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1、<p>  中文7300字,4100單詞,2.3萬英文字符</p><p>  文獻(xiàn)出處:Ceniga P, Sukalova V. Future of Logistics Management in the Process of Globalization [J]. Procedia Economics & Finance, 2015, 26:160-166.</p><p

2、>  Future of Logistics Management in the Process of Globalization</p><p>  Pavel Ceniga, Viera Sukalova</p><p><b>  Abstract</b></p><p>  The paper deals with ecologi

3、cal future development trends and highlights the interest of the business professionals and partners on sustainability in logistics management, assuming that economic needs, customer requirements and regulatory measures

4、will also drive towards sustainability. Sustainable development of logistics in the coming years will most likely formed by seven key developments. Required forecasts contained in this article are based on the assumption

5、 that the current trend towards </p><p>  Keywords: Logistics Management; Sustainable Approach; Globalization; Green Logistics;</p><p>  1. Introduction</p><p>  In today’s complex

6、societies, sustainability relates to the actions of individuals or stakeholder groups in dynamic political, social or ecological systems. Such systems are characterized by a large number of influencing factors, which oft

7、en do not show linear behaviour. As a result, there are extreme states in these systems, accompanied by strong system destabilization and high risk. A simple example that demonstrates this phenomenon is road traffic: at

8、a certain traffic density, rather than a </p><p>  2. The role of Logistics in the Economy, Organization in the process of Globalisation</p><p>  In the highly interconnected world in which we l

9、ive, where the next shopping bargain or international business opportunity may be just a few clicks away, the transport and logistics sector plays an increasingly important role. Logistics and transportation companies no

10、t only facilitate the sourcing of raw materials and supplies, they are also crucial when it comes to assembling and warehousing products, and in getting the finished goods to market. Logistics connects people and markets

11、 through a p</p><p>  Kille and Schwemmer (2014) describe, that the logistics sector has been shaped in recent years by the spread of globalisation. As a result of this development, the average length of tra

12、nsport distances has been growing longer and longer. In addition, logistics companies have been forced to follow customers who have employed offshoring strategies - that is, the relocation of production to far-off low-

13、wage countries. In this process, the necessary route potential must be created. In addition, st</p><p>  2.1The Importance of a Sustainable Approach</p><p>  Having contributed significantly to

14、 economic growth, increased employment and the creation of a global marketplace, according to Erhart et al. (2010), the logistics sector must now equally understand its responsibility for the environmental impact of worl

15、dwide trade and transport, especially for the sector’s contribution to climate change. Just as logistics contributes to economic prosperity around the globe, it now needs to help bring about an ecologically sustainab

16、le, low-carbon economy. A</p><p>  2.2Low-Carbon Logistics Solution</p><p>  While the need for the logistics sector to respond to the challenge of climate change is clear, low-carbon logistics

17、 solutions and flexible transport modes are not yet widely available. The option of switching the transport of goods from a more carbon intensive transport mode to rail, for instance, depends on the railway infrastructur

18、e being in place. Improving the efficiency of transport modes also presents a challenge. There are only a few market- ready technologies and solutions today that ca</p><p>  2.3New Trends and Developments i

19、n Business</p><p>  According to Gourdin (2006) there are many trends and developments indicating that, for most companies, long- term success will be strongly linked to more sustainable business concepts. T

20、he following are some of the trends and developments that are likely to shape businesses by 2020:</p><p>  ?Customers will place sustainability factors higher on their strategic agendas, creating demand fo

21、r and incentivizing the production of sustainable products and services. One key driver will be the need to measure and reduce his own carbon footprint.</p><p>  ?Investors will expect companies to adopt mo

22、re sustainable business models, such as producing goods and services with fewer natural resources, or by demonstrating how they intend to manage the risk of future environmental and social regulations. Expectations of ho

23、w a company reports on its sustainability-related performance, as well as the frequency of reporting, will also increase.</p><p>  ?Employees will be encouraged to transfer their sustainable behaviours fro

24、m the home to the workplace. A company’s sustainability-related performance will become even more important in recruiting and retaining employees.</p><p>  ?Political leaders will support increasingly stri

25、cter sustain- ability legislation (e.g., carbon accounting, biofuels, cross border/ entry regulations that help avoid empty trucks, air traffic control restructuring), and foster alternative Technologies (e. g., solar pa

26、nels, electric vehicles).</p><p>  ?Industry alliances will be organized to set standards (e.g., the Clean Cargo Working Group), and promote new ways of thinking (e.g., subcontractor management, and the iss

27、ue of companies being both customers and subcontractors to each other). Although some of these elements may sound visionary, the transport and logistics sector has already started to change its trends towards a more sust

28、ainable approach. The transformation to a greener business is right on our doorstep.</p><p>  3. Results - Key developments of global Logistics Environment towards sustainability</p><p>  3.1. L

29、ogistics services - strategic importance in the move towards a low-carbon economy.</p><p>  Today, logistics services are mainly viewed as a commodity where price rules. Grant (2013) suppose, that this will

30、change as customers, policymakers, and companies begin to realize that logistics services and expertise are the key elements to providing sustainable solutions. Within the push and pull of customer demands and regulatory

31、 measures on the one side, and innovative improvements on the other, logistics will become an industry where comprehensive expertise and service quality dominate ove</p><p>  3.2Technological Changes – New

32、Concerted Drive from Companies, Governments and Financial Institutions</p><p>  While all actors, both political and commercial, understand that technology can provide important sustainable solutions, financ

33、ial constraints and longer payback periods still hamper investments. This is true not only for new and innovative technologies, but also existing ones as well. As few companies will be willing to carry these costs alone,

34、 business, policymakers and financial institutions will have to work together to promote investments. This change will be ushered in by rethinking on man</p><p>  Lemoine and Dagnaes (2003) present, that sus

35、tainability will become an important factor calculated into any investment decision. Incorporating carbon efficiency targets in the annual assessment of managers is yet another method companies will use to promote sustai

36、nability. With incentives and proper funding, research and development in new technologies or solutions will also increase. Financial institutions will play a twofold role in supporting companies. In particular, innovati

37、ve funding instr</p><p>  3.3Collaboration along the Supply Chain - Enabler to Attain Sustainability</p><p>  The move towards sustainable logistics will bring about an increased level of coope

38、ration among all actors in society, business and government, as they set up standards, agree on price tags and support binding regulations. But business models will change as well, as companies discover that sustainabili

39、ty calls for more collaborative approaches. Malindzak et al, (2010) review the vertical cooperation long the supply chain between customers, suppliers and service providers is already common throug</p><p>  

40、3.4New Business Models of Logistics Companies - Sustainable Innovations</p><p>  Electric vehicles will probably have the largest impact on the logistics industry, with low-noise night deliveries becoming c

41、ommon practice. Vast fleets of these vehicles could also become a part of “smart grids,” with their batteries being charged during periods of low demand (or high supply). Hooked to the grid, their batteries might become

42、a source of energy for others during times of high demand – thus making logistics companies not only consumers, but also managers of energy. The ongoing de</p><p>  3.5Standardization CO2 Labeling – Way to

43、Transparency Business Operations in Supply Chain</p><p>  Grant et al., (2006) suppose that consumers have the power to enforce change through their buying decisions. But they will also demand more transpare

44、ncy, especially when paying a premium for sustainable solutions. Manufacturers will therefore put great effort into establishing comprehensive carbon accounting, controlling and management systems. Logistics companies wi

45、ll use their expertise and knowledge of processes to collect this data, thus supporting efforts to develop standardized CO2 labelin</p><p>  3.6Carbon Emissions - part of a business’ accounting and decision

46、-making process</p><p>  Transparency provided by labeling and standards is only the first step. An important incentive to make businesses and logistics more sustainable will come with carbon emissions becom

47、ing just as much a factor in a company’s accounting and decision-making process as costs for procurement or personnel. To reduce risk and support their planning, companies will demand that costs incurred by carbon emissi

48、ons be calculable – thus calling forth the need for emission price tags. One of the ways governmen</p><p>  3.7Carbon Pricing - Regulatory Measures of Companies</p><p>  A major challenge for t

49、he success of these measures is providing for a level playing field. Common standards and rules, in according to Grant (2013), that apply to all actors in the business, will therefore need to be introduced. At the start,

50、 the industry will see a drive to implement accurate but feasible standards for CO2 accounting and reporting across the sector. Besides enabling the customer to compare products and services, this will ensure that, when

51、future regulatory measures are passed</p><p>  4. Discussion</p><p>  The paper attempts to apply that Logistics is the integrated management of all the activities required to move products thro

52、ugh the supply chain. For a typical product this supply chain extends from a raw material source through the production and distribution system to the point of consumption and the associated reverse logistics. The logist

53、ical activities comprise freight transport, storage, inventory management, materials handling and all the related information processing. The main objective</p><p>  5. Conclusion</p><p>  Signi

54、ficant carbon reduction results can already be achieved today. This is not only true for sourcing and manufacturing strategies, but even more so for goods distribution. Optimizing the design of a distribution network, us

55、ing the right modes of transportation and efficiently managing load capacity and routes can all be very effective instruments to cut carbon emissions as well as costs. Furthermore, implementing a comprehensive set of cit

56、y logistics solutions can also lead to carbon savings w</p><p>  In addition, an overwhelming majority of transport/ logistics customers agree with the proposition that there should be clear standards for th

57、e offsetting of transport-related carbon emissions, as well as an evaluation by independent organizations. This certainly is an area where political support could make a difference and contribute to the development of gr

58、eener transport. On a similar note, a clear majority of end consumers said they would, in future, pay attention to carbon footprint measur</p><p>  Acknowledgements</p><p>  This paper is prepar

59、ed with the support of the project "Education quality and human resources development as the pillars of a knowledge society at the Faculty PEDAS, University of Zilina in Zilina“, ITMS project code 26110230083, Unive

60、rsity of Zilina. Modern knowledge society education / Project is co-financed by the EC funds.</p><p>  References</p><p>  Ballou, R.,H., (2006). Revenue Estimation for Logistics Customer Servic

61、e Offerings. The International Journal of Logistics Management. v. 17,n. 1, p. 21-37.</p><p>  Basl, J., (2002). Podnikove informacni systemy, Grada Publishing, Praha. pp. 185.</p><p>  Ceniga,

62、P., Sukalova, V., (2012). Logistika v manazmente podniku. EDIS, Zilina, pp. 288.</p><p>  Cornillie, I., Macharis, C., (2005). Driving forces behind the evolution of transport ton kilometres, Proceedings: BI

63、VEC-CIBET Transport research day.</p><p>  Erhart, Ch., et al., (2010). Delivering tomorrow towards sustainable Logistics. Bonn: Deutsche Post DHL, pp. 156.</p><p>  Gourdin, K., N., (2006). Glo

64、bal logistics management. Blackwell Publishing, Oxford, pp. 318.</p><p>  Grant, D., B., et al., (2006). Fundamentals of logistics management. McGraw- Hill education, New York, pp. 436.</p><p> 

65、 Grant, D., B., et al., (2013). Sustaiable Logistics and Supply Chain Management. Kogan Page Ltd., New York pp. 256.</p><p>  Kille, Ch., Schwemmer, M., (2014). Die TOP 100 der Logistik Erscheinungsjahr, pp.

66、560.</p><p>  Kliestik, T., (2013). Optimization of transport routes based on graph theory as a part of transport inteligence system. Transport means,</p><p>  Proceedings of the international s

67、cience conference 13´, University of Technology, Kaunas, 308-311.</p><p>  Lemoine, W., Dagnaes, L., (2003). Globalisation strategies and business organisation of a network of logistics service provider

68、s, International</p><p>  Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management, Vol.33, No. 3.</p><p>  Malindzak, D., Straka, M., Rossova, M.,(2010). Zaklady logistiky podniku, SCL Kosice

69、pp. 286.</p><p>  Pernica, P., (2004). Logistika (Supply Chain Management) pro 21. stoleti, 1. - 3. dil. Radix, Praha, pp. 785.</p><p>  Stern, N.,( 2007). The Economics of Climate Change. Cambr

70、idge University Press, pp. 712.</p><p>  Stevenson, W., J., (2002). Operations Management, 7th ed., McGraw-Hill/Irwin, NY. pp. 235.</p><p>  全球化進(jìn)程中物流管理的未來</p><p>  Pavel Ceniga, Vie

71、ra Sukalova</p><p><b>  摘要</b></p><p>  本文論述了生態(tài)未來發(fā)展的趨勢,強(qiáng)調(diào)物流管理可持續(xù)發(fā)展方面的專業(yè)人士和合作伙伴的利益,假設(shè)經(jīng)濟(jì)需求,客戶需求和監(jiān)管措施也將走向可持續(xù)發(fā)展。未來幾年物流業(yè)的可持續(xù)發(fā)展最有可能由七個(gè)關(guān)鍵發(fā)展構(gòu)成。本文中的預(yù)測是基于下面的假設(shè),當(dāng)前可持續(xù)趨勢將繼續(xù),物流服務(wù)商將尋求方法將可持續(xù)發(fā)展融入其業(yè)務(wù)

72、模式和交易中。</p><p>  關(guān)鍵詞:物流管理;可持續(xù)發(fā)展;全球化;綠色物流</p><p><b>  1.介紹</b></p><p>  在當(dāng)今這個(gè)復(fù)雜的社會,可持續(xù)發(fā)展涉及到個(gè)人或利益相關(guān)群體在動態(tài)的政治,社會或生態(tài)系統(tǒng)中的行為。這種系統(tǒng)的特點(diǎn)是有大量的非線性行為影響因素。因此,這些系統(tǒng)中存在極端的狀態(tài),往往伴隨著系統(tǒng)的高度不穩(wěn)定


74、保意思的提高,這增加了綠色環(huán)保的需求;可持續(xù)發(fā)展的經(jīng)濟(jì)驅(qū)動力的重要性日益上升;以及這方面日益增長的政治行動和監(jiān)管。在世界各國努力達(dá)成共識,并采取全面的方法來應(yīng)對全球氣候變化時(shí),世界各地也已經(jīng)或正在開始實(shí)施許多監(jiān)管措施,旨在限制交通中的碳排放。監(jiān)管已經(jīng)成為一個(gè)重要的因素,將會是推動綠色物流行業(yè)中的一個(gè)關(guān)鍵驅(qū)動力(Pernica,2004)。</p><p>  2.全球化進(jìn)程中物流在經(jīng)濟(jì)、組織中的作用</p&

75、gt;<p>  在我們生活的這個(gè)高度互聯(lián)的世界里,下一次購物交易或國際商業(yè)機(jī)會可能只需點(diǎn)擊幾次鼠標(biāo),運(yùn)輸和物流部門扮演的角色越來越重要。物流和運(yùn)輸公司不僅有助于原材料的采購和供給,而且在裝配、儲存產(chǎn)品和將成品推向市場方面也至關(guān)重要。物流通過物聯(lián)網(wǎng)連接人和市場,他的重要性與虛擬網(wǎng)絡(luò)的因特網(wǎng)一樣重要。它使最新的“必需品”工具在最短時(shí)間內(nèi)遍布全球成為可能,而且可以幫助把救命疫苗和藥品運(yùn)送到偏遠(yuǎn)地區(qū)的戰(zhàn)地醫(yī)院去。物流是經(jīng)濟(jì)增長、

76、財(cái)富創(chuàng)造和就業(yè)的關(guān)鍵驅(qū)動力。就其對經(jīng)濟(jì)的直接貢獻(xiàn)而言,物流和快遞服務(wù)產(chǎn)值占全球GDP的9%左右。2009年,僅在歐盟,物流部門創(chuàng)造了1萬億的歐元的收徒,占了歐洲GDP的10%左右。與此同時(shí),運(yùn)輸和物流業(yè)在全球創(chuàng)造了越來越多的就業(yè)機(jī)會。比如,在德國,大約有260萬的人從事物流行業(yè)(占整個(gè)德國勞動力的7%)(Ballou,2006)</p><p>  Kille和Schwemmer(2014)描述,隨著物流在全球化



79、劃必須盡可能優(yōu)化,減少庫存和減低管理成本。在所有這一切中</p><p>  2.1 可持續(xù)發(fā)展模式的重要性</p><p>  根據(jù)Erhart 等人(2010)的觀點(diǎn),物流業(yè)在顯著地促進(jìn)經(jīng)濟(jì)增長,增加就業(yè)和全球市場的創(chuàng)造的同時(shí),必須同樣明白在全球貿(mào)易及運(yùn)輸引起的環(huán)境影響中的責(zé)任,特別是對氣候變化的相關(guān)責(zé)任。正如物流促進(jìn)了全球經(jīng)濟(jì)繁榮,它現(xiàn)在需要幫助實(shí)現(xiàn)生態(tài)可持續(xù)發(fā)展和低碳經(jīng)濟(jì)。一切業(yè)務(wù)

80、照舊不是他們的選擇,Stern (2007)已經(jīng)介紹了氣候變化的經(jīng)濟(jì)后果——經(jīng)濟(jì)下滑占全球GDP的5% -20%,而島嶼國家即將被洪水淹沒的社會后果已不需要闡述。這種氣候變化的情況不包括下面這一情況,目前大多數(shù)運(yùn)輸所需的關(guān)鍵自然資源即石油的生產(chǎn)將急劇下降。人們開始意識到物流業(yè)是二氧化碳排放的主要來源。根據(jù)聯(lián)合國政府間氣候變化專門委員會(IPCC,2007),運(yùn)輸,包括貨運(yùn)和私人運(yùn)輸排放的溫室氣體占了全球溫室氣體(GHG)排放量的13.1

81、%。世界經(jīng)濟(jì)論壇(2009)計(jì)算,物流業(yè)每年溫室氣體排放量有2.8公噸,約占全球溫室氣體排放量的5.5%左右。公路貨運(yùn)排放了超過1500兆噸的二氧化碳排以及其他溫室氣體,大約占了物流運(yùn)輸業(yè)溫室氣體排放的60%。在每噸公里的排放量評估中,現(xiàn)在的航空貨運(yùn)仍然是最密集的碳運(yùn)輸方式,即使新一代飛機(jī)的燃料使</p><p>  2.2 低碳物流解決方案</p><p>  雖然物流部門應(yīng)對氣候變化挑



84、BCSD)或聯(lián)合國全球契約號召各個(gè)地區(qū)和行業(yè)的公司共同致力于以更加可持續(xù)的方式做生意,這件事情</p><p>  2.3 商業(yè)發(fā)展的新趨勢</p><p>  Gourdin(2006)指出,許多的發(fā)展趨勢表明,對大多數(shù)公司來說,長期的成功與可持續(xù)發(fā)展的商業(yè)概念密切相關(guān)。以下是有可能在2020年前創(chuàng)造商業(yè)機(jī)會的一些趨勢和發(fā)展:</p><p>  ?客戶將把持續(xù)發(fā)

85、展因素放在其戰(zhàn)略議程的重要位置,創(chuàng)造可持續(xù)產(chǎn)品和服務(wù)的需求和鼓勵(lì)可持續(xù)產(chǎn)品和服務(wù)的生產(chǎn)。一個(gè)關(guān)鍵的驅(qū)動因素是需要測量和減少客戶自己的碳足跡。</p><p>  ?投資者期望公司采取更可持續(xù)的商業(yè)模式,如利用更少的自然資源生產(chǎn)商品或服務(wù),或通過展示他們打算如何管理未來環(huán)境和社會法規(guī)的風(fēng)險(xiǎn)。對公司如何報(bào)告其可持續(xù)發(fā)展相關(guān)的表現(xiàn),以及報(bào)告的頻率的預(yù)期將增加。</p><p>  ?員工將被鼓勵(lì)

86、將其可持續(xù)行為從家庭轉(zhuǎn)移到工作場所。一個(gè)公司的可持續(xù)發(fā)展相關(guān)的表現(xiàn)在招聘和留住員工方面變得更為重要。</p><p>  ?政治領(lǐng)導(dǎo)人將支持日益嚴(yán)格的可持續(xù)性發(fā)展立法(例如,碳核算,生物燃料,避免空車運(yùn)輸?shù)目缇?入境條例,空中交通管制重組),并加快替代技術(shù)的研發(fā)(如太陽能電池板,電動汽車)。</p><p>  ?企業(yè)聯(lián)盟將組織制定標(biāo)準(zhǔn)(例如,清潔貨物工作組),并促進(jìn)新的思維方式發(fā)展(例如

87、,分包商管理,以及彼此互為客戶和分包商的企業(yè)的問題)。雖然其中有些標(biāo)準(zhǔn)聽起來是空洞的,但是運(yùn)輸和物流部門已經(jīng)開始改變并且走向一種更可持續(xù)的道路。向綠色商業(yè)轉(zhuǎn)變機(jī)會就在我們身邊。</p><p>  3 結(jié)果-全球物流環(huán)境可持續(xù)發(fā)展的關(guān)鍵點(diǎn)</p><p>  3.1 物流服務(wù):邁向低碳經(jīng)濟(jì)的戰(zhàn)略重要性</p><p>  如今,物流服務(wù)被視為價(jià)格主導(dǎo)的商品。Gran

88、t (2013)認(rèn)為,這種情況將會改變,因?yàn)榭蛻簦咧贫ㄕ吆凸鹃_始認(rèn)識到,物流服務(wù)和專業(yè)知識是提供可持續(xù)解決方案的關(guān)鍵要素。在客戶需求的推動和拉動下以及一邊采監(jiān)管措施,一邊進(jìn)行創(chuàng)新的情況下,物流業(yè)將成為一個(gè)全面由專業(yè)知識和服務(wù)質(zhì)量主導(dǎo)市場簡單定價(jià)問題的行業(yè)。隨著經(jīng)濟(jì)和環(huán)境問題的交集日益密切交織,這也將使得物流企業(yè)脫離商品供應(yīng)商的稱號,成為稱職的咨詢合作伙伴,幫助供應(yīng)鏈和分銷過程“脫碳”。領(lǐng)先的物流公司將會是那些具有獨(dú)特賣點(diǎn)和可以提供


90、程的看法,并從戰(zhàn)略層面去對待它,因?yàn)槲锪骺梢悦黠@影響公司的市場地位。這種情況</p><p>  3.2技術(shù)變革--來自公司、政府和金融機(jī)構(gòu)的新的共同驅(qū)動</p><p>  雖然來自政界和商界的人都知道技術(shù)可以提供重要的可持續(xù)解決方案,財(cái)務(wù)約束和回收期長仍然阻礙了物流行業(yè)的投資。新技術(shù)和創(chuàng)新的技術(shù)如此,現(xiàn)有的技術(shù)也是如此。由于很少有公司愿意單獨(dú)承擔(dān)這些成本,企業(yè)、政策制定者和金融機(jī)構(gòu)必須

91、共同努力促進(jìn)投資.。在許多層面上重新思考物流服務(wù)將帶來這些變化。企業(yè)需要接受回收期長的投資;決策者需要制定稅收優(yōu)惠和綠色采購義務(wù)等激勵(lì)措施,以獎(jiǎng)勵(lì)那些將減少碳排放在首位的公司。而且,金融機(jī)構(gòu)也可以支持可持續(xù)的商業(yè)慣例,例如通過開發(fā)創(chuàng)新貸款來支持能源效率措施。在公司內(nèi)部,這包括投資政策的變化。越來越多的公司會考慮更長回報(bào)時(shí)間的節(jié)能措施。</p><p>  Lemoine和Dagnaes(2003)提出,可持續(xù)發(fā)展


93、越來越普及。政府的政策,無論是提供低息貸款,還是通過直接補(bǔ)貼,都將促進(jìn)可持續(xù)發(fā)展科技和概念的發(fā)展和使用,直到市場大眾化。舉個(gè)例子,許多國家都已經(jīng)開始支持混合動力、電動或其他低排放的車輛。但是這些激勵(lì)措施必須小心管理。否則,有保障的長期的金融支持會阻礙技術(shù)進(jìn)步和突破。</p><p>  3.3 供應(yīng)鏈協(xié)同合作、實(shí)現(xiàn)可持續(xù)發(fā)展的推動者</p><p>  可持續(xù)物流發(fā)展進(jìn)程將會提高社會、企業(yè)


95、是遵守競爭規(guī)則,以保證這些新的商業(yè)模式的法律確定性。但是目前,許多公司仍然在密切合作、分享專業(yè)技術(shù)和將敏感信息置于風(fēng)險(xiǎn)方面持謹(jǐn)慎態(tài)度。盡管如此,大多數(shù)企業(yè)客戶已經(jīng)強(qiáng)烈表示同意橫向合作,從而減少二氧化碳的排放量。這個(gè)客戶群體數(shù)量在未來十年內(nèi)將顯著增加。</p><p>  3.4 物流企業(yè)的新商業(yè)模式-永續(xù)創(chuàng)新</p><p>  電動汽車對物流行業(yè)的影響可能是最大的產(chǎn)生,夜間低噪音交付成為


97、式傳送到收信地址附近的配送中心,并該配送中心打印并送達(dá)最終目的地?,F(xiàn)在甚至電子郵件都正在享受郵政服務(wù),電子郵件正在不斷提供更加安全的版本,與信件具有一樣的約束力。</p><p>  3.5 標(biāo)準(zhǔn)化CO2標(biāo)簽-供應(yīng)鏈透明業(yè)務(wù)運(yùn)作的途徑</p><p>  Grant 等人(2006)假設(shè)消費(fèi)者有權(quán)力通過他們的購買決定實(shí)行改變。但他們也將要求更多的透明度,特別在當(dāng)支付可持續(xù)解決方案的費(fèi)用時(shí)。

98、因此,制造商將努力建立全面的碳核算,控制和管理系統(tǒng)。物流公司將利用他們的專業(yè)知識和流程的知識來收集這些數(shù)據(jù),從而支持開發(fā)容易理解的、透明和便于比較的標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的二氧化碳標(biāo)簽。目前,這種透明度主要用于公司內(nèi)部的綠色產(chǎn)品。但物流公司將會認(rèn)識到,他們有一個(gè)共同的利益,和政府一起制定被所有人接受的標(biāo)準(zhǔn)和標(biāo)簽。政府將通過促進(jìn)提供二氧化碳排放透明度的國際標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的形成來支持這一整體發(fā)展。</p><p>  3.6 碳排放——企業(yè)核算

99、和決策過程中的一部分</p><p>  標(biāo)簽和標(biāo)準(zhǔn)所提供的透明度只是第一步。使企業(yè)和物流更可持續(xù)的一個(gè)主要因素將和碳排放一起將成為公司核算和決策過程中的主要因素,是采購成本或人事成本。為了降低風(fēng)險(xiǎn),支持他們的計(jì)劃,公司將要求碳排放成本的計(jì)算–從而促進(jìn)了碳排放價(jià)格標(biāo)簽的需求。政府將通過引入碳定價(jià)框架來促進(jìn)這一發(fā)展.。兩種工具似乎是最有可能的:限額貿(mào)易或稅收制度。兩者都有自己的優(yōu)點(diǎn)。限額貿(mào)易需要設(shè)置一個(gè)具體的減少目

100、標(biāo),同時(shí)允許在如何達(dá)成目標(biāo)上有一定的靈活性。例如,在中長期中,碳信用可以成為像歐元或美元這樣的可交易貨幣。一個(gè)是世界上最大的碳排放交易體系已經(jīng)成立:歐盟碳排放交易體系(EU ETS)。2012年1月,航空業(yè)是第一個(gè)被納入歐盟碳排放交易體系的運(yùn)輸相關(guān)的產(chǎn)業(yè)。但限額貿(mào)易系統(tǒng)也有不好的一面。碳排放成為價(jià)值波動的商品,從而增加了金融的不確定性。政府將動用的第二項(xiàng)工具是對化石燃料的燃燒征稅,借此抑制化石燃料使用,并鼓勵(lì)使用替代能源。許多國家早就已


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