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1、<p>  藍(lán)牙技術(shù)在工業(yè)監(jiān)控系統(tǒng)中的應(yīng)用</p><p>  摘要:介紹了一種短距離無線通信技術(shù)——藍(lán)牙在工業(yè)控制系統(tǒng)的應(yīng)用實(shí)例。利用新華龍公司的C8051F020和第一代藍(lán)牙模塊芯片BCM-05,設(shè)計(jì)一個(gè)藍(lán)牙空氣粉塵檢測(cè)器,使之與藍(lán)牙接入設(shè)備搭建一套用于工業(yè)控制領(lǐng)域的的空氣粉塵檢測(cè)系統(tǒng),同時(shí)給出了該藍(lán)牙粉塵檢測(cè)器的硬件設(shè)計(jì)和系統(tǒng)的軟件框架。</p><p>  關(guān)鍵詞:藍(lán)牙,

2、粉塵傳感器,C8051F020</p><p>  A pplication of Bluetooth Technology inIndustrial Control System</p><p>  Abstract:Anapplication example of Bluetooth is proposedin the industrial control system.A Bluet

3、ooth air dustdetectoris designed by using the C8051F020 and the Bluetooth chip BCM-05. It can be used to detect the dustin the air with Bluetooth access device.The hardware and the software designs of the embedded device

4、 are proposed.</p><p>  Keywords:Bluetooth,dustsensor,C8051F020</p><p><b>  引言</b></p><p>  目前,藍(lán)牙技術(shù)已臻于完善。在局部范圍內(nèi),藍(lán)牙通信具有可靠性、安全性及容錯(cuò)能力強(qiáng)等優(yōu)點(diǎn)。這些優(yōu)點(diǎn)使得藍(lán)牙技術(shù)在民用市場(chǎng)上的應(yīng)用也越來越廣泛,手機(jī)周邊配件就是

5、它的一個(gè)典型且成熟的應(yīng)用。在惡劣環(huán)境下,工業(yè)現(xiàn)場(chǎng)設(shè)備具有布線難及維修不方便等諸多缺點(diǎn),把藍(lán)牙技術(shù)應(yīng)用于這些工業(yè)現(xiàn)場(chǎng)環(huán)境中將可以發(fā)揮藍(lán)牙通信的優(yōu)勢(shì)而解決環(huán)境惡劣情況下的諸多不便。因此,近年來越來越多的藍(lán)牙設(shè)備也開始應(yīng)用于工業(yè)無線領(lǐng)域。本文設(shè)計(jì)的藍(lán)牙粉塵檢測(cè)器就是藍(lán)牙技術(shù)在工業(yè)無線檢測(cè)系統(tǒng)中的一個(gè)應(yīng)用實(shí)例。</p><p>  1 芯片的選擇和特點(diǎn)簡(jiǎn)介</p><p>  目前,嵌入式系統(tǒng)芯片


7、儲(chǔ)器,這對(duì)一般應(yīng)用而言,容量基本足夠;4352(4KB+256)字節(jié)的片內(nèi)RAM;可尋址64KB地址空間的外部數(shù)據(jù)存儲(chǔ)器接口;接口豐富,具有硬件實(shí)現(xiàn)的SPI、SMBus/I2C和兩個(gè)UART串行接口;5個(gè)通用的16位定時(shí)器;片內(nèi)看門狗定時(shí)器、VDD監(jiān)視器和溫度傳感器;同</p><p>  時(shí)內(nèi)部集成的轉(zhuǎn)換器也具有一定精度,處理器內(nèi)部自帶兩個(gè)12位的D/A轉(zhuǎn)換器和一個(gè)8位的A/D轉(zhuǎn)換器,8位的A/D有8個(gè)外部的輸

8、入端,最大的可編程采樣速率為500ksps;具有6個(gè)捕捉/比較模塊的可編程計(jì)數(shù)器/定時(shí)器陣列。</p><p>  2 系統(tǒng)硬件設(shè)計(jì)[1-2]</p><p>  2.1 系統(tǒng)硬件結(jié)構(gòu)</p><p>  本系統(tǒng)硬件結(jié)構(gòu)比較簡(jiǎn)單,主要由電源部分、單片機(jī)拓展部分及串行通信接口部分(包括傳感器和藍(lán)牙部分)組成,如圖1所示。</p><p>  圖

9、1 設(shè)備的硬件結(jié)構(gòu)示意圖</p><p>  2.2 電源模塊部分設(shè)計(jì)</p><p>  本文在設(shè)計(jì)該設(shè)備的時(shí)候,考慮到藍(lán)牙接入設(shè)備的可移動(dòng)性,電源部分采用有源供電和電池供電兩種方式,電壓適配器采用普通的直流供電輸入范圍在3.7~7V之間,電池則采用普通的Li電池。因此本文采用了MAX1555來實(shí)現(xiàn)電池充電功能,該芯片具有兩種充電模式,這里用的是交流適配器供電模式,該芯片不管在有沒有電池


11、如圖2所示。</p><p>  圖2 電源模塊電路原理圖</p><p>  2.3 單片機(jī)拓展部分電路設(shè)計(jì)</p><p>  晶振時(shí)鐘電路,本文設(shè)計(jì)的是由外部電路提供,采用晶體振蕩器和兩個(gè)負(fù)載電容,電容的大小取決于晶體的頻率和輸入阻抗等參數(shù)。JTAG接口電路:C8051F020在進(jìn)行調(diào)試或下</p><p>  載時(shí)支持在線操作,所用的



14、力為2.5?m;控制腳:通過在此腳與GND之間加一個(gè)電阻可調(diào)整Vout1的最小粒子檢出水平,調(diào)整</p><p>  2.4 藍(lán)牙電路設(shè)計(jì)</p><p>  藍(lán)牙接入設(shè)備選用以Bluecore02為內(nèi)核的藍(lán)牙芯片,型號(hào):BCM-05,此藍(lán)牙芯片體積小,功耗低,滿足藍(lán)牙1.1規(guī)范,提供了多種通信接口,如USB口、UART口、I2C口以及語(yǔ)音接口。其主要參數(shù)為:(1)通用串口(UART)波特

15、率為38400bps;(2)工作電壓為3.3V。</p><p>  在電路設(shè)計(jì)時(shí),C8051F020微處理器的串行口與藍(lán)牙芯片的UART口相連接,通過串口實(shí)現(xiàn)藍(lán)牙模塊的初始化及數(shù)據(jù)通信。對(duì)于藍(lán)牙電路部分,需要特別注意的是對(duì)藍(lán)牙芯片的供電電壓不能正負(fù)極顛倒,否則容易燒毀藍(lán)牙芯片。</p><p>  3 驅(qū)動(dòng)設(shè)計(jì)及軟件架構(gòu)[2-4]</p><p>  該設(shè)備是通過

16、UART口來開發(fā)藍(lán)牙無線通信的相關(guān)應(yīng)用,而UART口提供到HCI傳輸層的物理連接是高層與物理模塊進(jìn)行通信的通道,所以藍(lán)牙接口驅(qū)動(dòng)實(shí)際上就是解決藍(lán)牙串行接口(UART)驅(qū)動(dòng)問題。UART口驅(qū)動(dòng)程序主要包含C8051F020微處理器的串口(與藍(lán)牙的UART相接)初始化、藍(lán)牙通信參數(shù)設(shè)定、HCI指令封裝、數(shù)據(jù)信息處理等部分,主要函數(shù)功能描述如下:</p><p>  (1)串行口初始化函數(shù),主要設(shè)定其串口波特率為38,

17、400bps,數(shù)據(jù)格式為一個(gè)起始位、8個(gè)數(shù)據(jù)位、1個(gè)停止位,同時(shí)對(duì)串口作相應(yīng)的處理;</p><p>  (2)藍(lán)牙數(shù)據(jù)參數(shù)設(shè)定函數(shù),此函數(shù)主要完成藍(lán)牙模塊初始化以及藍(lán)牙數(shù)據(jù)格式的打包;</p><p>  (3)數(shù)據(jù)信息處理函數(shù),此函數(shù)主要實(shí)現(xiàn)藍(lán)牙初始化時(shí)返回?cái)?shù)據(jù)的處理,通過判斷這些返回的信息來確定藍(lán)牙模塊的狀態(tài);</p><p>  (4)串口讀寫數(shù)據(jù)函數(shù),此函

18、數(shù)就是串口發(fā)送和接收數(shù)據(jù)的實(shí)現(xiàn)。粉塵檢測(cè)器通過普通IO口和CPU進(jìn)行數(shù)據(jù)交換。</p><p><b>  相關(guān)的軟件代碼為</b></p><p>  voidmain()</p><p><b>  {</b></p><p>  init-uart();//初始化uart接口,驅(qū)動(dòng)藍(lán)牙模塊&l

19、t;/p><p>  init-device();//初始化粉塵檢測(cè)器,周期性獲取</p><p><b>  設(shè)備參數(shù)</b></p><p>  task-AP-Receive();//接收來自藍(lán)牙接入點(diǎn)的數(shù)</p><p><b>  據(jù)并更新指令</b></p><p>

20、  task-device();//獲取粉塵檢測(cè)器的設(shè)備參數(shù)</p><p>  task-AP-Send();//發(fā)送采集的數(shù)據(jù)給藍(lán)牙接入</p><p><b>  點(diǎn)</b></p><p><b>  }</b></p><p><b>  4 結(jié)束語(yǔ)</b></

21、p><p>  在工業(yè)監(jiān)控系統(tǒng)中,因?yàn)闊o線網(wǎng)絡(luò)可以提供更大的靈活性、流動(dòng)性,省去了花在綜合布線上的費(fèi)用和精力,而且它更適應(yīng)于工業(yè)現(xiàn)場(chǎng)環(huán)境下的通訊圖3 藍(lán)牙粉塵檢測(cè)器工作流程圖</p><p>  特點(diǎn),同時(shí)隨著無線網(wǎng)絡(luò)技術(shù)的進(jìn)一步發(fā)展,也必將大大促進(jìn)藍(lán)牙在工業(yè)監(jiān)控系統(tǒng)中的應(yīng)用進(jìn)程。本設(shè)計(jì)采用新華龍的C8051F020單片機(jī)開發(fā)了符合藍(lán)牙標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的粉塵檢測(cè)設(shè)備,在實(shí)驗(yàn)中具有良好的實(shí)際效果。該設(shè)備根據(jù)

22、實(shí)際要求還可以將藍(lán)牙模塊替換為符合串口接口的802.11b模塊和ZigBee模塊,實(shí)現(xiàn)其他工業(yè)監(jiān)控領(lǐng)域粉塵檢測(cè)設(shè)備的硬件設(shè)計(jì)。因此,該設(shè)計(jì)的實(shí)現(xiàn)在家庭自動(dòng)化(網(wǎng)絡(luò)家電,家庭各種電器控制),智能大廈及樓宇控制,工業(yè)現(xiàn)場(chǎng)設(shè)備監(jiān)控等領(lǐng)域?qū)崿F(xiàn)通信具有一定應(yīng)用價(jià)值。</p><p><b>  參考文獻(xiàn)</b></p><p>  [1] 桑楠.嵌入式系統(tǒng)原理及應(yīng)用開發(fā)技術(shù)[M

23、].北京:北京航天航空大學(xué)出版社,2002.</p><p>  [2] 潘琢金譯.C8051F020數(shù)據(jù)手冊(cè)[M].北京:北京航天航空大學(xué)出版社,2004.</p><p>  [3] 譚浩強(qiáng).C程序設(shè)計(jì)[M].3版.北京:清華大學(xué)出版社,2005.</p><p>  [4] 許鐵軍.嵌入式硬件設(shè)計(jì)[M].北京:中國(guó)電力出版社,2007.</p>

24、<p>  Bluetooth technology application in industrial control system</p><p>  Abstract:this paper introduces a short-range wireless communication technology, bluetooth in industrial control system applic

25、ation. Using the new hualong company C8051F020 and the first generation of bluetooth module chip BCM - 05, design a bluetooth air and dust detector, bluetooth access devices used to build a set of industrial control area

26、 ,The air dust detection system of the bluetooth is given, and the hardware design and dust detector of software system framework.</p><p>  Keywords: Bluetooth,Dust sensor,C8051F020</p><p>  Lea

27、d speech</p><p>  At present, bluetooth technology has greatly improved. In the local scope, blueTooth communication with reliability, safety and fault tolerant ability, etc. These advantages make bluetooth

28、in civil market application is also more To the broader, cell phone peripheral accessories is a typical and mature Application. In harsh environment, industrial site equipment has the wiring is difficult And maintenance

29、convenience, the disadvantages such as bluetooth technology applied to these Industrial fie</p><p>  1 chip choice and characteristic introduction </p><p>  At present, the embedded system chip

30、is numerous, mainly has 51 series, ARM series and DSP series. They now more and more replaced Former trend, but considering the author school mainly in 51 series core Slice the teaching, have done development, and at pre

31、sent there are still many city C51 series field, and therefore this paper chip choose C51 series. New hualong company produce C8051F020 C51 series is the film with a is wider A paragraph, the chip main characteristics ar

32、e: high speed, assembly</p><p>  2 the system hardware design [1-2]</p><p>  2.1 system hardware structure </p><p>  This system hardware structure is simple, mainly by power suppl

33、y parts, SCM development section and serial communication interface part (including sensors And bluetooth part) composition, as shown in figure 1 below. </p><p>  2.2 power supply module parts design </p&

34、gt;<p>  Based on the design of the equipment, considering the bluetooth access asher Prepare the mobility of the active power supply, power part adopts and batteries Two ways and voltage adapter using common dc s

35、upply input is the norm Around 3.7 ~ 7V between, battery is used ordinary Li batteries. because This paper USES MAX1555 to realize the battery function, this Chip has two kinds of charging mode, here is used for ac adapt

36、er electric mode, the chip no matter the circumstances in any battery can ca</p><p>  2.3 microcontroller expand part circuit design </p><p>  Crystals, this article designs a clock circuit by a

37、n external circuit is provided, Adopt crystal oscillator and two load capacitance, capacitance size opinion In crystal frequency and input impedance parameters. C8051F020 JTAG interface circuit: debugging or in Support o

38、nline operation, carrying the download used for general 10 debugging mouth Needle JTAG interface, the interface standard with in the computer and sex can be counted According to interface connection through establishing

39、testing e</p><p>  2.4 bluetooth circuit design </p><p>  Bluetooth access to Bluecore02 selection of equipment for the kernel's blue Tooth chip, type: this - 05 BCM bluetooth chip small vol

40、ume, power consumption Low, meet bluetooth 1.1 specification, offers a variety of communication interface, such as </p><p>  USB port, UART and voice mouth, the I2C mouth the interface. Its main Parameters i

41、s: (1) universal serial (UART) baud rate for 38400 BPS; (2) working voltage is 3.3 V. In the circuit design, the serial port C8051F020 microprocessor And bluetooth chip is connected to the UART through serial mouth reali

42、ze blueTooth module initialization and data communications. For bluetooth circuit part, Need special attention to bluetooth chip is the power supply voltage not positive Negative topsy-turvy, otherw</p><p> 

43、 3 drive design and software architecture [2-4] </p><p>  This equipment is developed by UART bluetooth wireless communication mouth Related application, and provide to HCI mouth UART transport layer things

44、Richard connection with physical module is top communication channels, so blueTooth interface drive is actually solve bluetooth serial interface (UART) drive problems. UART driver includes mouth C8051F020 microprocessor

45、with the UART serial port (bluetooth in reality Connect) initialization, bluetooth communication parameter setting, HCI instruction</p><p>  (1) a serial port initialization function, main set the serial por

46、t</p><p>  Rate for 38,400 BPS, data format for a starting position, eight data A, one stop bits, and makes the corresponding processing in serial;</p><p>  (2) bluetooth data parameter setting

47、function, the function mainly completes Bluetooth module initialization and the bluetooth data format of packing;</p><p>  (3) data information processing function, the function mainly realizes bluetooth Ini

48、tialize return data processing, by judging these returned letter Interest to determine the state of bluetooth module;</p><p>  (4) serial reading and writing data function, the function is a serial port to s

49、end and receiving data realization. The dust detector software flowchart of fig.03 shows, dust</p><p>  detector by ordinary IO mouth and CPU for data exchange.</p><p>  Relevant software code f

50、or</p><p>  Voidmain ()</p><p><b>  {</b></p><p>  Init - uart (); / / initialization uart interface, drive bluetooth module</p><p>  Init - device (); / /

51、initialization dust detector, periodic acquisition</p><p>  Equipment parameters</p><p>  Time - AP - Receive (); / / receiving the number from bluetooth access point</p><p>  Accor

52、ding to and updates the instructions</p><p>  Time - device (); / / gain. The parameters of the equipment of dust detector</p><p>  Time - AP - Send (); / / send the data to bluetooth access<

53、/p><p><b>  point</b></p><p><b>  }</b></p><p>  4 conclusion</p><p>  In industrial control systems, because the wireless network can provide more

54、 big flexibility, liquidity, tell the flowers of the integrated wiring fee use and energy, and it is more suitable for industrial site environment of communication Figure 3 bluetooth dust detector work flowchart features

55、, at the same time as the further development of wireless network technology, bluetooth will greatly promote the application in industrial monitoring system process. this design of C8051F020 SCM adopt new</p><

56、p>  References: </p><p>  [1]. SangNan principle and application of the embedded system developing technology [M].beijing: north Beijing aerospace university press, 2002. </p><p>  [2]. JinYi

57、 PanZhuo C8051F020 data manual [M].beijing: Beijing aerospace Aviation university press, 2004. </p><p>  [3]. TanHaoJiang C program design 3 edition [j]. Beijing: tsinghua university press Clubs, 2005. </


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