busin
28、ess premise to place their order. Everything can be done electronically at buyers’ convenience. According to Edim(2000), even though SMEs might h</p><p> Numerous people and organizations interpret Electron
29、ic Commerce or E-commerce in typical ways. The term “e-commerce” emerged when businesses started to realize the role of Internet as a powerful medium for conducting business especially in the service sector as it is able
30、 to improve customer-supplier relationship. E-commerce is the flow of process which is purchasing, marketing, sales and customer support that is mainly associated with a commercial relationship or transaction over the in
31、ternet. </p><p> E-commerce evolved in various means of relationship within the business circle. It can be in the form of Business to Customer(B2C),Business to Business(B2B), Business in Business(BIB)and la
32、stly Customer to Customer(C2C).Generally, B2B which is between organizations formed the bulk of the e-commerce activities. Although e-commerce implies information between businesses, the technology is equally applicable
33、between business and consumers and indeed between consumers themselves. As such, the signif</p><p> Statistic revealed by Multimedia Development Corporation (MDEC) indicates the penetration rate of e-commer
34、ce in Malaysia which is substantially increased by year provides a huge potential for SMEs to adopt e-commerce in their business. This rate is expected to constantly growing up at substantial rate from year to year.</
35、p><p> In electronic markets, the principal participants–transaction handlers, buyers, brokers, and sellers are at different locations and even not knowing each other. Some people think that the implementation
36、 of e-commerce found to be both costly and cumbersome. However, in reality it driving down cost factors and able to improve performance which offers opportunities to achieve competitive advantage through product differen
37、tiation with particular reference to branding and pricing. Other than that, it</p><p> SMES and E-Commerce</p><p> In order to survive in today’s challenging environment, it is imperative that
38、 SMEs be competitive and resilient. Towards this end, SMEs need to continuously strengthen their capacity and capability to produce high quality products and services at competitive prices. </p><p> Previou
39、s studies conducted among Malaysian Bumiputera SMEs indicated that they were weak in product, promotion, and distribution innovation which therefore reflecting the poor performance of the SMEs.</p><p> Prev
40、ious literatures used to define SMEs from different perspectives such as defining based on number of employees, paid-up capital, sectors of operations, and also the intensity of investment incurred. As such there is no o
41、ne acceptable standard about defining SMEs. However, there are a few measurements that they may take into consideration such as its categories, sales turnover and number of employees. In Malaysia, the most widely adopted
42、 definition usually those as been defined by SMIDEC (Sma</p><p> Table 1: Characteristics of Small and Medium Industry</p><p> Sources:SMIDEC(2005) </p><p> SMEs are major employ
43、ers in the labor market. According to BNM (2005), they provided greater flexibility in employment terms whereby 76.5%of total SME workers were hired on a full-time basis. Further literatures discovered that majority of t
44、he SMEs in Malaysia prefer to be involved in retailing, agriculture, restaurants, canteen and cafeteria, handicrafts, tailoring, small-scale manufacturing, beauty saloon, direct selling, and door-to-door business. This t
45、ype of businesses largely to be less-ca</p><p> The application of E-commerce in Malaysia even though is encouraging, but it is still at its infant stage. Reviewing on the finding by Abu Bakar and Rohaizat(
46、2002), most of the Malaysian SMEs are still left behind in terms of using internet in their business transaction. One way to promote the application is by speeding the usage among the local MSC status companies which act
47、 as the centerpiece of the national IT strategy. Despite of the promotion most of the MSC status companies found to be usi</p><p><b> Marketing</b></p><p> The role of e-commerce i
48、n providing avenue to shift out of the home and onto consumers' digital communication devices by matching messages to consumer preferences and demographics, marketers will be able to better target the right recipient
49、 with the right message at the right time. Other than that, marketing functions are now performed under a hypermedia-computer-mediated-environment where interactivity and connectivity are replacing the traditional mode o
50、f negotiation and communication.</p><p> A successful e-commerce business must be globally aware, system-oriented and customer sensitive. Companies can use the direct access to consumers to collect informat
51、ion that will help them better develop products to meet the consumers need through customizations or create new niche products. In general most firms used e-commerce primarily to provide information about company, its pr
52、oduct and services, and for both internal and external communication. In addition online consumer can easily gain a</p><p> As indicated by O’ Brien, as most of the business activities involved with buying
53、and selling, marketing of product and services over computer network, e-commerce therefore changing the shape of competition, the speed of action, and the streamlining of interactions and payments from customers to compa
54、nies and from companies to suppliers. Another interesting features concerning marketing in e-commerce is the attractiveness of its flexibility as compared to the traditional approach. This flexibili</p><p>
55、 Logistics and Procurement</p><p> Logistics is very much related to the movement of goods or services within the respective parties to the transaction. When retailers or SMEs apply e-commerce, they indirec
56、tly remove the need for intermediary distribution channels and extend the distribution coverage across the globe. As e- commerce become accepted and practically used it is changing the trend in distribution systems becau
57、se the e-retailers are at the same time a retailer and a distribution center. With connectivity of the Web, s</p><p> There are some advantages that SMEs can gain as they adopt in commerce from the point of
58、 logistics which is cost reduction through improved process efficiency, improved reach, the unbundling of business systems and price reductions. Despite of the advantages but still the application of e-commerce found to
59、be low throughout the nation. </p><p> E-procurement formed an integral part of any e-commerce operation, and most supply chain management involves the procurement of materials which are to be transformed o
60、r delivered. It is always been a major cost concerned in any business operations in addressing the issue. A well designed operation flow add-up with internet technology will no doubt provide a systematic and efficient co
61、st control. Procurement in e-commerce can be explained as any designed to facilitate the acquisition of goods by </p><p> Because procurement is an expensive business activity, once a business switches to a
62、n online-based procurement system, they can begin seeing benefits immediately. The administrative costs for each purchase are significantly reduced due to less paperwork running by the system and not by employees themsel
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- 電子商務在馬來西亞中小外貿企業(yè)的應用【外文翻譯】
- 電子商務在中小企業(yè)的應用【外文翻譯】
- [雙語翻譯]營運資本外文翻譯--營運資金管理效率:馬來西亞中小企業(yè)研究
- [雙語翻譯]營運資本外文翻譯--營運資金管理效率馬來西亞中小企業(yè)研究
- 電子商務在中小企業(yè)的應用.pdf
- 電子商務在中小企業(yè)中的應用
- 外文翻譯--電子商務的應用與中小企業(yè)的績效(節(jié)選)
- [雙語翻譯]營運資本外文翻譯--營運資金管理效率馬來西亞中小企業(yè)研究(英文)
- 外文翻譯--電子商務的應用與中小企業(yè)的績效(英文)
- 2016年營運資本外文翻譯--營運資金管理效率馬來西亞中小企業(yè)研究
- 外文翻譯—從財務管理視角看馬來西亞中小企業(yè)的優(yōu)勢和劣勢
- 西班牙中小企業(yè)電子商務發(fā)展現狀【外文翻譯】
- 2016年營運資本外文翻譯--營運資金管理效率馬來西亞中小企業(yè)研究.DOCX
- 外文翻譯—從財務管理視角看馬來西亞中小企業(yè)的優(yōu)勢和劣勢(原文)
- 在印度尼西亞的中小企業(yè)運用電子商務的案例研究策略評估【外文翻譯】
- 2014年---外文翻譯--馬來西亞中小企業(yè)的優(yōu)勢和劣勢財務管理的視角
- 淺談中小企業(yè)電子商務
- 中小企業(yè)電子商務前景
- 中小企業(yè)電子商務應用研究
- 中小企業(yè)電子商務應用模式分析